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Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich: biography, creativity

Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich - a representative of the so-called proletarian literature. Creativity of this writer is consonant with the literary activity of Maxim Gorky. His early stories were influenced by the revolutionary movements of the second half of the nineteenth century. And throughout his creative career, he remained true to his views and convictions. What is the main idea of the works created by Alexander Serafimovich? What is the value of his literary work?


The real name of the writer, referred to in this article is Popov. But in literary activity he used the pseudonym Serafimovich. The development of his literary views took place in a rather difficult period in the history of Russia. Public life in the country in the second half of the nineteenth century is characterized by an active revolutionary movement. In particular, such sentiments were manifested among the representatives of the younger generation, namely, students.

Serafimovich Alexander Serafimovich came from the Cossack family. In childhood, together with his parents spent several years in Poland. But when the family returned to their native land, the future writer received a gymnasium education, after which he entered St. Petersburg University for Physics and Mathematics. Here, Alexander Serafimovich found himself in a student society, in which revolutionary ideas gained momentum. The Marxist teaching instantly captured the son of the Don Cossack. But the student did not limit himself to theoretical knowledge. Soon he started an acquaintance with his elder brother, Alexander Ulyanov. And for his participation in the attempt on the tsar he was arrested and exiled to the Arkhangelsk province. Life in these parts had a decisive influence on the entire creative path of the writer.

The main ideas of the works

Active social life, which Alexander Serafimovich led in his student years, laid the foundation for his literary work. The popular theme became the main theme in his works. Undoubtedly, his ideas were aimed at Marxist and Social-Democratic ideas.

The life of the common people at the end of the century was extremely difficult. Supporters of the idea of the need for a coup d'etat believed that all evil comes from the foundations of the tsarist regime. Thoughts on how to improve the life of workers in Russia, increasingly occupied the novice writer. The material for Serafimovich's early works was the life of ordinary workers. And already at the beginning of his creative path, his writers were approvingly approached by such writers as V. Korolenko and G. Uspensky.

Early Creativity

In the nineties the main theme in the works of Serafimovich was the life of representatives of the working class. Miners, railway employees, blast-furnace workers, and peasants became the heroes of his books. In his works Alexander Serafimovich tried to show not only their way of life, but also the inner world. First of all, the writer was interested in what the simple worker thinks.

But the specific feature of the literary idea of Serafimovich was the conviction that hard work does not so much harass a person as physical, but kill public activity in him. Therefore, he saw not only the causes of hard labor, but also its consequences. However, in the early works of this writer there is faith in the power of the people. He did not consider the indifference and immutability of the workers to be their own destiny. So, in the "Trader" Serafimovich depicted the first shoots of protest, which were found, it would seem, among the most backward social strata.

The world view of the writer was finally formed during his stay in exile. It was there that he witnessed the working life of ordinary people and convicts.

In the link

In the harsh North, Alexander Popov, whose biography evolved under the influence of historical and social events in Russia, has established an acquaintance with one of the foremost workers. Behind this man there was experience of revolutionary struggle, as a result of which he was in exile. Aesthetic view and literary orientation was, above all, influenced by close communication with such people.

Alexander Popov, whose biography began on the Don lands, in exile learned about the fate of ordinary people living in the North. Here he opened a new, unexplored world. The writer listened with interest to the stories of local residents. Pomors kept their families at the expense of fishing. Their work was difficult and unsafe. Often people died in the sea. Often returned home empty-handed. If the catch was successful, an impressive part should be given to the well-to-do peasants who supplied the fishermen with gear.

Landscape in the works of Serafimovich

The writer was fascinated by the beautiful, but severe northern nature. The description of the landscape occupied an important place in his work. This feature can be found in the story "On the Ice." In this work he described the peculiar nature and way of life of the North. But he did not forget the southern native land. They are no less picturesque reflected in later stories.

The description of nature in the work "On the ice" has a symbolic character. The author seems to draw a parallel between cold northern weather, ice landscapes, short cold days and the life of local residents. The image of nature helps the reader to feel more clearly the difficult conditions in which the workers are. Against nature, man is as defenseless as he is against social oppression. Serafimovich is a writer in whose work the main idea is inequality. The story "On the Ice" is a kind of indictment against the social forces that led the main hero to death.

"On rafts"

In the work "On the Ice" the author contrasted the poor man with Soroku's fist. In the story "On rafts" the social drama of the worker is presented in a more complex form. The protagonist of this work is the carpenter Kuzma. He alone earns himself for bread. Every day he is in dangerous intolerable conditions, but his work is fruitless. In a society in which it is customary to assign the results of someone else's work, social disunity is disastrous.

"On rafts" and "On the ice" - stories from which Serafimovich began his series of works devoted to social inequality. Later, the main genre in his work was an essay. "Snowy desert" is, perhaps, an intermediate link between these literary forms. The narration in this work Serafimovich leads from the first person. From the first pages the reader has the impression that in it the writer describes his own experiences. From the part, it is. The narrator reflected in this work feelings and thoughts that visited him during the first days of his stay in the North.

After the link

In the Arkhangelsk Province, Alexander Serafimovich (Popov) stayed a little over a year. After exile, he settled in the village of Ust-Medveditskaya, where he was constantly under police surveillance. In spite of this, he led an active literary and social activity here. The circle that he organized was intended to discuss important cultural events. However, from the very first days of the organization's existence, its participants were arguing over political topics.

In his native land Serafimovich quickly found like-minded people. Over time, the illegal distribution of Marxist literature became an important part of his work. And it was during this period in the writer's activity there was a significant shift.

Feature of creativity

Soviet literature at an early stage was represented by a number of revolutionary-minded authors. The name of Alexander Serafimovich among them stands out clearly. This writer at the time of the birth of the new state became a fully mature author with an established and strong social position. He did not adapt to the new social order. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, he actively began to write about the life of Donetsk miners and factory workers. In his work the view of an independent independent artist develops. Soviet literature in the postwar years includes few authors, for whom a peculiar vision of life is inherent. In the works of Alexander Serafimovich there are original literary expressions. This writer became a researcher of the life of the working class. Creation Seraphimovich in this sense is unique.

"A drop"

The early stories of Serafimovich are permeated with realism. Such are the works devoted to the life of the inhabitants of the North. Realisticness is also present in the stories about the Donetsk miners. Revolutionary romance appeared later. Thus, in the story "Drop" there is an epic, allegory and the author's belief that a simple people can save a community of views and work aimed at achieving revolutionary goals.

The symbolism in this work is quite simple. There is a huge rock, and a single drop can not destroy it. She falls on a stone stronghold and instantly dies. But only hundreds, thousands of drops can pierce in this rock hole.

The story is divided into three parts. Each of them is a revolutionary movement that took place in different years. The first was destroyed. The second gave some fruits. The writer hopes for the third revolutionary movement. It is he who, in his opinion, is able to break through the stronghold of the tsarist regime.

In Moscow

The romantic ideas present in the work of Serafimovich are close to the literary style of Gorky. And so, perhaps, after moving to Moscow, the Don writer very quickly approaches a great proletarian writer. Both Serafimovich and Gorky have faith in the extraordinary power of man. The relentless struggle of a simple worker, despite centuries of slavery, capable of leading to the final victory of the working class.

Later, Maxim Gorky creates the publishing house "Knowledge", which primarily attracts Serafimovich. The revolutionary events of 1905 are taking place right before our eyes, and even with some participation of a native of the Don steppes. At this time he is renting an apartment in Presnya and helping the workers build barricades.

After 1905

The historical events that Serafimovich observed were reflected in his work. Pathos and enthusiasm have appeared in the works of this writer since. The workers, drugged with drunkenness and a hopeless empty existence, gave way to his stories to the heroes-revolutionaries. In this spirit, a collection of short stories "Lost Lights" was created.

Alexander Serafimovich devoted more than half a century of his literary activity. During the Second World War, he became a military correspondent, but did not stop writing stories and essays. The main work of Serafimovich is the story "Iron Stream". In this work, the writer reflected the events of the Civil War.


Alexander Serafimovich was awarded many awards. In his honor streets in Moscow, Kazan and Minsk are named. In the Volgograd region in honor of the writer the city in which after his death the literary museum has been opened is named. In the village of Ust-Medveditskaya in the eighties they opened a house-museum. And in the very Volgograd erected a monument to Serafimovich.

The writer passed away in 1949 in Moscow. Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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