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Exercises for the press and buttocks: how to achieve perfection

The perfect body is not only an opportunity to shine with its beauty. Flat tummy, elastic buttocks - something that can be rightfully proud. But not only because the owners (and owners) of a beautiful figure are accompanied by enthusiastic views of the opposite sex. Not because it is an indicator of excellent physical fitness and health.

Numerous psychological studies have shown that slim people are easier not only to arrange a personal life, but in work and business they are more successful. Of course, these statements caused a serious public response. Nevertheless, one can not but agree that the owners of a slender body are more self-confident, they have a higher self-esteem, which, naturally, helps them achieve great results in all spheres of life. There is something to strive for. Is not it?

Three good reasons to do your body

To get rid of excess weight, to make slender legs or to find an aspen waist - such reasons usually lead those who come to the gym. No one argues, these are good reasons. But along with the beauty work on your body brings a number of important, significant for each person pluses:

  • Strong immunity and good health. The lack of movement traditionally leads to a deterioration in well-being and working capacity. Recent studies have shown that physically active people get sick 46% less often, and in case of illness they need 41% less time for recovery.
  • Increases working capacity. Training and adjusted nutrition strengthen the heart and blood vessels, muscle and respiratory systems, enhance the functional abilities of a person. Exercises for the press and buttocks are beneficial for the work of internal organs, which increases the endurance of the body. Polls from employers showed that they give preference to job seekers who lead a healthy lifestyle. From their words, such people are more mobile, collected, easy to climb, and they need 10-15% less time to solve their tasks.
  • Slowing down aging. Scientists from the University of Saarland conducted a study and proved that regular training slows down aging by 9 years. Physically active people not only prolong their lives, but also have a great potential in terms of age-related diseases.

Agree, it's good to do exercises for the press and buttocks to get a beautiful slim body, and the bonus to get excellent health, career success and prolong life?

How to train properly

Before you start training, you need to remember one thing - the body quickly adapts to physical activity. Therefore, to achieve the effect of their training, you need to change it. That is, if the goal of the classes is burning fat, then vary the training load. For example, in the first week, leave 3-4 necessary exercises, but increase the approaches. Then bring up to 8-10 exercises, but for 3-4 approaches. Thus, the body will experience a constantly unusual load.

To burn fat, aerobic loads are needed . It's running, cardio or any kind of aerobics. Before training, a warm-up is required for 10 minutes. It can be jumping rope, jogging. Then you need to perform exercises that include rotational movements in the joints. And at the conclusion of the warm-up, perform the stretching exercise.

Training program

Making up the training program, include in it 7-10 exercises, it is desirable to work out all the muscles. By reducing the number of exercises, increase the approaches, and vice versa.

Training for fat burning should be intense.

  • To less fatigue, alternate exercises for the upper and lower body parts.
  • Begin and finish the exercises with light exercises, and put heavy ones in the middle.
  • Change from time to time exercises on similar, because the muscles work alone, but in different ways.
  • Add new exercises to the classes, those that have not yet been performed. There are hundreds of them. Include in exercise exercises with additional equipment (dumbbells, barbells, bodybuilders). For example, exercises with a fitball for the press, buttocks, hips are quite effective and involve different muscle groups.

Exercises on the press

Exercises for the press can be divided into two options. The first is twisting exercises. The second is the lifting of the legs. In the first variant, the rectus abdominis muscle is used, which is responsible for the torsion of the trunk. Therefore, these exercises are more important than lifting the trunk. In the second case, the press does not work intensively, mainly the iliopsoas muscle is involved. Selecting such exercises, press, legs, buttocks can be worked at the same time:

  • Lifting the legs sitting. Sit on the floor, rest with hands behind. Lifting your legs, lean your body forward and exhale. Keep your legs as straight as possible.
  • "Fold". Lie on your back, stretch your arms behind your head, straighten your legs. Breathe in, pull your knees to your chest. Legs as close as possible to push to the torso. On exhalation return to the starting position.
  • Twisting lying. Lie on the floor, hands on the head. Bend the legs in the knees, the feet are completely stiffened to the floor. Breathe in, hold your breath and lift your head and shoulders. Exhalation is the starting position.

Exercises for the buttocks

In fact, the exercises for the buttocks, hips, and press cover a group of muscles. They do not work out any one muscle. Exercises for the buttocks train, as a rule, either thighs, or extensors of the back, or all together.

  • Deep squats perfectly pump the buttocks. As a burden, it is recommended to use dumbbells or bodybuilders. Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Heels during exercise from a floor to not tear off. Squat and take dumbbells. During the squatting the body leans forward, the pelvis - back. When lifting the legs straighten.

  • Falls with dumbbells. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands. With the right leg to make a step forward, the left one remains in place. On inhalation you need to sit down. On exhalation - push off from the floor, rise and return to the starting position.
  • Hyperextension works the muscles of the back and buttocks. At home, this exercise is done in two ways. The first is on the floor. Lie on your stomach, pull your arms forward. On inhaling, we tear off the legs from the floor, on exhalation - the starting position.

Complex exercises for the press and buttocks

Exercises for the buttocks and the press a lot. They are different in efficiency and load. But it should be remembered that in the training include the need for exercises for all muscle groups. When composing a set for classes, include in it 2/3 exercises for the muscles that need to be pumped. These exercises exercise muscles of the press, buttocks. 1/3 should make complexes on all other muscles.

In order to achieve the effect and make the muscles of the press and buttocks work, a good load and special exercises are necessary. Of course, in the gym, where there are simulators, barbells and dumbbells, it is more correct and effective to do it. But at home you can succeed, only you will have to make considerable efforts, constantly increasing approaches and repetitions, periodically changing the training program. The complex below is perfect for home workouts. Exercises for the press and buttocks in a short time tighten the muscles, and within a month they will completely change.


  • Plank with knee lowering. Take the pose of the bar - legs on the width of the shoulders, arms bend at the elbows, brushes to connect to the castle. Tighten the press, bend one leg, touching the knee of the floor. Take the original position. After a certain number of repetitions (10 to 20 times), perform the exercise with the other leg. Plank is a universal exercise. The press, buttocks, hands and feet are fastened with it quickly.
  • Lifting of feet. To perform the exercise you need to sit on the edge of the chair. Hold on to the seat with your hands. Back firmly against the back of the chair. Raise your legs. Repeat doing 6 to 10 times.
  • Plank with the rise of the knee. Legs on the width of the shoulders, leaning on the elbows, the hands are closed in the lock. It is necessary to strain the press, bend the leg and touch the knee of the floor. Raise your leg up. After a certain number of repetitions (10-20), perform the exercise with the other leg.
  • Squats on one leg. Stand up straight, hands on hips. The weight of the body should be transferred to one leg, placing on it an ankle of the other leg just above the knee. Tighten the press and perform a squat. After a certain number of repetitions (from 8 to 15), perform the exercise with the other leg in 2-3 approaches.
  • Reverse twisting. Lie on your back, legs up, bend your knees, cross your ankles. Hands on the back of the head. To draw in the stomach so that the pelvis tears away from the floor, stay in this position. After lifting the head and shoulders. Run 4 approaches, each for 10-15 lifts.
  • Retracting the leg. With your right hand, lean on the back of the chair, put the left on the thigh. The socks turn to the sides, the heels together. To draw in the belly, strain the buttocks and move your leg to the side. Repeat 10-20 times. Do the same with the other leg. Exercise done in 2-3 approaches.

How, when and how much to be engaged

Regularity of classes is an important condition for achieving the necessary results. Beginners can perform exercises for the press and buttocks 2 times a week. Many train 3 times. The faster the result is needed, the more often and intensively there should be training. It is important not to miss classes. Passing 3-4 trainings per month reduces the effectiveness of training to zero.

The length of the training depends on the purpose of the training. To maintain the form will be enough for a 30-minute complex. In order to lose weight, the duration of training can be up to 1.5 hours. The relief is 50 minutes long. Take into account and fatigue before training. Definitely the time for training should be reduced if the force is running out.

Time for classes depends on the biorhythms of each person. Therefore, the same framework for all here can not be. And other factors, for example, work, are all individual. Defining the time for training, it is important to take into account 3 important things:

  • Train at the same time (plus or minus 1 hour).
  • During the first hour after awakening, you can not train.
  • To finish the training should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.


The way to a perfect figure is not only exercises for the press, buttocks. For girls who want to acquire seductive forms and also get rid of excess weight, it is primarily a properly formulated diet.

Here it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • To consume calories during the day is less than consumed.
  • There are often, in small portions, at least 4 times a day.
  • Do not skip breakfast.
  • Take carbohydrates no later than 5 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day.
  • Increase the level of protein in the diet.

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