Food and drinkRecipes

Chicken fillet with cheese

One of the regular evenings decided what to cook for dinner, than to please their beloved men. I remembered that there was a chicken fillet in the fridge. I looked through a couple of magazines with recipes, scanned the Internet and chose - I'll cook chicken fillet with cheese.

For cooking, we need 400 grams of chicken fillet, 100 grams of hard cheese (it's better to use Mozzarella cheese, since it does not get bitter after melting), 1 egg, pepper and salt, extra crumbs for breading and seasoning. According to this recipe, chicken fillet with cheese is juicy and tasty.

Chicken fillet beat off with a wooden hammer and cut inside with a knife so that the pocket turned out. The fillet is completely wiped off with salt and spices, a piece of cheese is put in a pocket, the edge is punctured with toothpicks. Next, the filet is rolled in a whipped egg and breaded in breadcrumbs. Frying pan on low heat, grease with vegetable oil and lay chicken with cheese. Fry until golden brown. The dish is ready, you can safely serve to the table. By the way, much more delicious chicken fillet with cheese is obtained in combination with a vegetable garnish. I take cabbage, potatoes, tomato, onions, carrots, greens, garlic, all shred and carcass in a tomato sauce. With a garnish and serve for dinner, my family is just delighted with such delicacies.

Another option - chicken fillet with cheese and mushrooms, leaves "with a bang." For cooking, you need 400 grams of chicken fillet, 1 large onion, 200 grams of fresh white mushrooms, olive oil, 200 grams of hard cheese to choose from, mayonnaise, parsley, salt and, of course, pepper. Chicken fillet is well beaten with a hammer, salt, a little pepper and fry in olive oil from two sides until the formation of a characteristic crust. Mushrooms and onions, finely shred and fry on the same olive oil until cooked. Cheese rub on a large grater. Next, prepare a form for baking. We cover the bottom with mayonnaise (so that the fillet remains juicy), lay out the fried chicken piece, place mushrooms and onion on top, sprinkle cheese and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Finished dish sprinkled with herbs and served hot until cheese is frozen and does not look like rubber. Such dishes can be prepared even for celebrations, guests will be pleasantly surprised by your culinary creativity.

The chicken, among other things, goes well with rice. Chicken fillet with rice was offered to me by my friend at work. I tried it, liked it, decided to cook it. We need 500 grams of fillets, 200 grams of ripe tomatoes, 200 grams of rice, a couple cloves of garlic, vegetable oil, spices and salt. Rinse the rice and put it over low heat. While it is brewed, chicken fillet cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil. Tomatoes need to be peeled off, so first we sip them with boiling water - the peel comes off perfectly by itself. Tomatoes cut into a cube and connect with a chicken, stew for 10 minutes. Finished boiled rice lay out to the chicken, salt, pepper and mix everything. Garlic is added at the very end, so that its aroma does not boil. A ready-made dish is served with a salad of fresh vegetables or simply a vegetable sliced, since fresh vegetables always ask for rice.

Chicken meat itself is very useful. It is classified as dietary, because it is absorbed even better than beef and pork, it almost does not contain cholesterol, many easily digestible proteins and vitamins. In addition, chicken meat is cooked quickly and does not take as much time as, for example, cooking beef. Many nutritionists recommend including in the diet of chicken meat at least 2 times a week, and in the diet of children can be even more often. It should be noted that it is important to distinguish between chicken fillets and chicken fillet. Chicken meat is more delicate than chicken, so do not make mistakes when choosing. Enjoy your appetite and good weather in your stomach!

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