Food and drinkRecipes

Cooking Bigos: Polish recipe

Despite some common Slavic features, Polish cuisine is still very original and original. One of its central dishes is the famous Bigos. The Polish recipe for this soup is quite complicated and laborious, but the result is above all praise. And the ingredients in it are quite affordable. With a shortage of time, you can try to simplify the recipe or even make a bigos in a multivark, but for the first time it's worth trying. Try to follow all the rules of the classic recipe. So, we are preparing the classic Bigos.

Polish recipe: necessary preparations

Many decades ago, every decent Polish housewife in the storeroom had an impressive tub or pot full of bigots. The more it stays in the cool, the fuller its flavor will be. Such a dish could be treated to an unexpected guest, feed a wanderer or a hunter, and for a festive table it is difficult to think of something better. For the Christmas evening, too, the bigos was prepared. The Polish recipe has not changed much now. You have to have patience - it needs three days to cook. So, take three dried pears and fill them with half a glass of red dry wine, leave overnight. Handful of dried mushrooms fill with water, leave for an hour. Rinse and cook until cooked, strain the broth. Melt two tablespoons of the heated pork fat, known as smalets, in a deep frying pan. Peel and finely chop two large onions, fry in fat. Add to the onions various meat products, there must be about a kilogram of them. The main secret of success is diversity. It is most delicious to use both boiled beef, and boiled pork, and fried pork, and a couple of duck or chicken pieces, several different kinds of smoked sausages and sausages, as well as fatty ham. All this must be cut before sending it to a frying pan in small cubes. Twenty minutes after the start of frying, everything must be transferred to a deep, half-full pot of water, in which the bigos will be boiled. The Polish recipe advises you to proceed as follows: in the smilts, left in the frying pan after frying, pour in the tomato juice, boil and put there the chopped fresh cabbage. Put out a quarter of an hour, cover it with a lid, then send it to the pre-prepared meat. Pre-soaked in wine pears cut into strips, and mix the wine with a tablespoon of plum jam. Add all this to the soup. Finally, the last component is an apple. Take two, preferably sweet and sour, peel and cut into slices. Add the bay leaf and send to the fire.

Varim Bigos

Preparation of bigos must be very long, only then the products reveal all their tastes and flavors harmoniously. As soon as the dish begins to boil, add a little sugar, pepper and salt to it. Try it on the palate - it should be very spicy. Quench under the lid for sixty minutes, periodically mixing thoroughly. If the bigos are left without attention, it will burn very quickly. If the liquid boils out too quickly, add some water, but remember that the bigos should be thick enough. After an hour the dish should be cleaned in the cold for a day. In a day again, put it out for about half an hour and clean it up again. Finally, put out the last half hour. Only now the classic soup can be called ready. Such a long cooking really provides an amazing taste, so you will not regret your efforts.

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