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Is it possible to watermelon during pregnancy? Benefit and harm of watermelon during pregnancy

Pregnancy for a woman is a rather difficult period. Especially it concerns the summer season, when you want to eat something light, cool and non-nutritive. Many people prefer to eat watermelon. This berry refreshes, quenches thirst. But is it always possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy? This is a question that worries future mothers.

Is it worth it for women in the situation is a watermelon?

Watermelon during pregnancy not only can be eaten, but also necessary. It contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements, which favorably affect the fetus. Among them we can mention:

  • A complex of vitamins A, B1, C, folic acid;

  • Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium;

  • Zinc, iron, copper, iodine.

Separately it is necessary to talk about folic acid, which is so important in the formation of the fetus in the first trimester. Thanks to it, it is possible to exclude neural tube defects in a baby.

If folic acid is vital for early pregnancy, iron is required before delivery. It directly affects the oxygenation of the baby's body. If the mother has anemia of blood, then the benefits of watermelon during pregnancy are huge. The only point: do not use this striped berry as the only source of iron. Preparations containing this element should also be present.

Fiber, which is part of the watermelon, helps to cope with constipation, which often affects women in the situation.

Useful properties of a striped berry

Many are interested in: "Why is watermelon useful in pregnancy?". The answer to the question is given by leading nutritionists:

  • This is an excellent diuretic that helps to cope with natural swelling.

  • Due to the fact that the berry has a good choleretic property, watermelon can bring down a low temperature.

  • 150 grams of sweet pulp is enough to completely replace the daily dose of folic acid.

  • Berry is absolutely non-nutritive, which is very important for pregnant women.

  • 3 kg of watermelon replaces daily iron requirements for blood anemia.

  • Excellent thirst quencher.

For those who are wondering whether it is possible to eat a watermelon during pregnancy, the answer is unambiguous - yes. But still there are situations when it is better to refrain from eating this berry.

In what cases is watermelon contraindicated in pregnancy?

If in general to consider the question of whether the watermelon is harmful during pregnancy, you can say with certainty that no. But nevertheless there are cases when it is undesirable to eat it:

  • Individual intolerance (manifestation of allergic reactions).

  • It should be noted that this berry contains a large amount of fructose and sucrose, therefore it is undesirable to use it in food for women with diabetes during pregnancy.

  • Is urolithiasis? Problems with outflow of fluid? Then watermelon is absolutely contraindicated to you, so as not to burden the kidneys even more.

  • Problems associated with the digestive tract (pancreas, intestines).

  • Watermelon promotes flatulence, the intestine presses against the bottom of the uterus, which can lead to tonus. If you have noticed similar problems on ultrasound, it is better to give up the watermelon slice.

As you can see, there are not too many contraindications, if there are any doubts, it is possible to eat a watermelon during pregnancy, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

Watermelon and swelling, are they compatible?

Edema is a common occurrence in pregnancy. As a rule, they occur in the third trimester. To understand whether it is possible to eat watermelon with edema during pregnancy, it is necessary to find out their cause. They can be caused by natural processes occurring in the body (the kidneys do not cope with the load associated with pregnancy), climatic features (high temperature, humidity), a disease called "gestosis."

In the first two cases of watermelon during pregnancy, you can. It will help cope with swelling, remove excess water from the body. If a woman has a gestosis, the berries should be discarded. Otherwise, there may be deplorable consequences.

What to do if you are poisoned with watermelon

Many prefer to eat watermelon during pregnancy in later terms, it is non-nutritious, quickly quenches thirst. Is it possible to poison this berries? Doctors-infectionists say that at the beginning of the season, this risk is large enough.

First of all, you need to list the signs of poisoning, so as not to confuse them with a common cold:

  1. Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness. All this indicates the intoxication of the body.

  2. Sudden migraine attacks, dizziness.

  3. Loss of strength.

  4. Raise body temperature.

  5. Convulsions.

Poisoning watermelon during pregnancy is quite common, so if you have these symptoms, you need to call an ambulance. Unfair producers, in order to improve their goods, resort to prohibited methods: the use of nitrates and chemicals to give flavor and sweetness, rapid crop growth. These substances accumulate in the body with a new eaten piece. If you do not take measures in time, the consequences can be deplorable, up to a miscarriage.

Before the arrival of ambulance, you can alleviate the condition with the help of activated carbon or another sorbent, which is allowed to pregnant women. Many advise to make a solution of potassium permanganate and drink a few glasses, this in no case can not be done, the same applies to enemas. Remember: treatment can and should be prescribed only by a doctor.

How to choose a watermelon

If the question of whether you can eat watermelon during pregnancy, the doctor gave a positive answer, you need to know how to choose it correctly. To do this, inspect the appearance of the berry. Note:

  • Watermelon should not be too large and very small, try to take a medium-sized berry.

  • Is there a dry tail? You can rest assured that this fruit is fully ripe.

  • Strips should be bright, glossy, contrasting.

  • A characteristic feature of the mature fetus is the yellow spot on the side on which the watermelon lay.

  • Try to pierce the skin with your fingernail. If you easily managed to do this, it is better to leave this watermelon on the counter. He will be immature and sluggish.

  • A ripe fruit produces a dull sound with a slight tapping.

Buying a watermelon during pregnancy, it is better to ask sellers to cut the fruit. On the spot you can make sure whether it is ripe or not.

Signs, symbolizing that watermelon is better not to use

So, the watermelon was bought, it was left to cool it and enjoy the sweet flesh. There are ways to check at home, whether it is possible to eat this fruit to pregnant women, or it is better not to take risks, since it contains nitrates. To find this out, it is not necessary to do a special test each time in the laboratory, it is important to know some tricks:

  1. Cut the watermelon, pay attention to the color of the pulp. If it is uniform, you can safely eat it. Often you can see the saturation of the color scale closer to the crust, this indicates that the fruit was tinted chemically.

  2. The veins should be in the form of thin white threads, if they are thick with a yellowish tinge, it is better not to eat such a watermelon.

  3. The flesh of the nitrate watermelon is perfectly smooth to the touch. But the flesh of the fruit, not processed by chemicals, will be with grains.

  4. Pour cold water into a glass, cut a little pulp and mash it. If the water becomes cloudy, but this does not change its color, the watermelon has been tested. Did the water turn pink? Striped berry stuffed with nitrates.

Using watermelon during pregnancy, you need to be extremely cautious and pay attention to the above points. Remember: you are responsible not only for yourself, but also the health of the future baby.

How to eat a watermelon pregnant

Doctors and experienced moms give advice on how to eat watermelon correctly:

  1. If you prefer to eat fruit with bread, you should choose only white varieties. Borodino bread in combination with the pulp of watermelon causes flatulence, which can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

  2. The cut fruit should be stored in the refrigerator, and not more than a day.

  3. Watermelon during pregnancy in later terms can be consumed only during the day, not at night, so as not to overload the bladder.

  4. Know the sense of proportion, do not overeat. 500 grams of pulp per day will be quite enough.

  5. Do not eat the scrap before the crust, always leave 3-4 cm of flesh.

  6. It is better to eat a watermelon 3-4 hours after someone has already tried it.

Observing these simple rules, you can safely eat watermelon during pregnancy.

On a note

Finally, I want to share tips, which you should not do to pregnant women, buying a watermelon:

  • You can not buy watermelons before mid-August, wait for the season, and only then try a delicious berry.

  • Cut or chipped watermelon is the source of bacteria.

  • You can not buy watermelons along the slopes. Firstly, the quality is doubtful, and no one has done sanitary tests, and secondly, the berry quickly absorbs automobile exhausts.

  • Before you cut the watermelon, it must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water and wipe dry. Then divide into slices, slightly separating the flesh. In this case, the probability of getting bacteria is minimal.

  • Buying a watermelon, you can safely ask for a document on laboratory research, there must necessarily be an opinion on the content of nitrates and other chemical elements, if any.

So, what is useful for watermelon during pregnancy? First, it is a source of vitamins. Secondly, it relieves swelling, quickly quenches thirst. And thirdly, it's just a delicious berry, which everyone eats with great pleasure and appetite.

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