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How to clean a spout for a newborn easily and painlessly?

Motherhood opens up to the woman a huge number of new horizons, but at the same time poses new tasks for her. Sometimes the simplest things become more than difficult to do. Ordinary household situations, in which a little man now participates, can drive even the most experienced parents into a stupor. A huge number of questions requires skills and knowledge. How to change a diaper, how to deal with colic, how to feed and how to clean a spout for a newborn is an incomplete list of what millions of moms and dads are worried about all over the world.

To master all the wisdom of caring for an infant, women often attend special courses. A young mother will be able not only to build on them the foundations of theoretical knowledge, but also to gain practical experience and useful skills.

One of the most difficult problems was and still is the problem of how to clean a spout for a newborn. Independently your baby can not blow his nose, so the main task is to help him remove the accumulated mucus and dry crusts from the sinuses of the nose. The main advice, recommendations consist in regular and thorough processing with the help of special soft cotton wool, which are called turundas. Many parents use ready-made sticks as an analogue. However, pediatricians do not recommend doing so - this is due to the fact that the stiff base of the sticks can damage the tender baby spout. To facilitate the cleaning process, the homemade fisil is immersed in oil. For these purposes, special cosmetic products may also come up - peach-based or sea-buckthorn oil from a pharmacy, as well as refined vegetable oil used for domestic purposes.

How to clean a spout for a newborn, if the crust is already dried up and badly departs? You may need to pre-soak them and then proceed with the deletion. For this purpose, you usually use ready-made saline or a ready-made spray "Aquamaris". If these funds are not at hand, then an excellent substitute will serve as mother's milk. After you dripped your nose and waited a couple of minutes, you can use an aspirator. It is sold in almost every pharmacy. In its appearance, the aspirator resembles a soft, small pear. The principle of his work is that the device is tightly compressed in his hand, the tip of it is injected into the newborn child shallowly, and only then the palm is unclenched. The aspirator works quickly and reliably, effectively clearing the stuffed sinuses, and a simple algorithm of its operation causes the popularity of the medical device.

Now you know how to clean a spout for a newborn. A great role will also be played by your inner calm and measured state of mind. Be firm and confident in your abilities, then the whole process will pass as quickly and painlessly for the two sides - you and the child. With the passage of time, you will clean the sinuses of the nose faster and will be able to do with only cotton strands, which is the most convenient and gentle means for a tender baby organism.

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