Arts & Entertainment, Films
The idea of the Twilight Youth Melodrama is gaining its Turn And In Other Films
In 2008, a youth melodrama called Twilight appeared on theaters of theaters. In the plot of this film, a young girl named Bella moves to live with her father and enlists in a new school where she meets new friends and leads a guy who proved to be very powerful and fast. Soon Bella finds out that her boyfriend is a vampire, but it's getting late, because they are already in love with each other.
Since the appearance of the first part of the movie Twilight, the whole world seemed to be obsessed with this film. We waited impatiently for the new parts of the twilight, which went out one at a time, for five years. Finally in 2012 in November we were shown the completion of this amazing story of love between a girl and a vampire. Such popularity forced other filmmakers to make similar films on this topic. Today I want to list movies and series like dusk.
The Vampire Diaries:
In 2009, a new TV series for young people, the main characters of which were two vampire brothers, fell in love with one girl on TV screens. In this series, not only vampires and people will take part, but werewolves, witches, and even hybrids. Throughout the series, the brothers will quarrel among themselves, without sharing one love, but they will always unite the common goal of protecting Elena from other bloodsuckers like him and not only.
I'm fourth:
Year 2011, there is another similar movie, but this is not about vampires. It seems to be an ordinary guy, but as it turned out later, he is the fourth of the rescued from the attack of enemy alien creatures. John is a teenager, an alien who came to Earth to hide from enemies. But the enemy finds his brothers and destroys them in turn. The guy is forced to change the city and lie down to the bottom, so that he is not tracked down, as a result, in a new quiet town he gets acquainted with a girl who does not yet know about his secrets.
Full moon:
The next series is filmed by the Spaniards in 2012. A woman judge together with her seventeen-year-old daughter come to live in a small town called Kalenda, where the girl's father is working on a secret assignment. The next morning he is found in an abandoned mine with a severed head and a torn heart. The judge raises the whole city to find the killer, and her daughter falls in love with a mysterious classmate who later learns that he is a werewolf. Every full moon the inhabitants of Calenda find a decapitated body, with a torn heart, but who is the killer? A very mysterious series, the secrets of which will be revealed with each series, and each series will present new riddles to its viewer.
Heat of our bodies:
Well, that's the last film to date, which I'd like to talk about. He left in early 2013, another film about the dead, infecting humanity. But if it was a horror movie about a zombie, he would not be on this list. Here it will be a teenager zombie who instead of killing his victim, the girl in the supermarket, on the contrary, saves her. A heartless dead man suddenly feels his heartbeat and together with the girl he realizes that love heals zombies and turns them back into people.
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