
Cyclamen drops. Description

Despite the fact that pharmacology has moved far enough in recent decades, when treating certain diseases, plants that have been known for their useful properties since ancient times are widely used. Such a popular means is the flower cyclamen. In its root contains substances that contribute to the stabilization of the hormonal system, the elimination of allergies, immune system disorders. In addition, there are components in the plant that have antiseptic properties.

Cyclamen drops. Application

Preparations from cyclamen (drops, ointment, tincture) are used widely enough. It should be said that Hippocrates used plant juice for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Today the remedy is used for headaches with colds, adenoids, polyps, sinusitis. Also referred to the indications, in which cyclamen is prescribed, sinusitis. Most often in the treatment of this disease, juice squeezed from the root of the plant is used. Cyclamen drops can be completely prepared by yourself. For this, the washed tubers of the plant must be rubbed. Squeezing the resulting mass through the gauze, get the juice. Cyclamen drops are used in the morning. The duration of the application is seven days. In each nostril, two drops are recommended. After the administration of the remedy, you should lie on your back for ten to fifteen minutes. Specialists also recommend drinking two or three glasses of hot broth of herbs with lemon, honey, pomegranate or kalina after instillation.

To make a tincture, one gram of the crushed root of the plant is poured into 50 milliliters of boiling water and allowed to stand for an hour. After that, dilute the teaspoon of the remedy in a liter of boiled water. Burying is recommended during the week for four to five times a day. It is allowed to mix the tincture with vegetable oil in equal parts. In this case, instillation is carried out two to three drops once a day. As a rule, purulent discharge begins to come out on day 2-3.

Cyclamen drops. Side effects. Contraindications

When using the drug, various reactions can occur. Often patients experience increased sweating, fever, coughing, pain or stitching in the nose, sneezing. The drug is not recommended for children under seven years of age, for nursing and pregnant patients, as well as for individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Cyclamen drops. special instructions

It should be noted that this drug is not recommended by all specialists. Many doctors talk about the probability of a serious burn of the nasal mucosa. Do not forget that not always stuffy nose is a sinusitis and you need to immediately resort to using the tool. Before applying the drug, you should visit a specialist. Using a drop of cyclamen, remember to keep the dosage. Do not forget that the plant itself contains poison. In case of severe pain or bleeding from the nose, treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

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