Health, Mental Health
Mixed personality disorder: symptoms, types and treatment
Our society consists of completely different, dissimilar people. And this is evident not only in appearance - first of all our behavior is different, reaction to life situations, especially stressful. Each of us - and, probably, not once - faced with people with a serious character, as people say, whose behavior does not fit into generally accepted norms and often causes condemnation. Today we will consider a mixed personality disorder: the limitations that this illness, its symptoms and methods of treatment entail.
If there is a deviation from the norms in the behavior of a person, bordering on inadequacy, psychologists and psychiatrists consider this to be a personality disorder. There are several types of such disorders, which we consider below, but most often it is diagnosed (if this definition can indeed be considered a diagnosis) mixed. As a matter of fact, this term is expedient for using in cases when the doctor can not attribute the behavior of the patient to a certain category. Practitioners notice that this is very common, because people are not robots, and it is impossible to single out pure types of behavior. All types of personality known to us are relative definitions.
Mixed personality disorder: definition
If a person has violations in his thoughts, behavior and actions, he has a personality disorder. This group of diagnoses refers to the mental. Such people behave inadequately, perceive stress situations differently, in contrast to absolutely healthy people mentally. These factors cause conflicts at work and in the family.
For example, there are people who cope with difficult situations on their own, while others seek help; Some tend to exaggerate their problems, others, on the contrary, belittle them. In any case, such a reaction is absolutely normal and depends on the nature of the person.
People who have mixed and other personality disorders, alas, do not understand that they have problems with the psyche, so they rarely seek help themselves. Meanwhile, they really need this help. The main task of the doctor in this case is to help the patient understand himself and teach him how to interact in the society, without harming himself or others.
Mixed personality disorder in ICD-10 should be sought in F60-F69.
This condition lasts for years and begins to manifest itself in childhood. In the 17-18 years is the formation of personality. But since at this time the character is only being formed, such a diagnosis at pubertal age is incorrect. But in the adult, when the personality is fully formed, the symptoms of personality disorder only worsen. And usually it is a type of mixed disorder.
In ICD-10 there is one more heading - /F07.0/ "Personality disorder of organic etiology". Characterized by significant changes in the habitual image of premorbid behavior. Especially the expression of emotions, needs and inclinations suffers. Cognitive activity can be reduced in the planning and anticipation of the consequences for themselves and society. The classifier contains several ailments in this category, one of them is personality disorder due to mixed diseases (for example, depression). This pathology accompanies a person all his life, if he does not know about his problem and does not fight it. The course of the disease is undulating - there are periods of remission, during which the patient feels excellent. Transient-mixed personality disorder (that is, short-term) occurs quite often. However, co-factors such as stress, alcohol or drug use, and even menstruation can cause a relapse or worsening.
An aggravated personality disorder can lead to serious consequences, including physical harm to others.
Causes of personality disorder
Personality disorders, both mixed and specific, usually occur against the background of brain injuries as a result of falls or accidents. However, doctors note that the formation of this disease involves both genetic and biochemical factors, as well as social factors. And social play a leading role.
First of all, this is an incorrect parenting - in this case, the character traits of the psychopath begin to form in childhood. In addition, none of us understand how really stressful for the body is. And if this stress is too strong, then it can lead to a similar disorder.
Sexual violence and other psychological traumas, especially in childhood, often lead to a similar result - doctors note that about 90% of women with hysteria in childhood or adolescence have been raped. In general, the causes of pathologies, which are indicated in ICD-10 as personality disorders due to mixed diseases, often should be looked for as early as in the childhood or adolescence of the patient.
How are personality disorders manifested?
People with personality disorders usually have accompanying psychological problems - they turn to doctors about depressions, chronic tension, problems with building relationships with relatives and colleagues. At the same time, patients are sure that the source of their problems are external factors that do not depend on them and are beyond their control.
So, people with the diagnosis of "mixed personality disorder" have the following symptoms:
- Problems with building relationships in the family and at work, as noted above;
- Emotional disconnection, in which a person feels emotional emptiness and avoids communication;
- Difficulties in managing their own negative emotions, which leads to conflicts and often even ends with assault;
- Periodic loss of contact with reality.
The patients are unhappy with their lives, they think that everyone around is guilty of their failures. Early it was believed that such a disease can not be cured, but recently doctors have changed their minds.
Mixed personality disorder, the symptoms of which are listed above, manifests itself differently. It consists of a number of pathological features that are inherent in the personality disorders described below. So, consider these types of details.
Types of personality disorders
Paranoid disorder. As a rule, such a diagnosis is put to haughty people who are sure only in their point of view. Indefatigable debaters, they are sure that only they are always and everywhere right. Any words and actions of others that do not correspond to their own concepts, paranoid perceives negatively. His one-sided judgments cause quarrels and conflicts. During decompensation, the symptoms intensify - paranoids often suspect of the unfaithfulness of their spouses, as their pathological jealousy and suspicion intensify at times.
Schizoid disorder. Characterized by excessive closure. Such people with the same indifference react to both praise and criticism. They are coldly emotionally cold that they can not show love or hatred to others. They are distinguished by an inexpressive face and a monotonous voice. The surrounding world for the schizoid is hidden by a wall of misunderstanding and embarrassment. At the same time, he has developed an abstract thinking, a tendency to reflect on profound philosophical themes, a rich imagination.
A similar type of personality disorder is formed in early childhood. By the age of 30, the acute angles of pathological features are somewhat leveled. If the profession of the patient is associated with minimal contact with the society, it successfully adapts to such a life.
Dissocial disorder. The type in which patients have a tendency to aggressive and rude behavior, disregard for all generally accepted rules, a heartless attitude to relatives and friends. In children and puberty, these children do not find a common language in the team, often fight, behave defiantly. They run away from home. At a more mature age they are deprived of any warm attachments, they are considered "difficult people", which is expressed in cruel treatment of parents, spouses, animals and children. It is this type that is prone to commit crimes.
Emotional-unstable disorder. Expressed in impulsiveness with a touch of cruelty. Such people perceive only their opinion and their view of life. Small troubles, especially in everyday life, cause them emotional stress, stress, which leads to conflicts, which sometimes turn into assault. These individuals do not know how to assess the situation adequately and too violently react to ordinary life problems. At the same time, they are sure of their own importance, which the surrounding people do not perceive, treating them with prejudice, as patients are sure.
Hysterical frustration. People-hysterics are prone to increased emotional excitability, theatricality, propensity to suggestibility and sharp mood swings. They like to be in the center of attention, they are sure of their attractiveness and irresistibility. At the same time they reason fairly superficially and never take up tasks that require attention and dedication. Such people love and are able to manipulate others - relatives, friends, colleagues. By mature age, long-term compensation is possible. Decompensation can develop in stressful situations, during the menopausal period in women. Heavy forms are manifested by the sensation of suffocation, coma in the throat, numbness of the limbs and depression.
Attention! Hysterics can have suicidal tendencies. In some cases, these are just demonstrative attempts to commit suicide, but it also happens that the hysterics, because of its propensity for violent reaction and hasty decisions, can seriously attempt to kill itself. That is why it is especially important for such patients to consult psychotherapists.
Anancastric disorder. Expressed in constant doubts, excessive caution and increased attention to detail. At the same time, the essence of the activity is missed, because the patient is worried only about the details in the order, in the lists, in the behavior of colleagues. Such people are sure that they are doing the right thing, and constantly make comments to others if they are doing something "wrong." Especially the disorder is noticeable when a person performs the same actions - shifting things, constant checks, etc. In compensation, patients are pedantic, accurate in their job duties, even reliable. But in the period of exacerbation they have a feeling of anxiety, obsessive thoughts, fear of death. With age, pedantry and frugality develop into selfishness and stinginess.
Anxiety disorder is expressed in a sense of anxiety, fear, low self-esteem. Such a person is constantly worried about what impression he produces, suffers from the consciousness of his own far-fetched unattractiveness.
He is timid, conscientious, trying to lead a closed way of life, because he feels safe in solitude. These people are afraid to offend others. Moreover, they are quite well adapted to life in society, because society treats them with sympathy.
The state of decompensation is expressed in poor health - lack of air, accelerated heartbeat, nausea or even vomiting and diarrhea.
Dependent (unstable) personality disorder. People with this diagnosis are characterized by passive behavior. They shift all responsibility for decision-making and even for their own lives to others, and if you do not transfer it to anyone, you feel incredibly uncomfortable. Patients are afraid to be abandoned by people who are close to them, are distinguished by obedience and dependence on other people's opinions and decisions. Decompensation manifests itself in complete inability to control one's life with the loss of a "leader", confusion, and a bad mood.
In case the doctor sees pathological features inherent in different types of disorders, he diagnoses "mixed personality disorder".
The most interesting type for medicine is the combination of schizoid and hysterics. Such people in the future often develop schizophrenia.
What are the consequences of a mixed personality disorder?
- Such deviations in the psyche can lead to addiction to alcoholism, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, inadequate sexual behavior, hypochondria.
- Incorrect education of children due to mental disorders (excessive emotionality, cruelty, lack of sense of responsibility) leads to mental disorders in children.
- Possible mental failures in the performance of ordinary daily affairs.
- Personality disorder leads to other psychological disorders - depression, anxiety, psychosis.
- Impossibility of full contact with a doctor or therapist due to mistrust or lack of responsibility for one's actions.
Mixed personality disorder in children and adolescents
Usually, personality disorder manifests itself in childhood. It is expressed in excessive disobedience, asocial behavior, rudeness. In this case, such behavior is not always a diagnosis and can be a manifestation of a completely natural character formation. Only if this behavior is excessive and constant, we can talk about a mixed personality disorder.
An important role in the development of pathology is played not so much by genetic factors as by education and social environment. For example, a hysterical disorder can occur on the background of insufficient attention and participation in the child's life from the parents. As a result, about 40% of children with behavioral disorders suffer from it in the future.
Mixed personality disorder in adolescents is not considered a diagnosis. The disease can be diagnosed only after the pubertal period has ended - the adult person already has a formed character that needs correction, but is not completely corrected. And during the puberty period, this behavior is often the result of "adjustment", which is experienced by all teens. The main type of treatment is psychotherapy. Young people with severe mixed personality disorder in the stage of decompensation can not work in industries and are not allowed into the army.
Treatment of personality disorder
Many people who have been diagnosed with a "mixed personality disorder" are primarily interested in how dangerous this condition is and whether it is treated. Many people make the diagnosis quite by accident, the patients claim that they do not notice their manifestations. Meanwhile, the question of whether it is being treated remains open.
Psychiatrists believe that it is almost impossible to cure a personality disorder of a mixed type - it will accompany a person throughout his life. However, doctors are confident that its manifestations can be reduced or even achieved a stable remission. That is, the patient adapts in society and feels comfortable. It is important that he wants to eliminate the manifestations of his illness and completely went to contact with a doctor. Without this desire, therapy will not be effective.
Medication in the treatment of mixed personality disorder
If an organic personality disorder of mixed origin is usually treated with drugs, then the disease we are considering is a psychotherapy. Most psychiatrists are confident that drug treatment does not help patients, because it is not aimed at changing the nature that patients generally need.
However, one should not abandon medications so quickly - many of them are able to alleviate a person's condition by eliminating certain symptoms, such as depression, anxiety. In this case, prescribe medication should be carefully, because in patients with personality disorders, drug dependence appears very quickly.
The leading role in drug treatment is played by neuroleptics - taking into account the symptoms, doctors prescribe drugs such as "haloperidol" and its derivatives. It is this drug that is most popular among physicians in the personality disorder, since it reduces the appearance of anger.
In addition, other medicines are prescribed:
- "Flupektinsol successfully copes with suicidal thoughts.
- "Olazapine" helps with affective instability, anger; Paranoid symptoms and anxiety; Has a beneficial effect with suicidal tendencies.
- Valproic acid - a mood stabilizer - successfully copes with depression and anger.
- "Lamotrigine" and "Topiromate" reduce impulsiveness, anger, anxiety.
- "Amitriptin" also treats depression.
In 2010, doctors were studying these drugs, but the effect of prolonged action is unknown, since there is a risk of side effects. At the same time, the National Institute of Health in the UK published an article in 2009 that experts do not recommend prescribing drugs if there is a mixed personality disorder. But in the treatment of concomitant diseases, drug therapy can give a positive result.
Psychotherapy and mixed personality disorder
Psychotherapy in the treatment plays a leading role. True, this process is lengthy and requires regularity. In most cases, a stable remission was achieved in patients aged 2-6 years, which lasted no less than two years.
DPT (dialectical behavioral therapy) is a technique that was developed by Marsha Linehan in the 90s. It is aimed mainly at treating patients who have experienced psychological trauma and can not recover from it. According to the doctor, pain can not be prevented, and suffering is possible. Specialists help their patients develop a different line of thinking and behavior. This will help in the future to avoid stressful situations and prevent decompensation.
Psychotherapy, including family therapy, is aimed at changing interpersonal relationships between the patient and his family and friends. Usually treatment lasts about a year. It helps to eliminate mistrust, manipulation, arrogance of the patient. The doctor looks for the root of the patient's problems, points him to them. Patients with a syndrome of narcissism (narcissism and narcissism), which also relates to personality disorders, is recommended by a three-year psychoanalysis.
Personality disorder and driving license
Are the concepts of "mixed personality disorder" and "driving license" compatible? Indeed, sometimes such a diagnosis can prevent a patient from driving a car, but in this case everything is individual. The psychiatrist should determine which types of disorders predominate in the patient and what their severity is. Only on the basis of these factors is the specialist to make the final "vertex". If the diagnosis was made years ago in the army, it makes sense to visit the doctor's office again. Mixed personality disorder and driving license sometimes do not interfere with each other completely.
Limitations in the life of the patient
Problems with employment in the specialty in patients usually do not arise, and they interact with the society quite successfully, although in this case everything depends on the severity of pathological features. If there is a diagnosis of "mixed personality disorder," the restrictions cover almost all areas of a person's life, since he is often not allowed to the army and to driving a car. However, therapy helps to smooth out these acute angles and live as a completely healthy person.
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