Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation - eggs in the nest portend wealth and happiness in the home

This is how Millerov proclaims the dream book - eggs, which you found in your nest in your nest, promise not only wealth and happiness in your home, but in your family life everything will work out in the best way. And, if this dream was seen by a woman, then for her it means frequent hobbies, various amorous adventures.

However, says the dream book - an egg that you eat in a dream, foretells trouble in the wake of a dream. Most likely, they (troubles) will not be too serious, but they will represent anxiety, unrest in your home. It's good if the eggs are fresh and broken. It is likely that Fortune will finally give you mercy and make you a very good gift. And who knows, maybe you and in general are so lucky this time that you will become a true darling of Destiny?

At least, this Source of the interpretation of dreams promises a dreamer wonderful things. You will be seen by others, your sublime mind and the pursuit of justice will be appreciated. Unfortunately with the symbol in question, not everything is smooth and that's what the dream book says - eggs, chicken, which you dreamed are rotten, do not foretell anything good.

Such dreams are harbingers of losses. In particular, we are talking about your business life in real life. It is possible that the business started will decline, material problems will arise. You can advise - pray to God, but not to the dreamer himself, but consult with the appropriate specialists. Maybe with lawyers.

But, according to the same (Millerov) dream book, the eggs in the basket prophesy success in business. Soon you will have to participate in some business enterprise, which will bring you and your business a solid dividend. Also, bird eggs, which you found in a dream in the forest, promise a potential profit in real life. It is not impossible to obtain a solid inheritance left to you by distant relatives.

Another dream book of eggs in dreams is viewed on a universal scale and calls them the symbol of the Earth, the planetary world that surrounds us. But only if they are dreaming foul, then this is bad and threatens life on Earth. The reason for the threat is the constant modernization of weapons of all kinds, which if it falls into unworthy hands, it is terrible and imagine what it will turn out for the planet Earth.

It's easy to guess that such a global prophecy is offered by Sonnik Wangi. Apparently, this way to interpret dreams is permissible for a dreamer with the gift of the Prophet.

This is what the dream book says - the egg you slept in a dream, also promises Earth a danger, but of cosmic origin in the form of meteorite hail. The truth is that it will not happen soon, but all living things will be destroyed.

Further in Vanni's Sonnike, omens of all sorts of horrors continue to come to Earth if the eggs are dreamed in any form and under any circumstances. As the author of this publication and a person who has been studying esoterica and various dream books for a certain period of time, I hasten to reassure readers. At least, if you do not have a special gift, like a woman whose name is called a dream book, you do not foreshadow anything bad in you and your family if they are not dreaming of you.

And we look into another Source of interpretation of dreams, named after Nostradamus, foreshadowing no less global events than the Bulgarian prophetess. Here, in general, also refers to events that relate not to the dreamer, but to some large-scale phenomena on the planet.

True, says this dream book, eggs from which the chicks (chickens) appear, can carry a message to pregnant women that the birth will be successful. Already well and yet closer to a simple dreamer and her personal life, and not a prophecy about the Earth, the Universe, the Cosmos.

The birth of children in connection with this dream is evidenced by another dream book. Eggs in a dream - to the birth of children, and if there are too many of them, the children that you already have will make you worried. But Easter Eggs - it's a very good dream and promises in real life the joy that children bring to you. They will treat you with respect, always help.

It seems that the dream under consideration in most sources is treated as good for the dreamers and their families, business relations. I wish you such good events!

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