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Flag of England - part of the flag of Great Britain

Each country has its own national symbolism, which is a sign of difference and tells something about it. These are flags, hymns, colors, seals, emblems, emblems, slogans and much more. In this article we will talk about England, or rather about its flag, which in its own way is unique and noteworthy.

The Union of Three

As the flag of England looks like, everyone knows, even one who has not studied English and is generally far from it. The official name of England is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And the beautiful flag of this state is called "Union Jack", which means "united flags". Why is that?

The fact is that the UK includes three historical areas of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Each of them has its own flag, the elements of which are "stacked" in the general banner of Great Britain, which symbolizes their unification.

The history of the flag of England begins in 1603. It was then that Jacob, king of Scotland, received the English throne at his disposal. Despite the fact that both of these states remained independent, an alliance was concluded between them. And in 1606 a new symbol of this association was approved: the Scottish banner was imposed on the flag of England.

Originally it was used only on military and commercial sea vessels. But since 1707, when both kingdoms united in one - the Kingdom of Great Britain, this flag became a symbol of the new state. Then, many years later, in 1801, Ireland became part of England. Then a new flag was created, in which the symbol of the Irish was added. It is in this form that it exists today.

Flag of England

The main component of the British flag is a straight red cross on a white background. It is called "the cross of St. George" (St. George). He is considered the patron of the English since the Middle Ages. According to legend, in the troubled years of the Crusades, where the legionaries of England especially showed courage, St. George became their guardian and custodian of the banks of the Foggy Albion.

By the way, much later St. George the Victorious was recognized as the patron of the Russian people.

Flags of Scotland and Ireland

The Scottish banner shows a white diagonal cross on a blue background. It is the symbol of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. In Russia, this cross is called "Andreevsky", and it personifies St. Andrew the First-Called, the defender of all Christians. This banner was mainly used on English ships.

Irish symbolism is similar to the flag of England, only with a diagonal red cross. It is the symbol of the patron saint of the Irish - Saint Patrick. He was considered to be an advocate of Catholics and missionaries.

An interesting detail: the flag of the United Kingdom contains the symbolism of historical areas, but it lacks the emblem of Wales (Welsh dragon). On this issue there are still disputes, but they have not yet reached an acceptable variant for all. Although some consider this to be discrimination, the English flag remains traditional and unchanged since 1801, when it was approved.

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