
Cucumber "mother-in-law" and "zyatok": reviews, description, photo

Popular and favorite in the world are cucumbers. This vegetable culture has a centuries-old history of cultivation. Its motherland is China and India. Cucumbers are necessarily present in the beds. They are grown in various ways, from the application of which successful harvesting of a good and quality crop depends. However, much depends on the correct choice of seed material.

How to choose a variety?

Cucumbers can be divided into bee-dusted and self-pollinated. This heat-loving plant, which is often grown in the conditions of film greenhouses. Parthenocarpic plants are suitable for cultivation in protected soil conditions. When choosing the seed material of this vegetable culture, it is worth giving preference to hybrids. They are able to provide a good and high-quality harvest. In comparison with varieties, they are more resistant to major diseases. Among hybrids, attention has recently been paid to cucumbers of universal purpose with beam formation of the ovary. They are characterized by high yield and excellent fruit quality. Not bad proved to be a cucumber "mother-in-law" and "son-in-law". Ogorodnikov's reviews emphasize that these hybrids are stable and indispensable for growing in film greenhouses.

Cucumber "zyatek" f1: reviews, description

Successful will be the selection of a vegetable culture, which combines early maturity and excellent gustatory qualities of fruits of universal purpose. For cultivation in the open and closed ground cucumber "zyatek" is suitable. Reviews about it are only positive. The hybrid is characterized by precocity. Fruiting occurs on the forty-fifth day from the day of emergence. It is distinguished by a female type of flowering. The early hybrid will please the cornichons, which have excellent taste and good yield. They can be used for fresh consumption and for cooking all kinds of dishes. According to truck farmers, this hybrid is indispensable for blanks. Marinated or pickled cucumbers are delicious, crunchy, without any specific bitterness.

Zelenets reaches a length of ten to twelve centimeters. Often the tuberculate fruit is covered with white small spines. It has a dark green color. A distinctive feature of the hybrid "zyatok" is the beam formation of the ovary. Flowering and fruiting does not stop even under adverse weather conditions. In each node, six to eight ovaries are formed. This significantly increases the yield, which reaches from five to seven kilograms from a single plant. Its powerful root system, intensive growth and resistance to rot and powdery mildew will ensure fruiting until the first of October. A perfect addition to this hybrid is a cucumber "mother-in-law".


The early-ripening self-pollinated hybrid begins to bear fruit forty-eight days after emergence. Distinctive features of the plant are predominantly the female type of flowering, the beam formation of the ovary. The cucumber "mother-in-law" f1 has universal qualities. Reviews of the owners of the amazing hybrid emphasize the extended and abundant fruiting. In one ovary, you can count from three to five ovaries. From one plant collect from five to six kilograms of greens. This hybrid is well developed both in the open ground and in film greenhouses. The tuberculate green is covered with small brown thorns. In length it reaches thirteen centimeters. On average one gram can weigh one cucumber "mother-in-law". Comments of truck farmers who grew this promising hybrid, note its excellent taste. It is equally good in fresh or processed form. Particularly successful are blanks for future use. Zelentsy for this collection of different sizes. They are preserved in a can of excellent taste and density. Crispy fragrant cucumber "mother-in-law" f1. Reviews speak of his excellent salty qualities. In addition to the listed advantages, the cucumber "mother-in-law" is a rather cold-resistant plant, slightly affected by diseases. Advantages and prospects of beam hybrids are irrefutable. However, they will require special care.

Peculiarities of growing

The bundle type of ovary is distinguished by cucumber "mother-in-law" and "son-in-law". The photo perfectly demonstrates the numerous formation of the ovary. On one plant due to this for the season develops from four hundred to five hundred greens. However, increased formation of fruits will require increased plant nutrition and special farming techniques. With the usual care, the cucumber beans will suffer from a lack of nutrients. At the same time, part of the ovaries will be lost. They will dry up without forming the desired green.

First of all, to avoid this, increase the area of food. For this, landing is more sparse. One square meter of the area is planted no more than two or three plants.

To the beginning of fruiting should form a powerful root system and a cucumber stalk "mother-in-law" and "zyatok". Reviews of summer residents recommend these hybrids to grow in seedlings. Each plant is sown in a separate seedling container. This will help when moving to a permanent place not to damage the root system. Ogorodniki advise to use temporary shelters or warmed ridges. It is advisable in them to withstand the plants before the onset of flowering.

Seedling: growing, terms of planting in the open ground

From the quality of the planting material, further development of the vegetable culture depends on obtaining a good, high-quality harvest. For the open and closed ground, the planting material is grown equally. Different will be the time of planting, which will depend on the growing conditions and the climate of the terrain. When planting in the open ground, you must have two or three real leaves cucumber "mother-in-law" and "son-in-law". Testimonials of experienced truck farmers give information that it will take at least three or four weeks to reach this phase. Plant heat-loving plants when establishing a stable warm weather, when the threat of frost passes. From this date, you need to count three weeks - we get the required number, the time of seed sowing for seedlings.


When forming beds, a one- or two-line method is used. The distance between the holes is not less than fifty centimeters. According to gardeners, it is more rational to grow cucumber "mother-in-law" and "zyatok" on trellis . Feedback confirms the positive effect of this method. It is convenient for agrotechnical activities. Numerous ovaries do not touch the ground. They are not contaminated, well ventilated and not obscured. This helps to prevent diseases and increase the productivity of the bush. Support can be wooden blocks or metal pipes, the height of which should be at least two meters. Between them pull the wire or fix the grid. Scourge plants securely fixed on the trellis.


The whole vegetative period will require special attention to cucumber-type cucumbers. In order to get as many juicy, crispy cornichons as possible from numerous ovaries, a special growing regime will be required. This is a regular watering and fertilizing. Wet water is used to moisten the soil. Drying the soil cover can be detrimental to the ovary. After moistening the soil, loosen and mulch. At the beginning of flowering, waterings are carried out every three days. Top-dressing is performed every week. One square meter of a cucumber bed requires at least twenty grams of complex mineral fertilizer. In addition, you can use a solution of bird droppings in a ratio of 1:20, or Mullein in a ratio of 1:10.


To obtain a high yield, a cucumber "zyatok" is often used. The responses of the owners of this hybrid pay attention to an important agrotechnical technique - the formation of a bush. Without it the hybrids "zyatek" and "mother-in-law" will be afflicted with a numerous voidness instead of the expected harvest. Timely formation of the plant will help to avoid this. Hybrids with bundle formation of the ovary are grown in a single stem. The lower three nodes of the plant are "blinding", removing flowers and developing lateral shoots, on which they pinch the growth point. On the main stem in each node there is a leaf with a formed bouquet of cucumbers. After harvesting the plant will require the application of fertilizer. In the axils of the leaves, new bundles of ovary will form.


A "mother-in-law" hybrid forms three or four ovaries in the axils of the leaves simultaneously. A lot of greenery will surprise the cucumber "zyatek" f1. Reviews of farmers are advised to collect their collection daily or every other day. Cucumbers will not overgrow and delay the formation of new ovaries. The greens intended for blanks are used for ten hours after harvesting.

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