
"Disulfiram": reviews. "Disulfiram": description, price

In this article, we decided to tell you about what constitutes a drug such as Disulfiram. Instructions for use, reviews and indications of this tool will also be described below. In addition, you will learn what the cost of the medicine is, how it is produced, what is included in its composition, and so on.

Form, packaging and composition

The drug "Disulfiram", the instruction for which is enclosed in a cardboard box, goes on sale in the form of an oily solution and tablets for implantation and oral administration.

The first form is issued in bottles of 20 ml, and the second and third - in glass jars of 10 and 20 pieces respectively.

The active substance of this drug is disulfiram. In addition, the preparation contains additional components (depending on the form of release): sodium chloride, mannitol, sodium starch stearate, PEG-6000, MCC, calcium diphosphate, hydroxypropylcellulose, stearic acid and polyoxyl 40.

Pharmacological properties

What is the medication under consideration? What does the doctor say about him? "Disulfiram" has a pronounced anti-alcohol effect.

When taking this medication, its significant effect on the metabolism of ethanol is noted. As a result, safe metabolites are formed that increase the concentration of such a toxic substance as acetaldehyde. It is he who determines the effectiveness of the drug.

With intravenous administration of the drug, as well as with its oral administration, patients almost immediately begin to experience hot flashes, acute dyspepsia, tachycardia, severe asthenia and even menacing hypotension. In addition, intoxication with acetaldehyde promotes the appearance of aversion to alcohol and the elimination of patient cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Pharmacokinetic parameters

What are the kinetic parameters of the drug in question? What about its absorption report reviews? "Disulfiram" is quickly and almost completely absorbed from the intestine.

When it is used, a high metabolism of the active component is noted, during which several metabolites are formed. Removal of this agent is carried out through the lungs and kidneys.

Indications for use

The drug "Disulfiram", the price of which is indicated below, is assigned for:

  • Treatment of chronic alcoholism;
  • Prevention of recurrences in the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Take this drug at your own discretion is undesirable. It should appoint only a doctor.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Disulfiram" intravenously and orally is not recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • Neuropsychic diseases;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Diabetes mellitus.

Also, this medication is not prescribed for pregnancy, sensitivity to the active ingredient and additional components, breastfeeding.

It should also be noted that with special care this drug is recommended for patients with impaired liver, respiratory system and kidney function.

The drug "Disulfiram": instructions for use

The use of any form of the drug in question is permissible only for the doctor's prescription. The doctor is obliged to conduct a full examination of the patient, and then select for him an individual treatment regimen and dosage.

According to the attached instructions, the average daily dose of this medication for oral administration is about 125-500 mg.

With regard to injection, as well as the implantation of medication, these procedures should be performed only by an experienced specialist. In this case, the recommended dosage of the drug depends on the characteristics of the patient's body and the severity of the existing disease.

Side effects

Can this drug cause side effects? What do the reviews say about this? "Disulfiram" rarely becomes the cause of dangerous adverse reactions. When it is ingested, there may be some deviations in the digestive tract, as well as the presence of metallic taste and the development of hepatitis.

In addition, there may be irregularities in the functions of the nervous system. These undesirable conditions include polyneuritis of the lower extremities, mental disorders, memory loss, disorientation and headache.

Also, one should not exclude the development of various allergic reactions, which were triggered by the influence of alcohol (for example, collapse, angina attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, cerebral edema and myocardial infarction).

Signs of an overdose

The drug "disulfiram" at higher doses can cause such effects as collapse, coma and dangerous neurological reactions.

To eliminate these symptoms, symptomatic therapy in the hospital should be performed, which must necessarily include detoxification activities.

Antidotes of the medicinal product

Specialists have proved that complete neutralization of the drug in question is impossible.

If necessary, the withdrawal of "Disulfiram" from the human body (for example, with a severe reaction to the newly taken dose of alcohol), certain procedures are carried out.

As an antidote to this medicine is used ascorbic acid. It is administered intravenously. This element does not allow the alcohol to be converted to acetaldehyde, which, in fact, causes unpleasant sensations.

Ephedrine and H1-blockers can also be used.

Drug Interactions

Is it acceptable with other drugs to use the medication we are considering? What about the drug interaction say testimonials? "Disulfiram" in combination with anticoagulants increases their effect, and also increases the risk of bleeding.

Simultaneous administration of the drug with drugs that are metabolized in the liver can significantly worsen the course of this process.

The combination of MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and phenothiazine derivatives with "Disulfiram" can contribute to the occurrence of complex adverse reactions.

The combination of this drug with Buspirone causes the development of mania. Such a drug, as "Amitriptyline", often increases the effect of "Disulfiram", and also increases its toxic effect on the nervous system.

This drug can increase the concentration of chlordiazepoxide and diazepam in the blood, reducing the intensity of toxic reactions and causing dizziness.

With the combination of disulfiram and isoniazid, depression and dizziness may develop, with metronidazole - confusion and acute psychosis, with "omeprazole" - a violation of consciousness, and caffeine - its reduced excretion from the body.

"Chloroxazone" increases the concentration of antialcoholic drug in the blood, and "Chlorpromazine" increases arterial hypotension.

Drug "Disulfiram": reviews, prices and analogues

Similar drugs have such drugs as Exorran, Radotera, Espenal, Krotenal, Tetlong, Refusal, Stoptil, Anti-Ethyl, Counterpot, Tetradin, Antietan , "Dizetil", "Alkofobin", "Aversan", "Anticol", "Antabus", "Esperal", "Lidevin", "Abstinil".

How much does the medicine "Disulfiram" cost? The price of this medicine in tablets varies between 200-1000 rubles (depending on the manufacturer). As for the implantation form, as well as the oil solution, they can be purchased for 600-2400 rubles.

Most reviews of the drug in question are positive. It is noteworthy that this medication is often used for secret treatment of people with alcoholism. Specialists do not recommend giving this medication without the knowledge of the patient.

According to reviews of those who used the drug in question, it is very effective in combating the desire to take a new portion of alcohol. As a rule, after taking this drug, the patient has an aversion to alcohol. If the alcoholic beverage was taken after using the medication, then it causes acute dyspepsia, hot flashes, severe asthenia, tachycardia and even menacing hypotension.

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