
Merchandising or merchandising - how to write correctly? Using foreign words in Russian

The vocabulary of the Russian language has been actively replenished for a number of years due to the borrowing of foreign words. Each of us daily uses the expressions, which came from English, German, Italian, French. Modern dictionaries that interpret the meaning of foreign words include tens of thousands of positions.

The use of borrowing raises heated debates on various issues. How to write correctly and how to pronounce foreign words? Is it appropriate to use them in Russian? Is it possible to avoid the use of borrowing? Is it worth fighting for the purity of native speech?

There are no unequivocal answers, hence the hot debate. But we'll try to figure out what's what.

Why do borrow words appear ?

The process occurs for several reasons:

  1. There are new subjects and concepts invented in other countries. Most often they are connected with technology, economics, culture, business. For example: radio, performance, marketing.
  2. Active social ties between different countries lead to the penetration of words from one language to another. A striking example of this is the official status of the French language among aristocratic circles in the 17th century.
  3. Borrowings are used to refer to scientific and technical terms.
  4. Words from other languages are used when it is necessary to concretize two concepts that are close in meaning. For example, "fear" and "panic."
  5. The use of foreign expressions is a fashion trend.

Do we need borrowing?

The use of foreign words in Russian is a natural process. Time goes on. There are new things, scientific directions, cultural phenomena. Economy and politics do not stand still. Far not always for foreign innovation can choose a Russian-language equivalent. In such cases, borrowing is the only reasonable solution.

But what do we see now? Borrowings now perform not only their original function. They gradually displace Russian words with the same meaning.

We constantly hear: "absolute", "adequate", "humane", "detailed", "potential". But do these words have no Russian-speaking counterparts? The worse: "perfect", "appropriate", "humane", "detailed", "possible"?

With the use of unjustified borrowing, you can encounter literally everywhere: on the radio, in the press, on television. In the speech of politicians, celebrities and ordinary people.

Far from always using foreign words is reasonable. Sometimes it can lead to misunderstanding. Or put a person in an embarrassing situation, because there are often cases when borrowing is used, even without knowing their meaning.

Of course, enriching the Russian language at the expense of foreign words is a natural process. It is impossible to avoid it. But each of us can not refuse to use unjustified loans. The Russian language is one of the most living, beautiful and rich. It is worth fighting for its purity and originality, and not ousting native words with foreign languages.

How to write correctly borrowed words?

Writing and pronunciation of borrowing can not be explained by the rules of the Russian language. For this reason, several variants of the same word appear. For example, there are different pronunciations of the word "marketing". Some believe that the stress falls on "a", others - on "e".

The emergence of such variations is connected with the fact that many people believe that a foreign word, getting into Russian, should preserve the same spelling and pronunciation as in the original source.

However, this opinion is erroneous. In most borrowed words, the stress changes. By analogy with Russian words, borrowed ones are rebuilt under the already existing models in the language.

Not only stress is changed, but also spelling. Having opened the dictionary of foreign words, you can see that in many words the writing of doubled consonants is not preserved . For example, in Anglicles, "shopping", "spammer".

The stress in borrowing, just like writing, does not always depend on the source. Foreign words are rearranged to the existing in the Russian language models and rules.

In order to prove this statement, we will try to find out how to write correctly: "merchandising" or "merchandising".

What is merchandising?

The concept of "merchandising", which came to us from the English language, is now used quite often. But not everyone understands its significance.

"Merchandising" comes from the word "merchandise", the translation of which sounds like a commodity, products, attributes. However, in Russian it acquired a different meaning.

Merchandising - one of the main components of marketing, responsible for retail sales of goods. It means preliminary planning and preparation of trading halls. The main goal of merchandising is to attract customers to purchase a specific product.

As can be seen from this definition, the literal translation of foreign words does not always reflect the significance that borrowing acquires in the Russian language.

How correctly: "merchandising" or "merchandising"?

Wandering through the pages of the Internet, you can meet many variants of writing, down to "mirchundayzinga." A similar problem often arises with regard to long foreign words. Not knowing what rules and norms to follow, people invent new variations in writing borrowings.

Having looked through the Internet dictionaries, it is possible to draw conclusions that both variants are admissible: "merchandising" and "merchandising". However, the "Explanatory Dictionary of Borrowed Words" Krysina LP Argues that only the first spelling can be considered correct.

Books on merchandising, published in Russian, magazines and other publications use the option of writing through "a". This suggests that the generally accepted right option is still "merchandising".

Why are there different spelling on the Internet?

If you enter "merchandising" or "merchandising" in any search engine, on the first page of the issue you will receive sites with both variants of writing a word. This is due to the fact that for some time statistics showed that people are much more likely to seek information on the "merchandising" option.

The bulk of Internet users do not have a philological education and are not interested in how foreign words are written. From there and depressing statistics.

In order to increase the level of visiting sites, the owners, for the sake of users, began to use the writing of "merchandising".

However, now statistics show that the generally accepted version is more popular. On the Wordstart site, writing "merchandising" or "merchandising", you can see that the number of requests for the first option is twice as large as the second.

Why did the "merchandising" option appear?

To understand why there were several variants of pronunciation, the primary language will help us.

The transcription of the English word "merchandise" looks like [ɜɜ: tʃ (ə) ndaız]. That is, the word is written, through "a", but is read through "e". Probably because of this and formed two variants of pronunciation. Some, based on writing, chose the right "merchandising". Others, guided by pronunciation, are "merchandising."

How not to be mistaken in writing other borrowings?

As we have already explained, the spelling of foreign words can not be explained by the norms of the Russian language. Do not always help you know how they are written in the original. Internet dictionaries may not give an exact answer.

The most reliable way not to be mistaken is to memorize the spelling of foreign words that are found in printed publications. If you need to use the borrowing, with which you meet for the first time, you should refer to one of the "Explanatory Dictionaries of Foreign Words": Krysina LP, Pavlenkova F., Sitnikova MA Or other authors.

Of course, for a Russian person to remember a long borrowing is not so simple. Often they are difficult to understand, pronounce and write. However, if you constantly pay attention to foreign words in newspapers, books, magazines, signboards in shops and advertising banners, it is not difficult to use them unerringly.

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