
CTP: counterfeit policy. How to distinguish from the original?

Due to the fact that prices have risen on MTPL, a counterfeit policy today is much more widespread than it was before. Drivers knowingly take the risk that in case of an accident they will have to pay monetary compensation from their own pocket. But, of course, they expect that this will not happen.

It happens so, when you order a document, later find out that the policy of OSAGO turned out to be counterfeit. Today's article is devoted to this problem, the scale of which is only increasing.

Why make a fake OSAGO?

It is known that last year it was only registered sales of counterfeit policies by 10% more than in 2014. How many of them are actually unknown. In addition to the fact of sale, there were many cases when insurance companies with falsified documents were asked to compensate for the damage after an accident. It turns out that there are many cases when car owners do not even know that they have acquired a fake OSAGO policy.

In the opinion of many specialists, the turnover of MTPL policies acquires a threatening scale for several reasons.

Firstly, there are scammers who distribute fake forms, earning on it.

Secondly, policies can simply steal.

Thirdly, there are forms lost by the SC and fallen into the hands of scammers.

Fourthly, some insurers lose or lose a license, suspend their activities, obnaktrotyly.

In the management of the SAR, it is believed that drivers, when they do, mostly know that MTPL is a fake policy. They tend to pay less and do not think that they will get into an accident, they will not receive any payment.

In addition to cheapness, it is very easy to obtain such a policy. That is, you do not need to undergo the usual procedure of technical inspection, get a diagnostic map and so on. Everything is much simpler: agreed, paid money, got a policy.

Sometimes scammers use wide advertising to attract a large number of clients. And if a person is very busy, simply can not pay attention to the points, which should be done. Thus, some policies are acquired simply because of inattention and ignorance. Therefore, law-abiding citizens can be deceived.

Sometimes it happens that a fake document was purchased in a company that does not even fall into the category of insurance.

"Almost lawful"

Insurers check policies on the database. And if your number is not there, then there can be no question about any payment. Therefore, before acquiring CMTPL, it is better to stock up with enough information in order not to fall for the bait of scammers or not to decide on an illegal act, having bought a fake of your own free will. Scammers may say that the policy is "almost legal" or "almost legal", referring to the fact that if you want you can make sure of its authenticity.

Do not deceive yourself. The concept of "almost legal" does not exist. The policy is either legal or not. Therefore, when you are offered an "almost legal" OSAGO document by an order of magnitude cheaper, think about it.

Even if the forms are genuine, the path is important, as they fell into the hands. After all, if, for example, they were lost by an insurance company, they a priori ceased to be legal.

What are the fake OSAGO policies?

Counterfeits are the most rude kind, where low quality is simply evident. However, now we have learned to print fakes of higher quality. Such easy to "calculate" and visually, and through the site of the SAR or insurers, driving the number of OSAGO.

A counterfeit policy may have a real state sign, as well as other signs of authenticity. Simply, the company for some reason no longer functions, and the forms were criminalized by fraudsters. Illegality is established in the same way as in the previous case.

How to distinguish a fake OSAGO policy?

So, to verify the authenticity of a species only one can be as follows.

  1. This policy is more than A4 sheet by about a centimeter.

  2. On the front side there is a thin bluish-greenish microscopic mesh. It fills the whole space of the front side and consists, as it were, of the microsections twisted into a circle.

  3. Having brought a blank to the light, you can see the watermarks and the emblem of the SAR.

  4. The first thing you can see on the reverse side is a two-millimeter metal strip on the right.

  5. Also in the paper itself there are red villi. If you take a good look, you can definitely see them.

  6. The feel of the policy number has a convex structure. It consists of ten digits.

  7. Since the end of 2014 on letterhead signs from letters have changed to "EEE". Till this time in policies the designation was "SSS". But the old forms have ceased to be issued since April 1, 2015. Therefore, if you acquire a policy that for all visible signs seems to be real, but with the letter series "CCC", having issued it from this year, it is clear that the document can not have legal force.

  8. On the basis of SAR you can check all the forms of OSAGO. A counterfeit policy will issue a series, number, date of issue. In addition to the official site of the RSA, there are sites of other insurers whose rating is highly valued and which the Russian Union of Auto Insurers trusts. There, this information is checked.

What should I do if the MTPL of the culprit is fake?

Many people do not know how to behave, if they get into an accident, they find out that the culprit has a false document. In this situation, you can advise the following.

Make sure of all the above signs that the document is forged.

If everything is in order, it is additionally recommended that you check its number on the SAR website if you have access to the Internet. But also you can call the insurance company and find out this information there.

Of course, it is best to call the DPS inspector. But under the law, the injured party is in any case entitled to compensation. Therefore, you can continue to make out the documents even when the surname is not inscribed in the policy of the guilty person. Know: if the insurer refuses to pay you, you are entitled to sue and receive monetary compensation.

How to get compensation?

If the culprit of the accident has a counterfeit OSAGO policy, the court needs proof. To do this, you can request information from the SAR, indicating the fact of the accident. If you attach all the documents to the court and received from the SAR, the case will be considered more quickly.

An insurance company can also sue a court to decide the issue of who should pay the MTPL. Compensation can be paid:

  • SC;

  • Insurance broker;

  • PCA;

  • The culprit of the accident.

The court will decide on the basis of the circumstances of the case.

Responsibility for using a counterfeit policy

Responsibility comes not only when the culprit has a fake OSAGO policy. The law is also violated by those who simply use it. Such an offense is qualified as fraud and falls under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The punishment for it may be a fine of up to 120,000 rubles or a convicted person's direction to correctional labor for up to 2 years.

Criminal liability, however, occurs only with respect to those individuals whose fake insurance policies are OSAGO which are counterfeit entirely. That is, if they were purchased from companies that were ruined, then the maximum the car owner risks is in refusing to pay SC. However, in order for criminal responsibility to come, in any case, the law enforcement bodies will have a rather complicated procedure of attracting to it. After all, it is necessary to prove the fact of deliberate use of a fake. And it is not the buyer's responsibility to verify the authenticity of the document. He can trust the seller if he claims that the document is genuine. In Russia, there is a presumption of innocence, meaning that a person is considered innocent until proven otherwise.

Criminal liability may also occur under another article, namely under 327 of the Criminal Code. It provides for punishment for the forgery, use and dissemination of such documents. The offender may be fined up to 80,000 rubles or correctional labor. But most often such cases are qualified by the administrative code, that is, as an administrative offense, and not a crime, and the fine for the Code of Administrative Offenses will be much lower. This is not done for humane reasons, but simply because the process of proving intentional actions is very complicated.

Responsibility does not come ...

There is a case where, regardless of whether a fake policy was acquired intentionally or not, liability does not come. What should I do if the MTPL policy is counterfeit? Just contact the police and point this out. In this case, liability is not provided. The case, of course, will be instituted. But the car owner, who purchased the film document, will act in it as a witness, not the accused. Then they will identify and bring to justice those who are engaged in the production and distribution of illegal products.

More expensive, but better

To be sure that the policy you acquire is legal, it is sufficient to adhere to a number of simple rules.

  1. The policy should be purchased only in large UK.

  2. Before purchasing, check whether the license of the company is valid (on the website of the central bank of Russia).

  3. Check the number of OSAGO on the site of the SAR or SC.

  4. After purchase make a visual check of the document on the above mentioned signs.

  5. If there is at least one sign of illegality, you should contact the police with a statement. If this is not done, then a situation can occur that will lead to serious negative consequences.


Of course, a legal compulsory insurance policy is more expensive. This is the main reason: car owners are eager to save. But is it worth doing, deliberately breaking the law and risking paying in the event of an accident much more? People say: "Miserly pays twice." Think about it, is not this your case?

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