Automobiles, Cars
Disks brake "Brembo": reviews, country-manufacturer, how to distinguish a fake
The company "Brembo" is associated with a wide range of consumers with brake systems in various fields. This is the case when the market coverage is formed not according to the principle of expansion of a specific target sector, but in directions where the manufactured product can be used. The brake mechanisms of this brand are used in spinning, processing machines, bicycles and, of course, in automobile designs. It is important to note the high position among the competitive products, which are occupied by brake discs "Brembo". The reviews mark the reliability and durability of the components offered by the company. But not only these qualities allowed the manufacturer to win the trust of motorists.
General information about the manufacturer
The company was founded in Italy in 1961 by the designer Emilio Bombassei. The enterprise started on the basis of a small garage, from which a conveyor line was formed in several years. By the way, one of the first contracts for the supply of braking elements the firm entered into with the automaker Alfa Romeo. Already in the first years of their work, the auto giants paid attention to the qualities that the brake discs of Brembo differed in. Reviews of modern users, of course, take into account a wider range of characteristics, but the main advantages of the products in terms of durability and safety have been preserved since those times.
It is important to note that initially the company was oriented to the sports segment, which allowed setting a high level of reliability of the mechanisms. Over time, Italian products began to be part of the basic equipment of urban cars in the factories of Porsche, Mercedes, Chrysler, etc. To date, Brembo brakes are produced all over the world in different branches. For example, the company's representative offices are in the USA, Brazil, Sweden and other countries.
Features of Brake Systems Brembo
Success in the segment of production of components and spare parts for the brake system is formed from several components. Italian developers use a number of original technologies, thanks to which the quality of their products significantly increases. For example, the overlays on the support for the "Brembo" monoblock form were previously used only in the field of professional auto racing. Having improved the casting technique, the designers made products of this type available to ordinary drivers. It is important to note the unique compositions for the bases, from which the pads are made, the calipers with the overlays and the discs themselves. They are calculated for harsh operating conditions, taking into account and temperature effects. By the way, the company does not ignore the functions of auxiliary systems, which increase the effectiveness of the application of brake mechanisms. To solutions of this kind can be attributed a cooling system. Air blowing reduces thermal negative factors, increasing the resource of the element base of the entire structure.
Reviews about drives High Performance
One of the latest developments, which can be reliably attributed to the premium segment. As the owners' testimonials show, as well as tests of specialists, this series of discs are optimally matched to the pads, providing easy and soft control of the mechanism as a whole. The driver does not experience sharp and hard actions of the system, but at the same time feels the fulfillment of the main function of braking. As for durability and durability, there are no special claims to these characteristics either. Resistance to mechanical wear and thermomechanical loads - the main thing, on which the brake discs "Brembo" are calculated. Reviews also point to a minor, but sometimes significant, operational factor. The fact is that along with the increased durability of the High Performance products are characterized by a small mass, and this, in turn, expands the range of application of the disk model.
Reviews about disks Supersport
An example of this series shows how highly specialized components can, through intelligent optimization, move into a wide-spread segment. On the basis of racing discs, engineers created a modification for serial production. According to users, the mechanism gives smoothness and at the same time stability in the braking system. There is another important feature. This is a steel martensitic rotor that allows to bear thermomechanical loads under extreme conditions of use. In addition, the overlays on the support "Brembo" in this series, along with other components are distinguished by reliable fixation. As in racing gear, in this case, 10 pins are used. In this case, materials for the manufacture of components are preliminarily subjected to heat treatment, which gives them increased performance.
T-Drive reviews
The modification of T-Drive is aimed at use in motorcycles. Before the developers was the task of creating optimal in size, hardy and functional parts. The practice of using the system as a whole confirms the achievement of these tasks. For example, owners of brake systems with such equipment indicate a common ergonomics in operation, which is supplemented by technical and physical advantages. Again, resistance to friction was achieved through additional processing, which is subjected to brake discs "Brembo". The testimonials also indicate that the fastening mechanisms exclude the risk of accidental damage to the element base.
Credits for the Turismo
This series is focused on extreme conditions of operation of brakes. Owners of these discs emphasize the high degree of wear resistance of the rotor, made of cast iron. In this case, what is important, the hub is made of aluminum, so that the overall weight of the structure is facilitated. Despite the particularities in the choice of materials of manufacture, the Turismo series is calculated to the standard size in terms of compatibility with other components. In particular, for the drive will fit the support "Brembo" in the serial format. To the merits of the ruler, many include the constructional diversity of disc elements presented in versions with grooves and antennae.
Reviews of shoes and calipers
As in the case of disks, the remaining structural elements receive positive feedback in terms of reliability and flexibility in operation. For example, the "Brembo" pads in combination with "floating" disks realize the optimal distribution of loads along the axis, which reduces the risk of deformation of surfaces.
As for the support, this element is one of the most difficult parts of the overall braking system. First of all, users indicate the mechanical quality of the case. It is resistant to chemical and physical influences, preserving the functional area. Also stressed is the coherence in the work of the complex, which is formed by the support and pads "Brembo", organically implementing statistical friction. However, for this purpose, initially, only original parts of the appropriate size should be selected. By the way, one of the most successful mechatronics models is the support of the Extrema line.
How much do Brembo brakes cost?
At once it is necessary to note that the purchase of a single package is cheaper. And this is not to say that the ready-made kit is more likely to provide reliability in the process of operation and will last longer. But, of course, the cost of such a purchase is considerable and is at least 50 thousand rubles. If you buy by separate components, then the disks, for example, can cost 10-15 thousand rubles. Models, the cost of which is less than 10 thousand rubles., Most likely, they will not be real Brembo products. The price of calipers and pads is on average 1-2 thousand rubles. However, here too much depends on the series, which represents a specific specimen.
How to distinguish the original from a fake?
Unfortunately, manufacturers of counterfeit parts have reached a rather high level as their work. Therefore, on the basis of external signs, it is almost impossible to understand that it is a forgery that is proposed. But there are other ways how to get real brake disks "Brembo". How to distinguish a fake? The fact is that any original kit comes with a so-called anti-counterfeit card with a security code. After purchase, you can activate the number through the official website of the manufacturer - passing the code and confirming the purchase of genuine products.
In addition, like any major manufacturer of auto parts, the Italian company is reluctant to release its products for dealers. For example, the original support "Brembo" is almost impossible to find in the market or in a regular store. If you specifically target specialized distribution centers, it is more likely to be purchased by a brand-name set of spare parts. To this we should also add the fact that the cost of these braking systems can not be excessively low.
Replacement of disks
Usually, measures to update components of this kind do not cause special problems. To begin with, it is important to understand that the replacement of the front brake discs or their rear analogs should be done after the car is put on the jack support mechanism. Further, the wheel is removed using suitable keys. At this point, access will be directly accessible to the disk.
On the disk, you can see the support, which are pads. Depending on the model of elements, it may be necessary to unscrew 4-8 bolts that fix the caliper. Further, the front brake discs can be replaced, but before that it is important to take into account that the component can be even without special fasteners, can be rigidly connected to the hub due to boiling. In such cases, it is recommended to tap the disc with a small kitten before the final dismantling.
It has already been noted that it is important to consider the presence of a special identification card from the manufacturer in the selection of branded brake system accessories. But the comprehensive selection of brake discs "Brembo" also involves a preliminary calculation of the design parameters, operational nuances of a particular model, etc. And here it should be noted that Italian developers are initially prior to the release of sets are oriented to a certain range of cars. As a rule, these are models of leading German, Japanese and American manufacturers. On these recommendations, and should choose the best option for the mechanism.
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