Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Diet "5 spoonfuls": reviews of those who have lost weight, menus

With the first spring days, almost every girl starts to think about her appearance. Many people want to get an ideal figure for the beach season. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands that it is necessary to get rid of excess kilograms correctly. Starvation or use of questionable medications, of course, will help to lose weight. In addition, there will be many health problems. At best, it will be gastritis, and at worst - anorexia. But the diet "5 spoons" gives really excellent results. Reviews of those who lose weight speak for themselves. Girls acquire ideal forms without harm to health.

First you should calm down

Before you start any diet, every woman should think carefully. Is it really necessary to lose weight? Perhaps this is just a tribute to fashion. Girls from an early age are taught that a beautiful figure should be without fat deposits. In fact, beautiful forms are not only the absence of folds on the abdomen and hips. This is also a decent physical preparation. The "5 tablespoons" diet only shows how to eat right. But this is not enough to acquire an ideal figure.

Before the onset of the beach season, almost all the girls start to think about their food. Many people want to lose extra pounds as quickly as possible. Some even resort to starvation. Such drastic measures may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous. An organism that does not receive enough nutrients stops performing its functions to the full. Thus, you can buy gastritis, ulcers, problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, fasting often leads to a metabolic disorder. The result may be the acquisition of excess fat mass.

Each girl who aspires to an ideal, first of all should calm down and think over the actions. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that proper weight loss is a fairly long process. You can not get an ideal figure in a few weeks. For those who want to look beautiful in the summer, it is necessary to start to practice themselves in the winter. For weight loss is ideal diet "5 spoonfuls". The full version of the menu can be the most diverse. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Someone should eat more fat, and others can not normally exist without carbohydrates. Ideally, it is better to consult a dietician who can make an ideal menu option.

Miracles do not happen

All people are individual. Each girl has her own propensity to purchase extra pounds. But even the most harmonious representative of the fair sex can spoil the figure if it does not eat right. Girls who are naturally lush in shape, will not be able to become half as much. After all, the figure is not only fat deposits, but also the muscle body and bones. Wide hips can not be greatly narrowed by fasting. Do not rely on miraculous teas and pills. Such means, if they give an effect, it is temporary. It is only necessary to return to normal life, as excess weight is returned again.

All people have their ideal weight. It is quite easy to learn it. It is only necessary to take 110 cm from its height. It turns out that a girl with a height of 165 cm should weigh 55 kg. Do not try to become easier. And problem areas, such as folds on the abdomen or a double chin, can be corrected with the help of physical exercises.

It is not necessary to hope that it will be possible to lose weight easily and simply. Diet "5 spoonfuls" is not easy either. Reviews that have grown thin about this method can be heard the most diverse. Some people are happy with the fact that almost any food can be eaten. Others complain that the weight goes too slowly. This method is rather a nutrition allowance. Wait for quick results is not necessary. But if you have enough patience, in the future it will be possible to please those around you with an ideal figure.

What is the essence of the diet?

The most difficult thing in any diet is the need to give up your favorite foods. A real holiday in this regard is the diet "5 spoonfuls". The full version of the menu can include any products. There is no need to give up meat and sweets. In the daily diet must include vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products, fish, meat and bread. Meals should be varied and full. How then to get rid of extra pounds? Very simple! There is absolutely everything possible, but one serving should not exceed 5 tablespoons. That's about 200 grams of any product. Meals per day can be unlimited. The interval should be at least 3 hours. It is also undesirable to eat at night.

The diet "5 table spoons" is quite affordable. Reviews, photos and beautiful figures of girls who respected her, speak for themselves. Ideal forms can be obtained without damage to the body. A representative of the fair sex who can eat your favorite foods and still lose weight, always has a good mood. And this is an important factor in correct weight loss.

How does the body get rid of excess fat? Everything is simple enough. Organism for normal functioning requires a small amount of food. People are used to eating tasty food in large quantities. In the process of life, the stomach acquires considerable dimensions. The first principle of losing weight is to reduce the volume of the stomach to a normal size. For a full-fledged life, a person should consume no more than 200 grams of food at a time. But you need to eat at least 4 times a day.

Water is the guarantee of health

In the volume of food should be limited. But what exactly you can not forget, it's about water. There is a misconception that the fluid adds weight. In fact fatty adjournment on 60% consist of water. There is even a method of losing weight, which involves wrapping problem areas of the body with food film. In order to lose weight, you need to sweat well. This method is also dangerous to health. Water is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs. Necessarily includes in a daily ration of at least 2 liters of water a diet of "5 tablespoons". Reviews, the results of losing weight girls who choose to use this technique, inspire. After all, many managed not only to make the figure ideal, but also to solve other problems. This is especially true for women over 30. Water is necessary for beautiful face skin.

The daily diet should include only purified water. Sweet, fizzy drinks just do not fit. They can only disrupt the metabolism and contribute to the acquisition of extra pounds. It is better to purchase a special filter in advance and let the water through it. It is not recommended to use tap water.

What should I forget?

The food should be healthy and full. Any food can include a "5 spoons" diet. Reviews thin, a photo of their ideal figures make it possible to understand that there is no need to abandon your favorite dishes. But there are some rules to stick to. In order to look beautiful, it is undesirable to eat semi-finished and fast food. If you have to be in the street for a long time, and the feeling of hunger already begins to prevail, it is better to give preference to fruit. With just half the banana, you can perfectly satisfy your hunger. Such a snack will be tasty and useful.

Bad habits can become an enemy for those who liked the diet "5 spoonfuls". Reviews and results are really good only for those who refused to smoke. Nicotine is able to disrupt the functions of many organs. As a result, metabolism is not properly metabolized. Even with a reduced amount of food on the body, fats are deposited. It is only necessary to abandon the harmful habit, as the figure begins to acquire ideal forms.

Alcohol can also become an enemy of beautiful appearance. First of all, you need to forget about beer. This product is too high in calories. A little wine can include a "5 spoons" diet. The full version of the menu reviews gets always good. On holidays, girls can afford not more than 100 grams of wine. It's better if it's a natural home-made product. Ideally, alcoholic beverages should be excluded completely.

When making a menu, you should stick to the golden mean. Any dishes should not be too sharp, salty or sweet. But there is no need to consume fresh products either. Food should firstly please. The main thing is that the portions are small and placed in 5 tablespoons.

Physical activity is the key to success!

Proper nutrition is only half the success. If the girl will eat useful food in small portions and at the same time spend all her free time on the couch in front of the TV, it will not be possible to achieve success. Perhaps, the extra pounds will really go away. But the process of losing weight will be slow enough. To get the ideal shape as quickly as possible, it's worth to accustom yourself to an active lifestyle. In this case, the diet "5 spoonfuls" is sure to be a pleasure. Reviews and results (photos of those who have grown thin that confirm) are always excellent for those who approach the issue in a comprehensive manner.

First of all, whenever possible, it is necessary to abandon public transport. Hiking promotes normal metabolism, and fresh air in itself is good for health. Just 40 minutes walk helps burn around 1000 calories. Therefore, it does not matter if you want to eat a small cake for dessert. You can only walk a bit, and the extra pounds will not appear.

There is absolutely no need to torture yourself with days in the gym. But to maintain a normal shape with the help of exercises is still worth it. Girls who have experience in losing weight, note that it is not enough to establish nutrition. It is also necessary to put in order the muscular body. To look great, you can only pay attention to the exercises once a week. In the warm season, morning runs will benefit. Thus, the diet "5 table spoons" results will be much quicker. Photos of those who lost weight, really inspire. Girls who managed to acquire an ideal figure in a short time, note that without exercise, the diet is not so effective.

Take care of the regime of the day

Excellent results will help to achieve an integrated approach. For many, the diet "5 spoonfuls" may initially seem ineffective. Reviews of slimmed-down menus will make it fast enough. But in the matter of losing weight, it is not always possible to build on the opinions of others. In addition, an ideal figure can be formed not only through nutrition. The correct regime of the day is of great importance . Particular attention should be paid to a full sleep. On the feedback of others to pay attention in this regard is not worth it. After all, one is enough to sleep for 6 hours to feel perfectly, and another will not be enough for 8 hours.

The regime should also be adhered to in the matter of nutrition. Ideally, you should eat at the same time. Thus, the stomach will correctly distribute proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The menu needs to be planned well in advance. This method allows you not only to lose weight, but also to put in order the family budget. Many people say that the "5 tablespoons" diet also allows you to save money. No need to go to the store once more and buy products at a high price.

Example menu for a day

Every girl who aspires to get ideal forms, should independently pick up food products for a day. Do this based on your own preferences. But do not forget that the food should be moderately calorie and full. The first meal should take place 30 minutes after waking up. First of all, you need to drink a glass of clean filtered water. This will satisfy the hunger and awaken the stomach. For breakfast, you can eat 5 tablespoons of any non-caloric cereal and drink a glass of tea without sugar. Ideally breakfast is suitable for oatmeal or buckwheat.

After three hours (at 11-12 pm) you can eat a small fruit. In winter it can be a banana or an orange. Preference is given to seasonal fruits. Strawberries, purchased in the winter in a supermarket, should not be eaten. This product does not contain anything useful. But it's possible to damage the body in this way.

The most caloric meal should be lunch. It can be 5 tablespoons of boiled potatoes with fish or meat. Preference should be given to light foods. Excellent fit white fish or chicken. Be sure to please the diet "5 spoonfuls". Reviews of those who lose weight make it possible to understand that there is no need to deny yourself spices. Products within reasonable limits can be salted and peppered.

A snack can consist of a vegetable or fruit salad. Everything depends on individual preferences. To fill a salad is better vegetable oil. Do not forget to stick to the basic principle. You can eat no more than 5 tablespoons!

The last meal should take place no later than 8 pm. You can eat a little boiled rice with meat. This dish is both delicious and nutritious. If you want to eat again after a few hours, you can drink 100 grams of kefir. During the day, you should drink more water. Daily rate - 2 liters.

Who will benefit from the diet "5 tablespoons"?

Photos before and after losing weight girls who decided to get rid of extra pounds correctly, really inspire. Pleases that to acquire the ideal figure by such a technique can afford to each of the fair sex without exception. Even those who have health problems can get rid of excess weight. All because you can eat any food. Only the volume of portions decreases.

Many women after childbirth are worried that they will not be able to return quickly to normal weight. After all, during lactation it is necessary to "eat for two". This is completely wrong. If the mother will eat foods that are useful to the child in small portions, all vitamins and minerals will necessarily come to the baby in the right amount. This means that after the birth the diet "5 spoonfuls" is perfect. Reviews of thin young mothers speak for themselves. A slender girl with a stroller always causes envy.

Let's sum up the results

To lose weight does not harm the body, it should go right. Ideal for the restoration of beautiful forms is suitable diet "5 spoonfuls". Menus and reviews, photos of those who lose weight should be studied before starting to work on themselves. Good results will certainly inspire feats.

The food should be high-grade. There is no need to deny yourself in your favorite products. Only the amount of food decreases. Food can be sweet. But from the sweet drinks it is better to refuse. Drink at least 2 liters of purified water a day.

The issue of weight loss should be approached in a comprehensive manner. Acquire the ideal figure will help correct nutrition, the regime of the day and moderate physical activity.

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