Education, Secondary education and schools
Certification for the 1st category of primary school teacher, mathematics, English, physical education
Under the old rules, any teacher wishing to earn more could voluntarily file documents for the assignment of a category - the second, the first or the highest. The second category was assigned to the pedagogical worker by the management of the general educational institution, in which he works, the first - the district education department, the higher one - at the ministerial level.
Now the second category was abolished, and the certification of teachers is now the responsibility of the education authorities at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation. In addition, the certification of teachers has become mandatory, now every 5 years the teacher must confirm his / her suitability for the position. If the teacher did not confirm the qualification in time, the category is canceled. To pass certification on 1 category of the teacher or the higher category it is possible and in a voluntary order.
Compulsory certification of education workers
Each teacher, who does not have a category and does not express a voluntary desire to receive it, must undergo compulsory certification every five years. Exempt from the need to confirm the compliance of the post:
- Teachers who have worked in this position for no more than two years;
- Pregnant women and women on maternity leave (attestation is not until two years after coming to work).
Separate rules apply to teachers who have been absent from work for more than four months due to illness. Such a category of teachers will have to be certified not earlier than a year after they go to work, but if such a teacher wishes to receive (or confirm) a category earlier, then the commission can not prevent him from attesting.
The employer submits the application for attestation, which the employee must pass through without fail. In the event that the educator has several positions with one employer and does not have a category for each of them, the latter can submit to the confirmation of qualification immediately for all positions. If the teacher works on the specialty simultaneously for two different employers, each of them has the right to apply.
Documents to confirm the compliance of the post
An employer (an educational institution where a pedagogical worker is employed) submits the following package of papers to the attestation commission:
- A statement signed by the head of the school or other institution from which the teacher is submitted for certification, as well as the teacher himself;
- Copies of the decision of the attestation commission from the previous attestation (if the teacher has already received or confirmed the category);
- Copies of documents on the formation of an employee: a diploma (diploma) from an average special or higher educational institution on pedagogical education;
- A copy of the document confirming the successful certification to the teacher's 1 category or the highest category (if any);
- Copies of documents on the change of surname (if the surname changed);
- A detailed description of the pedagogical worker from the place of work or a cover letter that can confirm the teacher's qualification level.
A month after the submission of the commission's documents, the teacher will receive information about the time, date and location of the certification process at his home address.
How is the mandatory certification of teachers in 1 category
During the confirmation of the compliance of the position, the teachers are tested on issues related to professional activities. Tests are conducted in written or electronic form. According to the decision of the education authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, compulsory attestation of the teacher of mathematics, the Russian language, primary classes and other pedagogical workers to the 1 category can take place in other forms, which is provided by the confirmation or receipt of the category on a voluntary basis. After evaluating the answers, the certification commission can determine the level of mastering of modern methods of teaching and upbringing.
Voluntary certification for 1 teacher category
Voluntary certification of a pedagogical worker can be carried out at his own request. The right to pass a voluntary confirmation of compliance with the post has:
- Teachers who do not have a category;
- Teachers who have 1 category, if the deadline for passing the last certification is over.
In addition, applications for assigning or confirming a category can be filed by pregnant women and those who are on maternity leave, teachers who have worked in the position for less than two years.
For teachers who have confirmed the highest category, the right to pass voluntary certification is established differently.
Procedure for filing documents and necessary papers
In case of voluntary passing of certification, the documents are submitted by the teacher himself. Certain deadlines for submitting an application are not provided for at the legislative level, so the teacher can apply to the certification committee at any time. However, for teachers who already have a category, there is a certain condition: it is desirable for them to submit documents not later than three months before the expiration of the previous confirmation of qualification.
A teacher who has decided to independently pass the certification must submit such a package of documents:
- Statement (the form can be obtained from the education department);
- A photocopy of the previous decision of the commission (if the teacher has already passed the certification);
- The attestation sheet, which must be filled up to the seventh point;
- Portfolio of professional achievements.
The documents are submitted to the attestation commission of the education department of the subject of the Russian Federation. The commission will review the application within a month, after which a decision will be made both on the date, time and place of passing the certification.
Requirements for teachers of the 1st category
Voluntary certification for the 1 category of teacher requires the teacher to meet certain requirements. These include:
- Possession of the newest educational and educational methods, application of knowledge in practical activities;
- Contribution to raising the level of education through improved methods of education and training;
- The results of learning by the students of the program (the dynamics and achievements should be higher than the average for the subject of the Russian Federation).
Attestation to the teacher's category 1 does not require the presence of any qualification category, since the previous, the second category, was abolished by the latest changes in the legislation. The requirement remains relevant only for those teachers who are in compliance with the highest category.
How is the voluntary certification of the teacher
Certification of teachers in the 1st category is carried out in the form of an expert assessment of the portfolio of an education worker. In addition, the teacher can conduct an open lesson, a pedagogical event, a master class, and provide an analytical or creative report. Portfolio of pedagogical achievements is a form of teacher's self-analysis.
Successful voluntary certification for the 1st category of the Russian language teacher presupposes an in-depth analysis of three items:
- Possession of educational and educational methods (the teacher can describe what methods he uses in daily activities);
- Contribution to the improvement of the level of education (for example, organization and holding of thematic class hours, activities, manifestation of initiative);
- The results of pupils (indicators of program development, olympiads and contests in which students took prizes).
Attestation to the 1 category of English teacher, biology, geography, mathematics or other subject involves analysis of pedagogical activity and achievements on the same items. Some differences, however, are available. For example, attestation to the 1st category of a physical education teacher gives more opportunities in presenting the results of students. The portfolio of primary school teachers is also different (due to the age specificity of students). In self-analysis, the implementation of the learning process in a game form (the use of didactic games), the application of health-saving technologies and so on, can be mentioned in the qualification for category 1 of the teacher of primary classes.
Decision of the Attestation Commission
Based on the results of the expert evaluation of the teacher's portfolio (or, in case of mandatory confirmation of qualification, answers to questions in written or electronic form), the commission decides: "corresponds to the category" ("to assign a category") or "does not correspond" ("not to assign a category"). .
Appealing the results of certification
In the event that the teacher partially or completely disagrees with the decision of the commission, he can appeal. The decision can be appealed in court. The application must be submitted within 3 months from the date the decision was made.
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