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Day of the ecologist - a modern holiday

Ecologist's day is a relatively young holiday, which was celebrated in Russia only recently. Officially, the Day of the Ecologist was introduced by the order of the President in 2007. In general, ecology and environmental protection are concepts that appeared in our everyday life not very long ago, although the best minds of mankind have been concerned for many years with these questions.

For the first time the term "ecology" was used by the German biologist Haeckel about 150 years ago, defining the ecology as a branch of biology. Subsequently, the ecology was awarded the status of a science that determines the relationship between living organisms and plant components in an environment changed by a person (or left unchanged by it). The concepts of "ecology" and "health" are inextricably linked. After all, polluted by emissions of atmospheric air or groundwater often cause various diseases.

This is what concerns science. But in the everyday life of the inhabitants this concept is often used in phrases of this kind: "ecology is to blame", or "bad ecology". Here, ecology is defined as a set of habitat conditions, the environment. And this environment is changing for the better, attracting the attention of the public, which shows its civic activity by holding various rallies and pickets. These actions are aimed at protecting their health and maintaining a livable environment. Therefore, the profession of the ecologist becomes more popular.

The work of the ecologist is not an easy one, because not all citizens understand that the future of our planet depends on each inhabitant. Everyone can contribute to the improvement of living conditions. Today, such an expert as an ecologist is needed at every enterprise and in most organizations. The purpose of this post is to monitor compliance with environmental legislation in business units and contact with regulatory authorities (public authorities). In addition, many environmental volunteers participate in various activities (such as cleaning sea water and saving animals from spilled oil or environmental education of residents).

Entire departments and ministries are working to protect the environment. These include, in particular, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosprirodnadzor, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, the Committee and the Department of Nature Management. In addition, some enterprises specialize in preserving normal ecology: they create equipment used to protect the natural environment, develop various projects that can minimize the negative impact on nature.

Day of the ecologist is celebrated on June 5. It was on this day that the UN held the first environmental conference. It was in 1972, and from next year this date became World Environment Day. The establishment of this holiday is a way of drawing people's attention to issues and problems of ecology. This holiday is accompanied by various "green" actions and pickets, in schools - children's drawings contests on the topic of nature protection.

But Ecologist's Day is not only a professional holiday, it is a holiday of all people who are not indifferent to their future and future descendants. On this day I would like to wish everyone fresh air, clear water and clean earth. In addition, it is simply necessary to urge the population to give even more attention to the issues of preserving the favorable natural environment, protecting all living things and our ecological future!

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