Spiritual developmentChristianity

Epiphany font. Baptismal font for a child

The tradition of bathing in the Jordan has become widespread, but not everyone knows its origin and symbolism. Similarly, the baptism of babies is more like a tribute to fashion than to a part of spiritual education. Although it is from this begins the Orthodox way of the child.


The tradition of bathing in the water goes back to the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The paradoxical nature of the ritual was voiced by John the Baptist himself. Seeing the Messiah, he exclaimed in surprise, "I need to be baptized from You, and Do you come to me?" Christ is sinless and did not need to be cleansed. It is believed that then he sank in the waters of Jordan the sins of the whole world.

Baptism is also called the Epiphany. During the action on Jesus the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove. A voice from heaven testified: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." God showed himself in three ways. Namely - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

This event was the starting point of Christ's ministry on earth. After the baptism, the first apostles appeared. Then, according to the gospel, Jesus went into the wilderness to spend time in solitude and prayer and prepare for the fulfillment of the mission.

Epiphany Water

The veneration of water recruited on the day of Baptism - January 19, goes back to antiquity. As it is today, in the early ages of Christmas it was believed that it has medicinal properties, does not deteriorate within a year and should be saved. The ceremony of its consecration takes place at Christmas Eve on January 18, and then immediately on the day of the Epiphany. Epiphany water is called agiasma, which means "shrine".

On Christmas Eve it is customary to keep a very strict post in order to prepare for confession and communion. And on January 19, there is a custom to dip into a hole in the form of a cross. It is called the Jordan. In large cities or in places where there are no reservoirs, a baptismal font is exhibited.

Bathing on January 19

Currently, dipping on January 19 has become a widespread phenomenon. Almost all cities are trying to organize places to maintain this tradition. It is significant that on Epiphany in Moscow, in almost every park where there is a pond or pond, provide an ice-hole with comfortable descents. Next to them there are changing rooms and heated tents. Free tea parties by the campfires create a special atmosphere. In this way, Baptism is celebrated in Moscow for more than a year, making this religious festival part of the urban modern culture.

Baptism as a Rite

At the dawn of Christianity, baptism was usually accepted by adults. The rite was preceded by a long way of preparation. During it was necessary to attend divine services, communicate with believers and read special prayers. Initially, it was supposed to be baptized for the Epiphany or on the Great Saturday before Easter. Before the consecration, obligatory repentance in sins followed.

Since in the early years of Christianity believers were persecuted and tortured, it happened that they perished from the Gentiles, not having time to perform the rite. In this case, they were considered baptized blood. They had already accepted the teaching and died for the faith.

Today, baptism in the temple as a rite does not require such a long preparation. But its meaning remains the same. Initiation means a new spiritual birth. A person must change his way of life and his train of thought. From now on, he refuses to live for himself, but finds meaning and fullness of existence through serving Christ and other people. The Epiphany font for an adult man marks a spiritual revolution. If he subsequently continues to sin, this is regarded as a rejection of grace.

When can I baptize a child?

According to church customs, the introduction of the child to the church should not be postponed. It is best to perform a rite beginning from the 40th day after birth. At the same time, the cleansing prayer after childbirth should be read over the mother of the child before the sacrament.

You can cross a child any day. But more often it happens on a weekday or on a Saturday, as the Divine Liturgy takes place on Sunday, and many believers come to the temple.

Whom to choose in the godparents?

Going to cross a child, parents should treat the ritual with maximum responsibility. An important point is the choice of the recipients. The cross should be people close to the family and able to take responsibility for the religious upbringing of the child. Baptism is not a tribute to fashion and does not protect against misfortune. This is the way to the Kingdom of God through the water and the Holy Spirit. Even an infant who was born in sin needs to be cleansed. After baptism, it is necessary to take part in the sacraments every year. Since the age of seven, one must also confess.

The godparents have three basic duties before the pupil: to pray for him, to teach the basics of religion, to show by his own example the path of goodness, love and mercy.

It is believed that the recipients keep an answer before the Almighty for the sins of the child. In past centuries, if the father and mother were dying, he was taken to the family by the godparents. And there were not two spiritual parents. The person who took the child in his arms was considered a godfather. And by tradition the girl was taken by a woman, the boy by a man.

Preparation for Baptism

If the ritual is carried out over the child, then a thorough preparation for the initiation must be from the side of the recipients. This implies fasting, confession, communion. One of the most important prayers for the godparents is the "Symbol of Faith" - it sets out the basic tenets of the Orthodox faith. Knowledge of the "Our Father" is compulsory. In addition, the recipients must worry about the cross for the child and the kryzhma - white cloth, which wraps the child after the rite. It must be stored. It is believed that the kryzhma saves the grace of holy water, which is kept by the baptismal font.

Initiation into the Orthodoxy of an adult includes a high level of awareness. He does not need spiritual parents and he is responsible for the way of life that leads. Before the dedication it is necessary to learn the basic dogmas and provisions of religion, to hold fast, to abstain, to reconcile with those with whom the quarrel took place.

Where to baptize?

When the child is small, some parents are wondering whether to make a rite at home, in a calm and familiar environment. But baptism in the church is of special importance for attending to faith. The solemnity and importance of the moment coincides with the atmosphere in the temple, which adjusts to a sublime harmony. However, there are times when a person is sick. Then his baptism is possible only at home (or hospital).

In earlier centuries, people often accepted faith, already on their deathbed. Accordingly, the rite was performed at home. This was done deliberately: in order to die sinless. Children were not baptized, believing that they were born clean. Later, the church began to condemn such an attitude, calling for baptism from infancy. This tradition has gradually become established. And even if they were children from noble families, the adoption of Orthodoxy still passed in the church, only in the home. Other children were baptized in temples.

The font in the temple

You should know that if the initiation ceremony takes place at home, then you should simply bathe. The holy font is only in the temple. In general, for the believer, it is important to symbolize communion through water, but many for their children want genuine baptism through immersion.

This issue is especially acute for adults. Their baptism is most often limited to a triple dipping of the head, since usually a font in the temple is a large thicket. However, here and there, the Jordan is also installed. In them a full-fledged ablution with a head can accept adults and teenagers.

How is baptismal?

Many people want to know how baptism is going on. The script of the rite, awareness in its symbolism gives confidence.

Immediately before the initiation of the person or, in the case of a child being baptized, the godfather must deny Satan three times, while turning to the west. Then you need to say three times about your desire to combine with Christ. After that, the "Symbol of Faith" is read. Then the cleric pronounces a great litany - prayer, which consists of petitions and the rejoicing of the people. This is the preparatory part.

After that, baptism itself begins. The scenario of actions is: consecration of water, anointing, triple immersion. While reading the 31st Psalm, a cross is placed on the chest and white clothing is put on, meaning purification from sins, innocence and purity. After this, the priest performs anointing to sanctify the soul and body.

The oil touches the different parts, and each has its own meaning. Anointing the ears, eyes, mouth - so that they will not hear, see or say bad things. Hands - for the performance of righteous labor. Legs - so that a person walks God's way. Anointing the chest - to defeat the enemy force. Then, following the priest, the baptismal font comes three times, which symbolizes eternity and readiness to follow the path of Orthodoxy.

The final part consists of reading the Apostle and the Gospel. The hair of the baptized is tonsured after washing and anointing. Then the priest reads a special litany and release - a blessing to go out after the service.

"Silver font"

For any Orthodox, the baptism of the Lord is a great feast. Someone is not limited to a one-time immersion in icy water and begins to practice winter bathing.

For several years now fans of the author's song have been organizing the festival "Silver font". Its opening is marked by bathing in cold water. After that, the performers participate in the competitive program. Usually there are several nominations, such as "Poetry", "Author of Music", "Bardovskaya Pesnya", "Duet" or "Ensemble". Lovers of the same bardic songs and sea walks enjoy their creativity. The scale of the event speaks about the importance of physical and spiritual development for people. Therefore symbolic both the name of the festival, and its attributes: creativity and physical recovery are made through the font.

So, many centuries have passed since the baptism of Jesus. The attitude towards faith and baptism changed. Blind faith passed into atheism. Atheism was replaced by religiosity. But as in folk traditions, and in any religion, one can find a rite of purification through water. Therefore, today, regardless of the rigor of observing religious rules, it's good to swim in a font, stock up on holy water, and fill up the heart with kindness and mercy.

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