Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Diet for 4 weeks "Maggi": menu, reviews and results

Most girls, striving for an ideal figure and preserving feminine proportions, choose protein diets based on intensive consumption of protein. Weight on such dietary regimes (the Kremlin diet, the Dukan system) goes very slowly, and most importantly - returns in excess immediately after the abolition of increased portions of protein and inclusion in the diet of carbohydrate products. But what to do if you need to build up as soon as possible and at the same time ensure a stable weight at the end of losing weight? The way out is a balanced diet for 4 weeks "Maggi", the menu of which includes both protein and carbohydrates.

The so-called egg diet is not based on calculating calories or even on the fashionable alternation of proteins with carbohydrates. Its basic principle is simple, like all ingenious: products eaten for a specific meal, enter into a special chemical reaction between themselves and thereby contribute to the prompt removal of toxins and excess fat from the body. That is why it is extremely important to follow the dietary guidelines and in no case add new dishes to the ready menu. It is also not recommended to arrange unloading days or go on fasting until you have completed the full four-week course of Maggie. The menu for each day is detailed below.

Key recommendations

  • You must strictly follow the menu. If you want to exclude any product from the daily diet, this does not prevent the diet, but you can not replace this product with another - otherwise the chemical bond on which the effectiveness of losing weight with the help of "Maggi" is based.
  • You can drink water in any quantity. Any soft drinks, even diet colas, are also allowed.
  • Coffee and tea (without sugar) are allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities. However, there is a rule: you can not sweeten these drinks. Even a sugar substitute is forbidden. For the sake of a more effective diet, it is better to refuse from adding milk.
  • Vegetables cook in plain water, and not in meat or fish broth. You can add vegetables and other spices, herbs, onions and garlic in any quantity.
  • The right diet "Maggi" categorically prohibits animal and vegetable fats as a supplement to the main dishes. This list includes lard, margarine, sunflower, olive and butter.
  • If there was a feeling of hunger, do not torment yourself and endure, comforted by thoughts of a beautiful figure. Between the main meals you can eat a cucumber, carrot or a little leafy green salad, but only on condition that after the previous meal took at least two hours.

Additional tips

  • Strict adherence to the prescribed regime is the basis on which the entire diet for 4 weeks of "Maggi" is built. The menu consists of breakfast, lunch and dinner; While you can not change two meals in places, that is, replace dinner with dinner, and dinner - dinner.
  • To get on the scales should be every day in the morning, after visiting the toilet.
  • Doing sports with this diet is not necessary, but if before you start working on your figure you had minimal physical activity, increased activity will safely affect weight loss and approaching the coveted figure on the scales.
  • If you ate a product not listed in the menu, or replaced dinner with dinner, or took a break in losing weight, continue to sit on this diet does not make sense: the sequence of chemical reactions has already disrupted, and the desired effect is no longer achieved. To lose weight and fix the result, you need to start the diet again, from the very first day.
  • If you liked the results and the 4 weeks "Maggi" diet, the menu of which will be presented below, is fully suitable, it can be continued for another four weeks, but in this case you should repeat the first seven days of the diet twice and the last twice. Since the "Maggi" is significantly limited consumption of animal and vegetable fats, it is not recommended to repeat it more often than every six months or a year.
  • Thanks to the balance of proteins and carbohydrates, the diet is suitable for people of all ages. Do not take vitamins or other dietary supplements in addition.
  • If the description of the ration for a day does not specify a specific amount of a product or dish, you can eat as much as you want.

Breakfasts in the first two weeks

During the fourteen first days of the diet, the same breakfast is repeated: half a grapefruit (you can replace it with orange on request) and one or two hard-boiled eggs (chicken). As a rule, most people find such a breakfast sufficiently nutritious to not feel hunger until dinner.

First week

On the first day of the diet, fruits of any kind and in any quantity are allowed for lunch. It is better to choose citrus, green apples, yellow or green pears, apricots, peaches, melons or watermelons. For dinner, you can cook or grill any meat, except fatty lamb.

On the second day for lunch, you can eat boiled or grilled chicken (skin needs to be removed before the bird starts cooking). Dinner consists of two boiled eggs, a vegetable salad without dressing (it is allowed to mix cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, cabbage), one piece of bread, dried in a skillet without adding oil, and one grapefruit or orange.

On Wednesday, low-fat cheese and tomatoes are eaten for lunch, and crusty toast is also allowed - a piece of white bread, dried in a frying pan. Dinner is the same as on Monday.

On Thursday, the Monday menu repeats itself. This is how the "Maggi" diet is conceived, the essence of which is the saturation of the body with essential proteins and carbohydrates, while deficiency of fatty acids is simultaneous.

On Friday, two boiled eggs with boiled or steamed vegetables are eaten for lunch. You should choose one kind of vegetables from the list: either zucchini, or beans (cereal, green), or carrots, or peas. For dinner, boiled or steamed fish with vegetable salad, as well as one orange or grapefruit is allowed.

On Saturday, the Monday and Thursday menu is repeated.

On Sunday, for lunch, they eat boiled or grilled chicken without skin, steamed vegetables, tomatoes, citrus fruits. For dinner there are only boiled vegetables, which can be replaced with cooked in a double boiler.

The second week

If your choice is a diet for 4 weeks "Maggi", the menu at first may seem a bit monotonous to you. However, do not worry in vain: the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables, and proteins and the minimum amount of fats - from meat and fish.

In the first two days of the second week, the diet is completely repeated. For lunch, a salad of fresh vegetables and boiled or grilled meat, for dinner - the same salad. It is served with two boiled eggs, an orange or grapefruit.

On Wednesday, for lunch, steamed meat with fresh vegetables (preferably cucumbers), for dinner - two eggs, one grapefruit or an orange.

On Thursday, for lunch, boiled eggs are provided (no more than two), any low-fat low-fat cheese and steamed or boiled vegetables. By dinner you can serve only one more pair of boiled eggs.

On Friday, a cooked or steamed fish is planned for dinner, a couple of hard-boiled chicken eggs for dinner.

On Saturday, for lunch and dinner, you can eat an orange or grapefruit, and also treat yourself to fresh tomatoes and any boiled meat, except lamb.

On Sunday, lunch and dinner are repeated (that is, conditionally interchangeable) - a boiled or steamed chicken without skin, steamed vegetables, fresh tomatoes, grapefruit or orange.

The third week

The third week may seem quite heavy and the most monotonous of the four, but it will help to consolidate the excellent results that the "Maggi" diet will give you. Table caloric content and protein and carbohydrate content in specific products you no longer come in handy - the developers of the diet have calculated all the indicators specifically for those who want to build without harm to health.

On the first day of the third week, you can eat any fruit in any quantity and any combination. All kinds of fruits are allowed, except for bananas, mangoes, grapes, dates and figs.

On Tuesday, eat any vegetables - boiled or steamed, with spices and herbs or without them. Strictly prohibited only potatoes containing an excessive amount of carbohydrates and starch.

The environment combines the two previous days: you can have fruits, boiled vegetables, and fresh vegetables salad - at any time of the day, in any volume. However, remember: the 4-week diet "Maggi", whose menu is based on the chemical interaction of products, implies the division of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This rule does not apply directly to the third week, but experts advise adhering to a given schedule.

On Thursday, they eat boiled or steamed fish, boiled vegetables, leafy green salad or white cabbage.

On Friday, boiled meat and steamed vegetables are allowed.

Saturday and Sunday are a kind of unloading days: for the weekend you can only eat one kind of fruit. For example, on Saturday - only apples or pears, and on Sunday - only apricots or plums.

Fourth week: Monday and Tuesday menu

The "Maggi" diet details the nutrition plan for the last week. All these products and dishes must be divided into three meals, respectively.

So, on Monday are allowed:

  • 4 small pieces of boiled meat or a quarter of chicken carcass;
  • Vegetable salad without dressing;
  • 1 can of tuna (pour out the oil);
  • 1 dried in a frying pan a piece of bread;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit.

Further on Tuesday you can:

  • 2 pieces of boiled meat (up to 200 g);
  • Vegetable salad without dressing;
  • 1 toast;
  • 1 any fruit or piece of melon.

Fourth week: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday menu

One of the bases on which the "Maggi" diet is based is vegetables. Accordingly, the ration is planned for the middle of the fourth week.


  • 1 teaspoon low-calorie cottage cheese or low-fat cheese;
  • Paired or boiled vegetables (small portion);
  • Vegetable salad without refueling (in less quantity than in the previous two days);
  • 1 dried in a frying pan a piece of bread;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit.


  • Half a cup of boiled or steamed chicken;
  • Vegetable salad without dressing;
  • 1 dried in a frying pan a piece of white bread;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit;
  • Any fruit of one variety.


  • A pair of boiled chicken eggs;
  • salad;
  • 3 fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit.

The last days of the diet


  • 2 pieces of boiled chicken breast;
  • A little cottage cheese or feta cheese;
  • 1 dried in a frying pan a piece of white bread;
  • Vegetable salad dressed with yogurt;
  • 1 orange or grapefruit.

On the last day (Sunday), the Monday menu is repeated.

If you are allergic to eggs or oranges (grapefruits), you may ideally find the "Maggi" curd diet. The menu is similar to that presented in the article, but eggs are replaced with 200 g of cottage cheese, and citrus fruits - for any other permitted fruit. Reviews of the diet will certainly inspire you to start the path to harmony: among those who followed the menu of all four weeks with accuracy, there were no dissatisfied results!

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