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Environmental Protection in Construction
In today's world, the task of protecting the surrounding atmosphere is extremely important. Various designs, building materials and technologies, which to some extent do not meet the modern criteria of the ecological component, are no longer used today.
It is important to note that it is considered irrational from the point of view of ecological parameters to consider those products and construction materials whose structure is formed by artificial, synthetic substances. Their impact in the permanent operation of structures and structures is quite detrimental to the physical health and livelihoods of man, there is no longer any protection of the environment. Synthetic materials pollute the natural environment, since they usually do not presuppose effective chemical processing and disposal. The earth, the atmosphere, and the water are subject to harmful effects.
A wide range of insulating, structural and finishing materials, components and parts for repair and construction is considered by modern experts not environmentally friendly. Many of the synthetic components and materials release into the outer space highly toxic or radioactive substances (copper, formaldehyde, lead, ammonia, phenol, etc.), which have a negative effect on the lungs and vision.
How then should the building materials and repair and finishing components be given attention to architects and building managers at this time? This, first, construction products of a new generation, endowed with an environmental certificate such as EcoMaterial. According to the environmental portal, this document is provided by national environmental organizations. Of course, one should also keep in mind the generally recognized construction materials - wood, natural stone, clay, gypsum. Even, for example, structural components based on straw are also being effectively implemented in the framework of private construction. In this context , environmental protection is carried out according to a well-established scheme.
If we consider the paint and varnish, without which no construction is required, the most popular and relevant at present are those modifications in which lime, natural dyes, and linseed oil are realized. In ecologically rational materials of thermal insulation fully implement now various developments of expanded clay, straw, peat blocks and coral sand. There are other environmental components.
Economically rational use of ecological components and materials in the context of effective technologies and methods of construction is aimed to arrange the most comfortable and safe environment for life.
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