HealthDiseases and Conditions

Effective treatment of ARVI in children

Depending on the causative agent of the disease, a different clinical picture develops. Accordingly, treatment of ARVI in children will be conducted in different ways. So with rhinoviruses there is a runny nose, with adenovirus there is pain in the throat, enlarged lymph nodes and reddening of the eyes, with parainfluenza viruses the larynx is affected with the development of croup.

Croup is a rather serious disease requiring urgent medical attention. In small children, there is swelling under the vocal cords, in the place where the friable fiber and many blood vessels. And since babies have a laryngeal lumen small, then due to a sharp narrowing, a barking cough initially appears, which quickly leads to suffocation, blue lips. The attack manifests itself at night, the child wakes up, cries, starts to choke. Parents, naturally in a panic.

Do not fuss, this will only exacerbate the situation. It is necessary to call an ambulance, and before the doctor comes to take the baby in his arms, carry it to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. Steam inhalation will improve the baby's health. For older children you can make a soda inhalation, give a drink warm mineral water without gas or soda solution. For its preparation, take a third of a teaspoon in a glass of water.

ARVI in children under one year should be treated from the first minutes to prevent serious complications, such as otitis media, cereal, which I described at the outset, pneumonia and seizures in the background of high fever.

At a high temperature, especially above 38 degrees, it is necessary to reduce it. To do this, use candles or drink Efferalgan or children's paracetamol. The child should be easily dressed, often drink water, wipe the body with warm water every half hour. Do not use a weak solution of vinegar for this purpose.

To strengthen immunity, treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children includes the administration of viferon, aflubin. With a cold, children use vasoconstrictive drops only before breastfeeding, if they can not otherwise clean the spout. It is not necessary to abuse them, since they cause mucosal atrophy. Bury the nose can be diluted in half with water with aloe juice, Kalanchoe, saline solution.

Only the listed medicines are permissible to give to the child before the arrival of the doctor. Treatment of ARVI in children is conducted by a doctor, it is he who makes the prescription of these or other drugs. Especially when a child coughs, it is important to consider their compatibility, so as not to lead to a deterioration in the spitting of the sputum by improperly selected medications.

It is much more important for parents to organize a normal home, often to air an apartment, to switch off heaters that dry air, to use air humidifiers. Daily do wet cleaning. At least temporarily remove the carpets and soft rugs on the furniture. Remove all the books behind the glass. Constantly give the baby a drink, and the temperature of the liquid should be close to the body temperature, so as quickly as possible passes its absorption. To feed the child it is necessary during illness much more often and small portions of liquid food. Such treatment of ARVI in children will bring much more benefit than an unnecessary drug on the advice of neighbors and acquaintances.

Because the symptoms of SARS in children are different, as I said, depend on the pathogen, and treatment should be appropriate. So let the expert do it. And parents let them perform their functions during treatment. One without the other will be ineffective. And do not pay much attention to fresh air, temperature, humidity and air purity. After all, the child breathes them, constantly being in the room.

And to wait for the reduction of cough with stiff and dry air is simply impossible. How it is impossible to achieve a temperature reduction with restriction in drinking. This is always worth remembering the parents of a sick child.

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