Food and drink, Dessert
Chocolate biscuit in the multivarquet: recipe
Chocolate biscuit in the multivarquet is baked quite easily. But that such a delicacy turned out really delicious, it is necessary to replace previously homogeneous dark dough. To do this you may need completely different ingredients. Which ones, you will learn from the recipes below.
Classic chocolate biscuit in the multivarquet "Polaris"
If unexpected guests have suddenly come to you, and in the fridge - with a bowl of skates, then we suggest making a quick dessert using a minimum of ingredients. It should be specially noted that in a multivark this cake is baked in just one hour, but it turns out to be incredibly soft, delicate and delicious. To see this from our own experience, we suggest using one of the following recipes.
So, before you prepare a biscuit in a multivarquet, you need to stock yourself with the following ingredients:
- Eggs - 5 pcs .;
- Cocoa powder - four tablespoons (with a slide);
- Sand-sugar - 1.3 cups;
- Apple cider vinegar + soda canteen - over a small spoon;
- Flour sieved high-grade - 1.3 cups;
- Culinary fat any - for lubricating the mold;
- Vanilla sugar - use as desired (small spoon).
Preparation of the dough
Lush biscuit in the multivark is done quite quickly and easily. But first you have to knead a dark dough properly. For this, it is necessary to separate the proteins and yolks by different capacities. The second component is required to add sugar and grind the ingredients to white. As for proteins, it is recommended that they be slightly cooled and whipped into a stable foam, using the usual corolla for this. In the future both masses should be connected. Then extinguish baking soda with vinegar (apple).
After all described actions in a separate pan, it is necessary to sift the light flour together with the cocoa powder. Next, the resulting mixture must be poured into the eggs with vanilla sugar. As a result of long and intensive mixing, you should get a viscous base, the consistency of which resembles a dough intended for baking charlottes.
Form and heat treat the product
Before baking a chocolate biscuit in a multivark, it must be properly formed. To do this, deep dishware should be greased with any fat, and then pour the base into it. Next, the baking device needs to be tightly closed. Later it must be set in the baking mode and cook the product for one hour.
After this time, you should check whether the biscuit is ready. You can do this as follows: in the center of the baking you need to stick a dry toothpick. Then it must be removed and see if the stick on the stick is wet. If the toothpick remained dry, then the home-made dessert can be safely removed from the dishes. If it turned out to be pieces of a viscous dough, it is recommended to keep the cake in the same program for a few more minutes.
Correctly served for tea
Now you know how to prepare a biscuit in the multivarquet "Polaris". After the dessert is fully baked, it must be removed from the bowl using a plastic or silicone spatula. Having placed the baked goods on a tortilla or flat plate, it should be cut into pieces and served in a cooled or still warm state with the tea.
We make a chocolate biscuit in the multi-store Redmond
There are many options for cooking baked goods. In this section of the article we want to tell you about how to make the most soft and delicious cake, which you can use not only as a full dessert, but also use it to create a home-made cake. For this we need:
- Chocolate dark - one hundred and fifty grams, that is, a half tiles;
- Eggs - 4 pieces;
- Sugar - 0.4 cup;
- Baking powder - small spoon;
- Flour sifted high-grade - 1.7 cups;
- Condensed milk (only not boiled) - 1/2 standard jar;
- Sour cream of ten per cent fat content - half a glass;
- Vanilla sugar - use as desired (small spoon);
- Culinary fat any - to lubricate the form.
Making the dough
How to cook a lush and very delicate chocolate biscuit? The recipe in the Redmond multivark requires the use of simple and fully accessible components. To make such a delicacy, it is necessary to break fresh eggs, add to them sour cream, granulated sugar and condensed milk. After mixing the products, they should be left warm for a few minutes. In the meantime, you can deal with the processing of dark chocolate. It should be divided into pieces and melt in a water bath, adding a spoonful of milk.
After the sugar is partially dissolved in the egg mass, vanillin, baking powder and sifted flour are required to be put into the same bowl. Having mixed a homogeneous basis, it should be gradually poured previously melted and slightly chilled chocolate.
As a result of the described actions, you should get a dark chocolate dough with a pleasant scent of vanilla.
Form the dessert and bake it in the multivark
Chocolate biscuit in the multi-bar "Redmond" is baked as quickly and easily as in the previous recipe. To do this, the deep container of the device should be greased with any fat (preferably butter), and then pour into it the previously mixed base. At the end, the product must be closed tightly and the baking program must be turned on. After setting the timer for 60 minutes, you should wait for a beep that will notify you when the selected mode is complete.
Having checked the product's readiness, by sticking a toothpick into it, you can safely remove the biscuit from the dishes. It is recommended to do this with the help of a spatula or by overturning the container over a large cake.
How should I serve the table?
As you can see, a chocolate sponge cake in the Redmond multivark is getting ready rather quickly. After the homemade delicacy is on the tartar, it should be cooled. Next, it is recommended to cut the dessert into triangles, place them on the saucers and serve with black tea.
It should be specially noted that such a chocolate biscuit is often used for making delicious homemade cakes. To do this, it must be cut into two equal in thickness cakes, and then lubricate with any cream, decorate with confectionery chips and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. After this time, the chocolate biscuit will become even more tender and juicy.
Doing such a quick cake at home can be just like that, and also for some family holiday.
Cooking a delicious biscuit with boiled water
Biscuit in boiling water in the multivark is done when you want to enjoy a delicious dessert, and sour cream or kefir was not in the refrigerator.
So, to prepare a delicious chocolate cake, we need the following products:
- Flour sifted high-grade - about 2.5 cups (you can use three glasses, but in this case the biscuit will turn harsh);
- Sugar sand - 2 full glasses;
- Soda canteen (do not quench) - one dessert spoon (can be replaced with a glass of high-fat milk with a baking powder);
- Egg - 2 pieces;
- Cocoa - five large spoons (if you use more, the biscuit will turn out dark);
- Sunflower oil refined, that is, without a characteristic odor - about one hundred milliliters;
- Water, or rather - completely cooled boiling water - one glass;
- Any culinary fat - a large spoon (for lubricating the shape).
Creating a chocolate base
A chocolate biscuit in the Philips multivark is the same delicious and lush as in other brands. And before baking this cake at home, you should knead the viscous knead thoroughly. To do this, it is necessary to whip fresh eggs with a whisk, add to them cooled boiling water, refined sunflower oil and milk. Next to the liquid mass, you need to pour in the sugar, mix everything thoroughly and leave it in the heat for ten to fifteen minutes. In the meantime, you can do the preparation of the loose part of the dough. To do this, mix the sifted flour with the table with soda and cocoa powder. Further, the resulting mixture must be gradually introduced into the liquid mass. In the end, you should get a viscous dough of dark color.
Dough in a bowl and pastry
Once the substrate has been mixed, it must be poured into the container of the device. By the way, before this cup should be abundantly greased with any fat (culinary). In this form, the semi-finished product should be baked for sixty-five minutes. During this time, the chocolate cake should rise well, become darker, tender and soft.
Correctly serve pastry to the table
Having made a chocolate biscuit at home, you should think about how it can be nicely submitted to family tea drinking. To do this, we recommend covering the treat with dark glaze. It can be done as follows: take the chocolate bar, break into slices and put it into a metal bowl along with a spoonful of butter and ten milliliters of fresh milk. After that, all the ingredients are placed on a water bath until the chocolate is completely melted and converted into a uniform thick glaze. Then it needs to evenly cover the entire surface of the biscuit, including the side parts. Having sustained a kind of cake in the cold for an hour, it can be safely served to the table. To do this, dessert should be cut into triangular pieces, distributed among saucers and served with guests with tea.
Let's sum up the results
As you can see, baking a chocolate biscuit in a multivarquet is not difficult. If desired, you can add nuts or some other ingredients (for example, candied fruits, chocolate drops, dried fruits, etc.) to this delicacy. Bon Appetit!
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