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Constipation after removal of the gallbladder: what to do, what to treat?

Constipation after removal of the gallbladder is a common problem. People who have it, you should know that coping with it is easy.

The process of digestion in the human body has its own characteristics. The gallbladder is involved in it. It emits bile, which is necessary for normal digestion. But it happens that for medical reasons a person is removed by the above-named body. And then the process of digestion ceases to be full. Surgery to remove this organ is called cholecystectomy.

Constipation often occurs in patients after removal of the gallbladder. Of course, the doctor should choose the treatment individually. But its basis will be special food.


It happens that there is constipation after removal of the gallbladder, what should I do? Why do I need a diet after cholecystectomy.

In the normal operation of the gallbladder, bile is released from it, which enters the stomach. The acids that are contained in it, take an active part in digestion. Removing the bladder is not a threat to human life. But the process of digestion requires a more careful approach. If there is constipation after removal of the gallbladder, what to do, tell the doctor. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of doctors and adhere to a special diet.

It must be started immediately after surgery. First of all, remember that you can not overload the body with food that is difficult for the digestive process. Also it is impossible to suffer. You should go to the toilet on time. One of the recommendations on nutrition is more frequent meals. In this case, portions should be small. This will ensure that bile will not accumulate. If, however, this happens, it will lead to the onset of inflammatory processes in the body. Patients need to know that the bile composition changes after this operation. Therefore, fatty foods are not digested and cause constipation after removal of the gallbladder. Cholagogue products will help normalize the work of digesting food. For example, dairy products are useful in this period.

When there is constipation after removal of the gallbladder, what should I do? What diet is prescribed after the operation? A person who has experienced such a surgical intervention, it is necessary to tune in to proper nutrition. The diet will help to quickly recover to normal and adjust the digestion of food without a carved organ.

Meals in the early days

How to get rid of constipation after removal of the gallbladder? Immediately, within 24 hours after the intervention, you should refuse to take any food. Also you can not drink water and other beverages. The patient is allowed to wet his lips and rinse his mouth with infusions of special herbs. After 24 hours, you can drink water without gas. It is allowed to add a dogrose. You can not sweeten the water. The volume of liquid should not exceed one liter.

On the second day in the diet, you can enter a compote of dried fruit or tea. At the same time, adding sugar is not recommended. You can also use kefir, it should be low-fat. The total volume of liquid can be two liters.

Fourth day after surgery. What is?

The use of solid food can begin from the 4th day after the operation. It is better to start with mashed potatoes, vegetable soup-mashed potatoes. In this case, the food should be cooked on ordinary water. You can also eat fish cooked, omelet without the addition of yolks. On the 4th day, sugar is allowed in the tea. It should be remembered that you can eat food in small portions, but often.

Do not expand your diet every day. It is better to introduce new products gradually, for example every other day. Then you can start eating rusks or stale bread, then porridge. It should be noted that the latter should be cooked on the water. After allowing the introduction of meat and fermented milk products. It is necessary to ensure that the products are grinded. This option will provide help to the stomach in the process of digestion.

Cooking tips

In the postoperative period, a person must follow a diet for two months. At this time it is necessary that all food be cooked in the form of mashed potatoes. Meat should be consumed only cooked, or cooked for a couple. The same rules must be followed with fish. It is allowed to eat stewed vegetables. You should stop eating food, which is cooked by frying. The fact is that fried food leads to irritation of the stomach.

Patients who underwent surgery are advised to observe the operation of the stomach for several months. If it works stably, then you can try to include in your diet heavier food. You can try to cook soup on a meat broth, porridge on milk. Meat should be low-fat. It is recommended to stop using pork. It is better to cook beef or poultry. New foods should be added gradually to the diet. You should see how the body reacts, namely how the stomach works.

General recommendations on nutrition

How to be a person who has constipation after removal of the gallbladder? What should he do? There are products that recommend there is a mandatory. These include:

1. Vegetable soups without using broth.

2. Dietary meat.

3. Sea fish is lean. There are restrictions, but it can not be used more than once a week.

4. Kasha should be present in the diet. It is recommended to eat pearl porridge, oatmeal and rice.

5. The use of fermented milk products is recommended twice a day. It is advisable to do this in the morning and in the evening.

6. Oil in small amounts can be consumed, both vegetable and creamy.

7. Eggs (should be eaten once a week).

8. Vegetables and fruits in fresh form. It is especially recommended to eat pumpkin and carrots.

9. From sweet you can eat marshmallow, honey or jam. These desserts should be consumed in limited quantities.

Prohibited food

There is a list of foods that should be excluded from the diet. Since they are stomach irritants. They can also cause constipation after an operation to remove the gallbladder. Such foods include:

1. First of all, it is salty, hot, sour food.

2. All kinds of smoked products.

3. Mushrooms.

4. Condiments, spices.

5. Onions and garlic.

6. Radish.

7. Fatty meat. For example, pork. It is also forbidden to eat fatty fish.

8. Canned food and marinades.

9. All kinds of sweets.

10. Those foods that contain fiber in large quantities (such as cabbage).

11. Alcoholic beverages.

12. Soda, ice cream.


A person who has lost a gallbladder, will have to give up a lot. But this is necessary to maintain the body in a healthy state. The first time is not very easy. But in the future, if you constantly adhere to the diet, will become addictive.

The list of products that can be consumed is also rather big. Therefore, if you include fantasy, you can come up with a varied menu. You need to learn to replace the usual products with those that you can use. For example, sweets can be replaced with fruits, and fried fatty meat - boiled chicken.

In addition to dieting, there is a set of measures that will help get rid of constipation. It happens that they pass themselves after a certain time. And it happens that the situation can not come back to normal for several months.

The causes of the appearance of a delicate problem

Why constipation after removal of the gallbladder arise? If after the operation of a person start to disturb constipation, then this is a sign of a decreased acidity of the body.

In order to remove it, it is necessary to provide a better work of the intestine. To do this, the diet should include acidic foods. For example, apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates and others.

Conversely, if there is an increased acidity in the human body, then it should be reduced. As a rule, in this case, dairy products with a low fat content, namely yogurt, kefir, etc., help.

Another way to normalize the acidity in the body is the use of clean water in large quantities. It is necessary that it be non-carbonated. You can use a filter to purify water or buy a special one. Its use is an important component of maintaining the body in a normal state. It happens that the cause of constipation lies in the dehydration of the body. As a rule, the indicator of this condition is a small allocation of urine from the body. In this case, the color becomes bright, and the consistency is concentrated.

Very good from constipation helps prunes. It can be eaten fresh or dried. It is also worth buying baby food with prunes.


Thus, if a person after the operation follows the recommendations of a doctor, he will be able to avoid constipation. It is necessary to adhere to the prescribed diet, to make a bias on the allowed food, to refuse the forbidden food. If constipation occurs, then you need to drink more water and eat food, either to increase the level of acidity in the body, or to reduce it. If it is impossible to solve the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor who prescribes a treatment regimen. As a result of therapy, you will forget about constipation after removal of the gallbladder. The testimonies of people who have coped with this problem indicate that it was caused by improper diet.

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