
Bethel palm (photo). Care and growing at home

Few of the lovers of indoor floriculture did not start any of the palms in his "garden." These plants are attractive because they do not occupy much space with their growth, but, given the average size of our apartments, this is a big plus. Among all the variety of such pets, the betel palm uses considerable attention. And not only because of its appearance (I must say, very attractive), but also because of the benefits that it can bring.

Appearance in the wild

The native land of this tree is Asia (its south and southeast), it is spread in China (again in its southern part), Oceania and East Africa. In its native conditions, the betelic palm can grow to twenty meters, but, like the room brother, has a straight trunk without branches with scars in the form of rings - these are traces of once fallen leaves. In the girth, the trunk can reach a third of a meter, and leaves "on the loose" betelic palm grows to two meters in length. It blooms with whitish-cream flowers, gives red or orange oval fruit-bones, in which the betel nut is contained.

How to Use Bethel Palm

In the homeland of the plant it has been used for many centuries. Chinese medicine widely uses seeds to fight intestinal parasites, with digestive problems (from constipation to diarrhea), for the treatment of malaria and edema, for the prevention and treatment of beriberi (polyneuritis), as well as for purely Chinese, by the way, Normalization of the circulation of Qi energy. Dried seeds are used for this purpose.

However, it should be noted that betel palm (or rather, its fruits) is recognized and traditional medicine, and mainly in the same direction: to combat helminthiases. Appointed drugs from it and with glaucoma, and to correct contractions of the intestine and heart. Of course, drugs from palm seeds are not the most common, but the fact remains.

There is another direction in the use of the seeds of the plant we are considering. All the peoples of the Earth during their history sought ways to relax. In Russia, vodka contributes to this, among the disappeared Indians, its function was performed by mushrooms and cacti, and in the south of Asia and in eastern Africa - a betel palm. Its name is precisely derived from the "name" of the seeds, which were wrapped in aboriginal leaves in betel leaves and chewed to obtain an easy narcotic effect. However, this is not all.

As the seeds of the plant contain a coloring pigment, they are used by local residents for the coloring of cotton fabrics and yarns.

Neither the roomy betelic palm tree (or catechus) is useful. During the day, it actively produces oxygen and contributes to the humidity of the air. In this plant absorbs and recycles toxins with formaldehydes - that is why areca is very popular with office phyto-designers.

However, do not forget that the betel palm of Areca plant is poisonous, and this applies to all parts of the plant. So, if there are animals and small children in the house, you must watch closely that they do not chew on her leaves, otherwise there is a risk or a long time to heal, or even lose a fool.

Room types of areches

In the wild, there are about fifty species of this plant. However, for breeding at home, only three varieties are suitable:

  1. Areca tri-chin (Areca triandra). It grows up to three meters in height, has long (up to one and a half meters) and fairly wide unbent leaves. Often the trunk near the ground is divided into two or three stems.
  2. Areca catechu (Areca catechu) - it is among the florists that is known as the betel palm tree. Of all ornamental palms, it is the highest - it can grow to twenty meters, and therefore it is usually used in phytodesign of large rooms. The diameter of the trunk in large specimens reaches half a meter; The length of leaves on average is two meters.
  3. Areca yellowing (Areca lutescens). In height, it occupies a place between the two species described, the maximum "growth" is ten meters. The leaves have an arcuate shape, rather short (not longer than a third of a meter), and the trunk is very thick, up to a meter in diameter.

As already mentioned, of all indoor dozens the most popular is the betel palm, that is, the catechu. Although its dimensions make it difficult to keep in small rooms, it is the most aesthetic and fits easily into any design.

Difficulties with transplantation

If you liked the betel palm, growing a house of this tree begins with his transplant. And already at this moment the floriculturist faces certain problems. With a standard transplant, even with the use of a suitable primer, the plant is ill for a long time, and in some cases it dies. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed as follows:

  1. A high layer of drainage is poured into the pot of the desired volume - up to a quarter of the height of the container.
  2. Bethel palm is carefully removed from the old pot. Roots do not bite, it is desirable that the earthen com remained large.
  3. The plant is placed on a new "place of residence", and the cavities formed are covered with fresh soil.
  4. The root neck in the new pot should be at the same level as in the old one.

Until the tree is assimilated in a new pot, the room needs to maintain the same, even temperature. This procedure for young plants is carried out annually; In adults - every three years (you can confine yourself to replacing the topsoil).

Correct ground

All plants require soil with certain indicators. Not an exception and a betel palm. Cultivation of it will be successful if the tree is provided with the most suitable soil. First of all, its reaction should be neutral or slightly acidic, and the earth is supposed to pass water and air well, and even be nutritious. Therefore, experienced plant growers advise universal palm soil mixed with pine bark, bone meal, charcoal, peat, pumice and large pebbles. If you are not lazy for your pets to prepare the soil yourself, connect leaf and sod land, sand and black peat (2: 4: 1: 1).

Features of growth

Young betelic palm (photo presented in the article) often has in the base a fruit that gave her life. In no case can it be forcibly removed - the tree will perish. When it completely darkens and falls off, only then it can be removed.

In shops, the plant is often sold by a bush, several pieces in one pot. To divide them during transplantation is not necessary: even the slightest damage to the roots destroys the entire "grove". It is better to buy a bigger container and leave the tree together - so they look even prettier.

We take care of the heat

It is always worth remembering where a betelike palm comes from. Care for her first and foremost is to maintain the thermal regime. The minimum permissible temperature is 18 degrees: the plant with it feels somewhat uncomfortable and stops in growth, but does not die. Categorically contraindicated are drafts. It should be located away from windows: in winter, the palm tree can suffer even from the cold emanating from the windows. In this case, if you use heaters for heating, they should be placed far away from the plant - too dry air is not less harmful to it.


Betel's palm (photos used in the article, you can get an idea of this beauty) - a tropical tree, which needs abundant illumination. It is well tolerated and direct rays of the sun, so in pritenii needs only hot midday (from mid-May to late July). However, the abundance of light is not a necessary condition - the betel palm tree feels fine and in partial shade. So the choice of windows for its placement is the widest. The only thing you need to pay attention to: if have been for a long time in a low-lighted place, move it under the bright sun should be gradually to avoid burns. And in order for the krone to develop proportionally, the pot is rotated by the side to the light source every other side.

How to water

During the heightened vital activity - in spring and summer - the betel palm needs frequent and abundant watering. Water should be soft and stable. Ideally, it would be good to use rainwater; Tap water should be defended for at least three days. Chlorinated water can kill a tree in a single watering, so follow the treatment schedule carefully. Moreover, the already settled water is still harsh for this plant. To mitigate it, (citric acid) citric acid is added.

In hot months, the betel palm is watered as the upper layer of the soil dries (to determine the right moment, it is enough to pierce it with a finger for a couple of centimeters). Overflow is not less negative, than is not enough. If the room is stably warm, and there is no threat of cooling the earthy coma, you can even put the pot in a tray with water - just do not forget to change it regularly so that it does not bloom. In the cold season, water less often - two days after the surface of the earth dries.

Humidity should be provided not only by irrigation. In the heat of a palm, you need to spray every day; If the air in the room is excessively dry, it will not be superfluous to install a humidifier.

Necessary fertilizers

In principle, in the presence of a sufficiently nutritious soil, the betel palm does not particularly need top dressing. However, young or, for some reason, weakened trees in the spring-summer months are still fed (with the usual complex fertilizer, twice a month). In winter and autumn, it is enough to do this once a month. In late May - early June, it is possible to support the palm with organic fertilizers.

If pests attacked or the tree fell ill

Bethel palm often suffers from attacks of mealybug, whitefly, scabies and spider mite. Fortunately, if signs of presence of pests are detected, it is sufficient to treat the plants with appropriate preparations - complications such "attacks" do not cause. Special diseases of the palm are not affected. Most often, troubles are caused by mistakes in care: for example, when overflowing roots rot. If you do not stop in time, you will not be able to save the plant. Leaf drying on the tips is usually caused by too dry air, unacceptably low temperature or insufficient watering. However, such mistakes do not bear serious consequences. If the leaves begin to brown, this is a sign of overflow: it is for him to draw urgent conclusions in order to prevent the decay of the root system.

additional information

Most houseplants need periodic pruning. However, for a palm tree, this action is unnecessary: it does not branch, so the procedure will give you as a result a naked stump that will die very quickly.

The betelic palm is propagated by seeds. Get them at home is quite difficult, but to sprout sprout, a greenhouse is required. Therefore, "enthusiasts" are engaged exclusively in domestic "breeding".

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