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How do bacteria feed? Structure and life activity of bacteria

Bacteria are the simplest microorganisms. Most often they have only one cell. In nature, there are both beneficial and harmful microorganisms for humans and the world. One way or another, they all have a primitive structure and a small size. After reading the article, you can find out how bacteria feed, multiply and breathe.

General information about bacteria

Bacteria are the supercarship of prokaryotic microorganisms. Today, over five thousand of its representatives are known. Scientists claim that in fact, microscopic beings are much more. Bacteriology is a branch of science that studies the simplest microorganisms.

Their size is on average 0.5-5 microns. All of them are divided into two subgroups - unicellular and multicellular. The first carry out absolutely all the processes that are inherent in a living organism. It is worth noting that most bacteria are mobile.

The term "bacterium" as an independent unit arose in the late 70-ies of the last century. Previously, it was synonymous with prokaryotes. As a result of research in 1977 it was found that they are divided into two subgroups. One of them uses the term "bacterium".

The process of respiration in bacteria

To reproduce the respiration process, many microorganisms, as well as humans, need oxygen. Such representatives are called aerobes. However, there are also those protozoa that do not need air. Oxygen for such microscopic creatures is a kind of poison. Their scientific name is anaerobes.

They live in the upper, as well as loose soil layers, in food and water. They make their life at great depths in the soil, water bodies, and also directly in the mud. It is worth noting that the respiration of aerobic bacteria is impossible where anaerobes live.

It's no secret that the vital activity of microorganisms can cause fermentation. Breathing bacteria is a kind of provocateur of this process. The most vivid example is yeast. As a result of their fermentation, carbon dioxide and water are formed.

Nutrition of the simplest microorganisms. Parasitism

How do bacteria feed and what is parasitism? These questions are often of interest not only to biologists, but also to curious people. The answers to them you can find in our article.

Microorganisms that feed on organic substances are divided into two groups - saprotrophs and parasites. The former use rotten leftovers of food, while the latter live off other animals. Today, parasitism is a fairly common phenomenon. It is found both in microorganisms themselves, and in humans, as well as in animals. It is often parasitism that can cause a serious illness.

It is known that microorganisms have two modes of nutrition. Heterotrophic organisms are microscopic creatures that use organic substances for their development. The second group includes autotrophs - microorganisms, which themselves provide themselves with food. These are cyanobacteria, iron bacteria, and also serobacteria. The first play an important role in the process of photosynthesis. It is the cyanobacteria that create organic substances from inorganic substances.

Heterotrophic organisms can be divided into three groups: parasites, saprophytes and symbionts. As a rule, parasitic bacteria carry out their vital activity in the body of animals, birds, fish or people. They can also live on the surface of the skin. Bacteria can often parasitize plants. It should be noted that heterotrophic bacteria can not carry out their vital activity on a healthy representative of the flora. This can happen only if there are fresh wounds on its surface. Often, seeds and bulbs become infected. In this case, the infection is transmitted vegetatively. The cause of bacterial disease can be rain or artificial irrigation. The most common infection is spread by insects, mites and birds. In the human body, parasitism can cause tuberculosis, influenza, diarrhea, cholera and plague.

Saprophytes and symbionts

Saprophytes are bacteria that feed on dead organic matter. They extract micronutrients from non-living material, and then leave their enzymes there. They assimilate the dissolved substances.

Symbiotes are bacteria that not only live together with other organisms, but also bring them invaluable benefits. For example, such microscopic creatures live in tubers of legumes. They assimilate nitrogen, which is fertilizer for the plant. In the human body and animal there are also symbionts. They allow you to maximally qualitatively process processed food, as well as highlight vitally important vitamins for health.

Useful properties of bacteria

Surprisingly, the total weight of microorganisms that fill our body is about two kilograms. Useful bacteria that inhabit the body of a living being are called microbiota. In every organism there are more than a million. Microbiota is responsible for good health. Useful bacteria protect the body from pathogens.

The most important zone of microbiota distribution is the intestine. Useful bacteria create an acidic environment, which can not tolerate pathogens.

Natural protection

The properties of bacteria that are in the respiratory tract of a person and on the surface of his skin include protecting his environment. The most dangerous pathogens that attack these areas are streptococcus, staphylococcus and micrococcus.

Over the past few centuries, the natural protection of human skin has undergone many significant changes. This is due to the fact that the society has moved from a close relationship with nature to constant contact with chemicals. Scientists have proved that a set of microbiota that is on the surface of the skin today is significantly different from that which existed earlier.

Restoration of the microcosm

It is known that the microbiota of an organism is quickly renewed. Nutrition of bacteria directly depends on the diet of their carrier. The most dangerous for microorganisms are products that contain antibiotics, preservatives and artificial dyes. These substances destroy the natural microcosm of man. With this in the future may be associated with a wide variety of health problems.

It is important to understand that the microcosm requires careful attention. It is strongly recommended that you periodically restore the microbiota to prevent a number of diseases. For this it is necessary to use a course of probiotics. To maintain their own microworld, they will need to consume more vegetables, make unloading days and have breakfast with natural porridge.

Many are interested in the question of how the bacteria that are in our body feed. We found that useful microorganisms use the same thing as their carrier. It is for this reason that in order to maintain strong immunity, it is first and foremost necessary to revise your diet.

Enzymes for improvement of general condition

Perhaps, each of us is familiar with the situation when, after overeating, the overall health deteriorates noticeably. In this case, enzymes of bacteria will be irreplaceable. Where can they be found and how do they act on the human body?

Many people say that after holiday excesses they feel bad for several days. They complain of dysbiosis, weakness and lack of appetite. All these symptoms indicate that harmful bacteria are trying to force out healthy ones. To cope with this process and restore good health, it is necessary to include in the diet products that have in their composition enzymes of bacteria. These include cottage cheese, hard cheese, kefir, matzoni, fermented baked milk and other sour-milk products. Specialists also recommend taking medications that contain probiotics. Before starting treatment, it is highly recommended that you consult with your doctor.

Sensational discovery. Bacteria that feed on plastic

The structure and life activity of bacteria is of interest to biologists from around the world. They believe that microorganisms are not as primitive as they seem. This is confirmed by the discovery made by a group of Chinese biochemists and microbiologists. Two years ago, they found bacteria that feed on plastic. According to scientists, this will save the planet from an environmental disaster.

The discovery was made entirely by accident. The head of the group notes that he always has a slight disorder in his house. Once he noticed that in a plastic bag with the remains of cereals there is a huge number of small larvae that eat a one-time package. This case prompted the researcher to think that this can help save the planet from global pollution.

After conducting a number of experiments, the team leader learned that the larvae not only eat plastic and polyethylene, but also digest it. It turned out that this is due to the fact that a number of bacteria are present in the intestine of the caterpillar. They also digest toxic substances. A group of scientists arranged the experimental larvae on the surface of polyethylene. Surprisingly, a month later they examined the package under a microscope. Nutrition of bacteria allows not to send plastic for processing, but to destroy it in the shortest possible time.

Habitat of harmful bacteria

There are both useful and parasitic bacteria. The latter can cause a number of health problems. To maximally protect your body from harmful bacteria, you need to know exactly where they live.

  • The dirtiest thing in a house where dangerous bacteria like to be is a sponge for utensils. Already after a week of using it urgently needs to be replaced. A wet sponge, on which food particles are left, is a favorable environment for the development of parasitic microorganisms.
  • Another thing that microscopic creatures love so much is the toothbrush. A rare replacement of such an accessory can lead to the development of a variety of infectious diseases, such as ARVI.
  • Few people think, but the remote from the TV - this is the subject on which lives a huge number of life-threatening bacteria. To protect yourself from their effects, you must at least once a week to treat the object with a disinfectant. If someone in the family suffers an infectious disease, it must be done daily.

To protect yourself from a number of harmful bacteria, you should wash your hands as often as possible. For greater effect, always use a disinfector.

Reproduction of microorganisms

For those who wish to learn more about simple microorganisms, it is important not only how bacteria feed, but also how they multiply. This information is of interest to many beginning microbiologists. Most of the bacteria multiply by dividing the cell into two parts. If the microorganism has an oval shape, then it can be divided only transversely. There are also species that reproduce by budding. The sexual process is extremely rare and, as a rule, only in E. coli.

The process of reproduction in bacteria occurs quickly enough. Nevertheless, division can take place only under certain circumstances. Under adverse conditions, certain subspecies of bacteria can form spores. Surprisingly, several billions of individuals can appear from one cell. Most of the young offspring die as a result of exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Summing up

Bacteria are the simplest organisms that surround us everywhere. They can have both a positive and negative impact on the environment and human health. Many microbiologists believe that bacteria are not as simple as they seem. Already today, microorganisms are known that can help cope with environmental catastrophe throughout the world. In this article, you can find out not only how bacteria feed, but also learn how they multiply and breathe.

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