Food and drinkRecipes

Chicken in teriyaki sauce, béchamel, in wine sauce

Chicken in teriyaki sauce is a dish of stunning beauty and delicate taste. And all because the chicken is cooked in Japanese sauce. Today, the store shelves are bursting with various bottles with beautiful labels. Among them, you can find a bottle of teriyaki sauce, but I want to offer you a recipe "chicken in teriyaki own cooking sauce ". We cut the chicken into portions, and with my paper towel we soak every bit. Let's start preparing the sauce. Mix one spoonful of starch with one spoon of chilled boiled water, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and 100 grams of soy sauce (I prefer Kikoman sauce), 50 grams of vinegar dressing for rice (it is also sold in shops ready-made), But it can be replaced with the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Chop the garlic clove and a piece of ginger into a slurry (it should be a half teaspoonful), add it to the sauce, and the lovers can also pepper. The resulting mass is well mixed and cooked on very low heat until thick, when it does not bubble. Mandatory condition: during cooking, the sauce should be constantly stirred. With a ready sauce, we smear each piece of chicken from all sides and spread them on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil (preferably olive). The oven is heated to a temperature of 180 degrees and we send our dish to prepare. The heat treatment process will take approximately one hour, but the chicken in teriyaki sauce is worth it. The first half an hour every 10 minutes you have to open the oven to grease the chicken with the remains of the sauce, and then turn each piece and leave to prepare for another period.

Another recipe for cooking birds thanks to its sauce has a long history. Chicken in béchamel sauce is prepared as follows: divide the carcass into portions, each of which is fried in preheated vegetable oil until half cooked. Then fried chicken is put in a special baking dish, where the dish will be prepared. But now it's the most important thing - the French sauce "Béchamel". Prepare it as follows: in the preheated utensils, melt the spoon of butter, add 3 tablespoons of sifted wheat flour. On a slow fire, fry the flour to a pinkish color and slowly pour in 350-400 grams of milk, actively dissolving the flour in the liquid and stirring constantly so that it does not burn. We boil the sauce to the state of thick sour cream, and in the process of cooking salt, pepper. Fans of seasonings can add and nutmeg (quite a bit). Do not be discouraged if the mass is not uniform, the sauce is recommended to filter. After filtering it must be cooled, then cover it with roasted chicken, laid in a mold. All this is sent to the oven until ready (20-30 minutes).

Chicken in a wine sauce is prepared easier and faster than in the previous two cases, but this recipe has a lot of its admirers. And the recipe is as follows: divide the chicken into portions (you can also cook only chicken legs, fillets) and fry the pieces on high heat from all directions until golden brown. Then reduce the heat and simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes. During this time, the meat will give off the juice, which we will salt to make the sauce in a separate bowl. To the meat, add diced onions and carrots (1 large onion and carrots of medium size), which are stewed for 5 more minutes. And in the liquid that has formed during the frying, add a glass of wine (best suited is a dry red 150 grams) and half a cup of water, crushed garlic (1-2 cloves) and a couple of grated tomatoes, salt and pepper, you can add a mixture of herbs for flavor Provence ", they are well combined with meat. The resulting sauce pour the meat of chickens with vegetables and simmer on low heat for about half an hour. Whichever recipe you choose, whether it's chicken in teriyaki sauce or béchamel, or maybe it will be wine sauce, the main thing is that you will like it!

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