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F. M. Dostoevsky, "Teenager": a brief summary and analysis
About Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, one can say that he is "the mind, honor and soviet" of his era, a great thinker of Russian classics. The problems of the society he shows are very relevant for us today. Of course, he is the same person with vices and passions and is as ambivalent as his heroes, whom he always describes with great love and understanding, but constantly fighting and, above all, with himself.
Is this the novel "Teenager"? The brief content of this work will not give a full picture, but it will shed light on many aspects of people's lives that, like many, many years ago, are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of money: honor, name and position.
Pure psychology and realism
The novel "Teenager" is not simple in the plot, the brief content of which indicates that, without understanding its internal problems, a person often goes insane or commits suicide. From nobility to meanness, he always has one step. In a moment, he can execute or pardon, blacken or justify, and sometimes do not immediately understand where is true, and where lies.
Critics very often accused Dostoevsky of being too realistic to describe the state of the soul of his characters and the difficult moments in which his characters turned out to be. From ill-wishers, the writer in the open received hints that he himself could be an accomplice in some not very personal situations, and, perhaps, even criminal events.
A very difficult person was F. M. Dostoyevsky. "Teenager" (a short summary of the work will be considered a little later) fully demonstrates this statement of fact.
In the work, which will be discussed later, the main character is a slightly naive, vain, vulnerable, intelligent and impulsive teenager. Dostoevsky content of the chapters of the novel is not in vain saturated with some deep philosophy of fascinating ideas from a variety of people. Every person lives his ideal - political, religious, love, economic, etc. Everything depends on his culture, moral and spiritual development. The main character, too, adheres to one idea - at whatever price become rich. But more on that later.
Dostoevsky, "The Teenager": a summary
The very first thing that catches your eye when analyzing a work is the age-old problem of "fathers and children", because two heroes are at the forefront - a twenty-year-old young man, Arkady Makarovich Dolgoruky, who bore the surname of his formal father, Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky - the family of the Versilovs , And the father of Arkady - the nobleman Andrei Petrovich Versilov. The mother of the young man Sofia Andreevna is also a servant, later bought out from the Dolgoruky Versilovs, who lived with him and gave birth to two more children - Lisa and another boy, who died early in his illness. She became very old from these events, grief was always visible on her face.
Arkady Makarovich was a "bastrijk" - very bonny with a clean look at the life of a teenager. A brief account of him tells that he, after graduating from the Moscow Gymnasium, did not want to study further. Before school he studied in the French boarding house Tushara and there he suffered a lot of humiliation and humiliation from his peers precisely because of his illegitimacy, and then because of the name Dolgoruky. In society, when he was introduced, he was always asked: "Prince?". It was simply enraged him. Because of this, the guy grew very impressionable. Now his dream was to become rich, like Rothschild. This would give him power over other people and a free, solitary life. As already clear, this is what Dostoevsky focuses on. "Teenager", a summary and analysis of which will be considered as events unfold, as the work is difficult enough to understand. Nevertheless…
Once Arkady appeared on the threshold of the house of the lawful son of Versilov, but only to receive sent money from his father. His brother did not accept him, but only gave him money through a servant. Arkady was indignant. His pride in such cases is very easily hurt, however, kind and enthusiastic by nature, he quickly calmed down and immediately switched to love and adoration, when he was treated politely and in a good way.
With his brother, he will then establish a relationship. He always had some problems communicating with people, he often thought that they were laughing at him and playing him. And he, like any young man, was proud and proud and demanded due regard.
St. Petersburg
And, finally, he came home to his parents in Petersburg. My father invited him because he found a job for him. Versilov the elder preached all sorts of ideas of "world citizenship", Russian culture and "all-reconciliation of ideas." For Arkady Makarovich, he was the only authority and the main ideological inspirer for which he was ready to shoot a duel.
However, despite all this, he travels to St. Petersburg with a certain suspicion, because of bad rumors about his father, and he wants to find out if this is really the case.
Fatal letter
However, only a little later will he disclose to us all the secrets of the novel "The Adolescent" Dostoevsky. Summary notes that Arkady immediately arranged a secretary to his father's friend - Prince Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolsky. After serving a little from him, he leaves, because his daughter Katerina Nikolaevna Akhmakova accused him of espionage - he could not stand such an insult.
A little earlier, he had two documents in his hands, one of which was a document stating that the senior Versilov had won the trial with Sokolsky, but he could be reviewed at any minute and the decision could be directly opposite.
The second document was handed to him by Kraf, who soon shot himself. The paper was a letter, in which it was said that the daughter of Prince Sokolsky considered his father feeble-minded, who was already unable to make independent decisions because of old age, and therefore he needed guardianship. Such a letter, if it fell into the hands of the old prince, would cause a huge scandal and could set up the father against his daughter.
"Teenager": a summary in parts
At the same time, Junior Versilov constantly collects various kinds of information about his father and eventually realizes that his benevolent parent is not really what he claims to be. Oils in the fire poured gossip around one crazy, committed suicide. Then there was a child who was allegedly given birth by another person. Then there were some secret relations with Katerina Ivanovna Akhmakova. With the thought that his father was a lustful person, a scoundrel and a bastard, Arkady Makarovich wanted to leave him. But then some false moments were revealed, and then the father and son showed indulgence towards each other. Moreover - they even became close to each other.
One day Katerina Nikolayevna invited Arcady to a meeting with Tatyana Pavlovna Prutkova. He meets her all alone and immediately flaunts this meeting. It seems to him that he was given a love date. He assumed that this lady is insidious because of a compromising letter, but she disarmed him with her simple-heartedness and cordiality. Dolgoruky was completely mesmerized by her, but she pushed him away, although she did not try to extinguish the passion that had flared up in him.
Meanwhile, the brief content of Dostoevsky's novel The Teenager increasingly confuses the plot with his riddles and secrets.
For some time, living in St. Petersburg, Arkady addicted to playing roulette and began to lose a lot, while he borrowed money from the son of an old man Sokolsky Sergei, who was entangled in life. Even in the service he was engaged in scams, for which his colleague was unfairly slandered. Then he met Liza, Arkady's sister, but secretly and passionately loved Akhmakov, whom he wanted to marry.
Arkady learned about everything and immediately decided to end all debts, giving him everything he occupied. Poor Lisa, however, soon became pregnant. The nervous system of the prince could not stand it, the disease overpowered him, for his old deeds he was put in jail, where he died. Lisa had a miscarriage at four months, she lay in sickness for half a year, but then went on to recover.
And then Arkady learns that his half-sister Anna Andreevna was going to marry the old prince Sokolsky (in this case she seeks profit, and therefore she really wants to receive a letter compromising the daughter of the prince). After all, then it will be able to "warm your hands" on the inheritance, leaving your daughter's daughter without an inheritance.
Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky
Dostoevsky "Teenager" (a summary of the chapters) literally sates new and new people - scams and blackmailers. Almost everyone connects to the search for a letter from Ekaterina Akhmakova, except for one - Makar Ivanov Dolgoruky, the servant who was recorded as Father Arkady. He once appears in Versilov's house. He was a very pleasant person, and he was appreciated as a wise and interesting narrator of instructive conversations and a God-fearing person who collected alms for the construction of the temple. He came to them quite sick and exhausted and soon died. In a short time, while he was at their house, Arkady became very attached to him. He considered him to be better and purer than everyone around him. It was this simple man who shed in his soul the vibrant light of spirituality and love.
The Mysterious Escape
At the same time, Versilov's father understands that the formal husband of his humble wife Sophia, with whom he lived for many years, has died, and now she is free. However, he runs away to his long-beloved widow Katerina Akhmakova and asks for her hands. He literally goes mad with love for her, but gets rejected.
Arkady, hearing impartial things from his fellow-swindler Lambert about Katerina Akhmakova, wants to avenge her father and, finally, give her a letter, but with the condition that she will become his wife (Lambert reminded him so). In addition, he certainly wants to see this picture secretly watched by his father, so that his vision of her ideal image of a woman in one moment collapsed, because at stake is the big money of her inheritance.
Dostoevsky built the whole intrigue on this. "Teenager", whose brief content will be continued, is a novel with an unpredictable outcome. However, we will prepare ourselves for the most important thing.
Once Arkady came once again to Lambert to discuss his plan, but he, after drinking it, steals from him a letter sewn on the floor of a frock coat, and runs to the elder Versilov.
At the same time, the younger one, having become sober from champagne, goes to Tatyana Pavlovna and tells that she wants to give the letter to Katerina Ivanovna herself and put an end to this matter. However, everything collapsed when he found out that he already had no letters. Lambert and Versilov learn about the fact that Akhmakova left for the meeting, and they immediately come into play. While Arkady and Tatyana Pavlovna left the house, Lambert tries to blackmail Katerina Ivanovna, but she categorically refuses to comply with his terms. Meanwhile Versilov watches the whole other picture in another room. He does not need money, he just wants to see how the woman behaves in this very sensitive and dangerous situation and to what critical point of baseness Catherine can reach for money. However, the lady literally spits in the face of Lambert, who sharply grabs a revolver and tries to shoot her. Here the heart of Andrei Petrovich could not stand it, and he rushed to Lambert. A shot sounded ... Lambert lies on the floor like a dead man.
How dashing the plot FM Dostoyevsky dashingly! The "teenager", whose brief content approaches the denouement, is about to be completed.
Then Arkady runs in and sees that his father is turning a revolver and wants to shoot Akhmakov, who fell into a swoon, and then herself. But Arkady was able to warn all this, in time appeared on the threshold with Tatyana Pavlovna, but his father manages to shoot his shoulder. Lambert is alive, he gets up and runs away.
As a magnificent detective finishes his novel FM Dostoevsky. The "teenager", whose brief content keeps the reader in suspense until the very end, says that after all these terrible scenes the letter was returned to Akhmakova, her wedding with Bjoring was upset because he learned about her secret meetings with Arkady. The elder Versilov returned to his family, and this story with a bullet-like shoulder turned into ridiculous rumors that practically came to naught. The whole family has healed calmly and happily. Akhmakova began to live in Paris and sometimes corresponded with Arkasha.
In the novel "Teenager", the summary of the chapters closely follows the character and behavior of the protagonist, who during this time has managed to grow up and enter the university. All the events that occurred, he considered for himself a very good experience and an effective lesson in the re-education of his personality.
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