Food and drinkRecipes

Children's Cuisine: Apple Puree Recipe for Winter with Condensed Milk

Almost all children love sweets. Today on the shelves of shops you can meet sweet treats for every taste and color. However, each mother, choosing for her child only the best, cares not only about whether her baby will be fed, but also about his health. Probably, therefore, many housewives prepare all sorts of goodies for children at home. Very popular in recent years is such a dessert as apple sauce "Nezhenka" with condensed milk. His recipe is very simple, as it does not require the observance of proportions. Therefore, it can be made sweeter, adding more sugar, and you can leave it sour. A condensed milk gives the dish a unique creamy taste. Moreover, such a delicacy can be preserved, then the household will be able to taste it at any time of the year. It can also be used as a cream or pie filling.

Today we will consider a recipe for apple puree for the winter with condensed milk.

Dessert for children "Nezhenka"

Ingredients: two and a half kilograms of apples, half a cup of water, half a can of condensed milk, fifty grams of sugar.

The fruit is removed peel and seeds, cut into small pieces, put in a pan, pour a small amount of water and bring to a boil, and then cook until the apples soften, stirring occasionally. Then sugar is added to them and heated to a boil, stirring. Then pour in the condensed milk and taste. If desired, you can add more sugar or condensed milk. This mass should boil for five minutes, after which it is whipped with a blender and applied to pre-prepared jars, rolled up and wrapped with a blanket. Apparently, this recipe for apple puree for the winter with condensed milk is not so complicated. The finished product can be consumed at any time of the year.

Dessert «Condensed milk with apples»

This recipe involves the use of fresh milk.

Ingredients: four kilograms of sweet apples, three kilograms of granulated sugar, three liters of milk, one glass of soda food.

First you need to make apple puree, at home it's easy. To do this, the fruit is peeled and the core is cut out. Then they are cut into cubes of small size (the smaller, the better). Next, the fruit is sprinkled with soda and mixed well, left for two hours so that the slices are then boiled faster and a mashed potato, similar to condensed milk, is produced. After a while, apples are washed well.

Then pour milk into the dishes and add the sugar, mix and heat to a boil, then reduce the heat and put the fruit. It is necessary to remove the foam, as otherwise milk flakes are formed. This mass is boiled for one hour, during this time it should thicken. After a while, mix the mixture with a blender and boil for another twenty minutes. The finished product is poured over cans and rolled up. In this way, many housewives make preparations for the winter. Apple puree with condensed milk has a delicate caramel flavor with notes of fragrant fruit, and with fresh milk it will have a pleasant milk taste.

Apple puree with condensed milk in a multivariate

Before you begin to prepare this dish, you need to sterilize the banks in the multivark. To do this, the containers are filled with water, covered with lids, put into the bowl of multivarkers and select the "Steam" mode for forty minutes. Tara then dried.

Ingredients: four kilograms of apples, one glass of water, three hundred grams of condensed milk.

This recipe for apple puree for the winter with condensed milk is very simple. To begin with, apples are prepared: they clean and remove the seeds with the peel. Then they are cut into small pieces, put in a bowl multivark, add one glass of water and turn on the "Quenching" mode for forty minutes, stirring the fruit several times during this time. Then blend soft apples to mashed potatoes, return them back to the bowl, add condensed milk and put again on "Quenching", cook for ten minutes. The finished product is laid out according to previously prepared clean cans and rolled up.

Apple puree "Nezhenka" with condensed milk and chocolate

Ingredients: two and a half kilograms of apples, one jar of condensed milk, one hundred grams of white chocolate, fifty grams of water, vanilla to taste.

Apples are cut into small slices, without peeling. They are put in a bowl, poured with water and cook until they become soft. Then the fruit is wiped through a sieve or whipped with a blender. In this mass add condensed milk and chocolate, boil for five minutes, putting vanilla at will. Then the finished mashed potatoes are prepared according to the prepared banks, rolled up and wrapped with a blanket. After they cool down, they are put in a cold storage place.


Apparently, the recipe for apple puree for the winter with condensed milk is not so complicated. The ready dish is very popular with children, besides it is quite useful, as it contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins, etc. Therefore, many mothers regularly prepare such a delicacy for their children.

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