
Find out why you want to sleep constantly

Everyone remembers David Fincher's famous film "Fight Club". The protagonist always wanted to sleep, but for everything else there was absolutely no desire. Many of us also had to face such a state. What are its causes, and how to deal with it?

First of all, it is necessary to say that if you do not determine why you want to sleep, you solve the problem by absorbing coffee, this will only exacerbate the situation. This is a short-term rescue, and sooner or later even a miraculous drink can not help you. Moreover, caffeine is addictive, which is comparable to drug addiction, which, obviously, does not go to the body for good.

So, they refused coffee. But why do you want to sleep, especially when you need to do important things? One of the reasons is the lack of vitamins in the body. Surely you noticed that in the fall and spring, sleep tends to be stronger than in summer and winter. This is a consequence of avitominosis. A good option for its elimination will be the use of a large number of fresh fruits. You can resort to vitamin complexes, released in the form of tablets, but remember that synthetic substances often have not only a positive effect.

You should focus on vitamins B, C and D. In addition, iodine and iron are responsible for the vigor of body and spirit. The latter will be discussed in more detail.

Iodine is found in large quantities in sea kale. It has a specific taste, but it perfectly solves the problem of the deficiency of this substance in the body.

If you are tired, you want to sleep and do not have strength, try to eat more foods with iron content. In large quantities it is found in red meat. For vegetarians, buckwheat will be an excellent option. Only it should be remembered that the non-heme iron that is part of it is digested better in combination with vitamin C (so, it is better to eat it with fresh or stewed vegetables - or to eat fruit before eating). And dairy products interfere with digestion.

During the exercises, endorphins are also released - hormones of joy. Probably, their small amount in your body is the cause of apathy. Increase their content helps your favorite thing. Do you have a hobby? If not, then urgently find employment to your liking. Watching movies, much less "walking" on the Internet does not count. Moreover, you should know that pastime at the screen inevitably takes away your strength, and there is nothing surprising in that the body feels weak and wants to sleep - you do not relax, but only strain.

In addition, to increase the level of iron will help physical activity in the fresh air. It can be just running or even fast walking. And in general: physical activity will help you cheer up, improve your mood and relieve fatigue.

What else could be the reason? Why do you want to sleep again and again? Pay attention to your regime of the day. How long have you been in the kingdom of Morpheus? Ideal option is the notorious 7-8 hours, but you should take into account the peculiarities of your body. Probably, this time is not enough for you. Try to sleep 1-2 hours longer, lying down earlier.

In conclusion, I want to say that people who are wondering why they want to sleep during the day, you need to learn how to relax properly. Learn the simplest method of relaxation, take up aromatherapy, take a bath, just take a walk outside the city - fatigue as a hand will remove.

Be cheerful and healthy!

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