
Decaris. Reviews

Decaris, which is widely used, is a well-known immunostimulating and anthelmintic agent. The drug is considered effective and non-toxic.

The drug is released in tablets of 50 and 150 milligrams.

The agent is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of infection by various types of helminths. The active substance - levomesol - has a paralyzing effect on the muscular membranes of parasites and disrupts the course of bioenergetic processes. Paralyzed helminths are removed from the intestine with normal peristalsis within 24 hours after taking the medicine.

For more effective treatment, you can take any other anthelmintic drug and "Decaris". Reviews of people and experience of doctors proves that complex treatment gives more guarantees of getting rid of parasites. For example, three days after the reception of "Decaris", you can drink "Vermox".

The drug is used not only as antihelminthic, but also as an immunostimulant. It is prescribed in immunodeficient conditions and frequent exacerbations of inflammatory diseases.

"Decaris" is indicated with the following parasitic diseases: ascariasis, non-carotidosis, enterobiosis, toxoplasmosis, hookworm disease, strongyloidiasis.

Take decaris inside. With helminthiasis, 150 mg for adults are prescribed once (one tablet). "Decaris" to children is indicated in a dose of 2, 5 mg per kilogram of weight. If necessary, repeat the course a week later.

What side effects does Dekaris cause? The testimonies of people taking the medicine show that it often causes reactions from different systems of the body.

The digestive tract: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, pancreatitis.

Nervous system: neuralgia, parasthesia, headache, olfactory hallucinations, encephalopathy syndrome, speech disorders, convulsions, fatigue, malaise, tremor, confused consciousness, poor sleep.

Urinary system: renal damage.

Hematopoiesis: leukopenia.

Allergies: dermatitis, skin rashes.

In addition, taste perversions, vasculitis, periorbital edema, uterine bleeding, myasthenia gravis, lymphadenopathy, iridocyclitis are possible.

"Decaris" has quite a lot of contraindications. These include: childbearing, lactation, hypersensitivity or individual intolerance, childhood (under 14), agranulocytosis. The drug should be drunk with caution in renal and hepatic insufficiency, cerebrovascular insufficiency, acute leukemia.

If there was a need to take "Decaris" during lactation, you will have to give up feeding. In pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only if the risk is justified.

During the medication and during the following days you should not drink alcoholic beverages. The use of "Decaris" requires careful driving of the car and work with mechanisms, as it can cause dizziness. There is too little data on the negative effect of the active substance on the nervous system.

If perdosize "Decaris"? People's reviews and medical studies confirm that too much of a dose of medication leads to nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion.

In case of an overdose, if a little time has passed, you should do a gastric lavage.

The reception of "Decaris" together with alcoholic beverages causes cutaneous hyperemia, tachycardia, convulsions, nausea, vomiting, reflex cough.

It should be taken with caution at the same time as "Dekaris" anticoagulants, phenytoin, drugs that have an effect on hematopoiesis.

When should I take Decaris? The testimonies of people say that many people take medicine for the purpose of preventive dehelminthization, since it is quite easy to get infected with parasites. Therefore, regardless of the results of the examination, it is recommended to perform periodic anthelmintic treatment in autumn and spring.

How do people evaluate the effect of such a drug as "Decaris"? Reviews about this tool are different and depend on the individual characteristics of the person.

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