
"Prostatilen": analogues, instructions for use, composition and reviews

Most male patients are ashamed of their illness and postpone the visit to the treating doctor, considering prostatitis harmless, which is an exceptional mistake!

Adenoma, chronic impotence, a tumor are hidden behind untreated prostatitis. The disease is fatal if you do not give it a meaningful place and do not go to the doctors in time. In our time, there is salvation - the revolutionary prostatoprotective drug Prostatilen. Analogues of the drug are also available.

The system of international classification of medicines marks the belonging of Prostatilena to the following categories:

  • Medical preparations for the treatment of urological diseases;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Hormonal medicines.

When using Prostatilena, the work of epithelial tissues is started, blood clots in blood vessels are prevented, capillaries are strengthened, men's function and seed fluid are restored. Spermatozoa are activated, the urge increases, the erectile function is normalized.

The drug "Prostatilen" (analogues including) is used in the following cases:

  • Postoperative period (operation on the prostate gland);
  • Prostatitis, which took a chronic form.

Forms of release

The medicine is available in several forms:

  • Ampoules with a powder solution when injected into a muscle (powder);
  • Lyophilizate for insertion into the muscle "Prostatilen";
  • Candles (analogs are produced in the same form).

Side effects, contraindications are based solely on the personal tolerability of the components that make up the drug. If there is an allergic reaction to at least one component of the composition, it is worth to abandon the application and use an analog with a less harmful composition for you.

Lyophilisate "Prostatilen": instructions for use

Analogues are usually used in the same dosage. But before using it is better to consult with a specialist.

A single daily dose of intramuscular injection, for 5 days daily - 1 ml of lyophilizate is diluted in novocaine 0.5% or in sodium chloride 0.9%. In more severe cases, treatment is extended to 10 days. Repeat the course - after 2-3 months, in mild cases of intramuscular injection should be repeated after 6 months.

Interaction with other drugs

Significant negative impact on the human body with the introduction of "Prostatilena" with other medicinal solutions was not observed.

Overdose results

The instructions for use do not describe an overdose with Prostatilen (analogs are also not described).

Storage of lyophilizate for intramuscular injection

The drug is stored in a cardboard package at the factory outlet at room temperature, in a dark place, dry, protected from direct sunlight. Shelf life - 3 years.

Medicine in the form of suppositories (suppositories rectal) "Prostatilen"

Analogues also come in the form of candles. Candle treatment for many years has proved its effectiveness. A timely and qualitative positive action confirms the value of the remedy and gives the urologist confidence in recommending these candles for many years. Men, in turn, note the improvement of well-being on the second day of complex treatment.

With the inflammation of the prostate, not only men aged 50 years, but also young people are facing. Therefore, a quality medicine to get rid of male problems is simply necessary.

Candles are superior to injecting treatment, as shown by the therapeutic effect, this is due to the absorption of substances from the suppository into the sore spot directly into the prostate gland. They have a pronounced effect.

The color of the candles is white or yellowish, the shape is torpedo-shaped, the size is small, which provides a convenient introduction. Proteins that make up the prostate of individuals of cattle (bull-calves), purposefully affect the disease and accumulate in the tissues of the prostate men. Composition: 50 mg of prostate extract per suppository, dimethyl sulfide, macrogol. Packing of 5 pieces per cell, all of which in a pack of cardboard 10 pcs.

Effects of rectal suppositories

The agent is characterized by the following effects:

  • Fights the inflammatory process in the organ;
  • Reduces leukocyte infiltration;
  • Reduces swelling;
  • Stimulates muscle tissue and fibers;
  • Prevents thrombosis.


As with intramuscular injection - an allergy and increased susceptibility to individual substances in the drug.

Method of use of candles

The introduction is done rectally. Candles in a dosage of 30 milligrams are administered twice (morning and evening) daily. 50 mg candles - once a day. Before the introduction of the suppository can be moistened in water, enter after the act of emptying, washing. It is necessary after the administration of the medicine in the form of candles to lie on your stomach for 30-40 minutes, for a more proper intake. The course of admission is 10 days. The attending physician may prescribe an increase in the dose and period of use of the drug.

Side effect

Allergic phenomena, anal itching, and reddening of individual parts of the skin are rarely observed.

Shelf life of candles

The temperature of storage - room, not above 15 degrees, the drug can be stored for 3 years. This is how the instructions for use are indicated in the Prostatilen preparation.

Price, analogues

The following medicines are analogues of the drug:

  • "Samprost";
  • "Vitaprost";
  • "Uroprost".

A variety of Prostatilena - Prostatilen Zinc. It also includes vitamin E and zinc, which have a positive effect on the sexual sphere. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthens their walls, exerts a powerful powerful antioxidant effect, awakens spermatozoa. Zinc in the candles prevents malignant formation, improves the balance of hormones, increases the tone of libido. Improves the quality of erection.

The cost is determined depending on the number of candles. On average, from 370 to 900 rubles is on the drug "Prostatilen" price. Analogues are about the same.

Patient Reviews

As the reviews show, problems with the kidneys, exacerbation of the gemmoroid nodes, myocardial infarction in the recovery stage are taken into account when prescribing treatment.

Injections (intramuscular administration) and suppositories are used in practice not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of adenoma of the prostate and prostatitis, as well as for preventing relapses after surgical interventions in the prostate.

Positive reviews of men give both Prostatilen suppositories and lyophilizate, while noting the absence of side effects. The remedy removes pain and discomfort during emptying on the second day of treatment, and lasts for a long time. The disadvantages include the lack of positive dynamics in the treatment of a rare infectious prostatitis, which is the cause of the bacterium, viruses.

In pharmacies, a lot of drugs for prostatitis, but those that are really effective, very little. After applying these candles, patients forget what pain is.

Many begin treatment with injections, and after the onset of improvement, they fix the result with candles. It is convenient and inexpensive.

The composition of this drug is of animal origin, so there is practically no side effects. Of the shortcomings sometimes there is a slight itch in the anus.

So, very detailed is available to the preparation "Prostatilen" instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogs we have reviewed. This drug can be safely used to get rid of male problems.

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