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Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy, symptoms

Miscarriage in the first trimester is an event that no lady wants to face. After the pregnancy test showed the coveted two strips, a whole new period begins. Parents are now busy with the choice of a name for the child, the layout of the future children's room. Passing by the shops, they involuntarily consider strollers, chairs, clothes for the baby. Unfortunately, not in every case the pregnancy ends in a favorable outcome. The thing is that many ladies have to face such a problem, as a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. How it looks (photo) the embryo in the first trimester can be found in specialized literature. In this article, we will talk in more detail about miscarriage, its main causes and symptoms.

general information

Miscarriage implies a spontaneous termination of pregnancy, arising for a variety of reasons. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed for a period of up to 12 weeks. Late miscarriages are rare.

How does this problem develop?

Miscarriage is a direct rejection of the fetus by a female body due to the influence of any factors. The fetus can leave the maternal womb completely, which happens extremely rarely, or in part. The first variant is found only in the very first weeks of the embryo's existence in the womb. Women in some cases may not notice obvious signs of the problem.

If there are any causes of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, for example, an infectious disease, the lady's body begins to actively fight the fetus. As a result, there is no formation of the so-called placental mass, which is responsible for the connection of the little man with his mother. In the body of the embryo, bodies are also successively formed, which by all means interfere with the unification with the female body and the receipt of various nutrients from it. As a result, the internal organs of the embryo receive all kinds of pathologies, and its shell is consistently destroyed.

As a result of rejection, the fetus leaves the uterus, which is a miscarriage. Depending on how the interruption of a new life occurs, specialists can establish its causes.

Types of miscarriages

  1. Incomplete miscarriage in early pregnancy. Symptoms in this case include sharp pains in the lumbar region accompanying strong uterine bleeding.
  2. Full type. The embryo completely leaves the uterus. Hemorrhages in this period cease, uncomfortable sensations are minimal.
  3. Unsuccessful miscarriage. In this case, the fetus dies, but at the same time he continues to stay in the mother's womb. This condition can be confirmed only by a specialist, when during the next examination the heartbeat of the child is not listened.
  4. Anembrion. In this case, fertilization occurs, but the embryo is not formed. The egg binds itself to the wall of the uterus, a gestational bag develops along with the yolk bubble, but there is no fetus in the uterus.
  5. Repeated miscarriage. It is observed when a woman in the first weeks had already recorded such incidents of miscarriage. According to available statistics, approximately 1% of families face such a pathology.
  6. Chorionadenoma. In this case, the egg is fertilized, the genetic information changes, but instead of the embryo a small piece of tissue

Why does miscarriage occur in the early stages of pregnancy? Causes

  • Violations at the genetic level. According to statistics, 73% of miscarriages happen precisely for this reason. It is important to note that such defects of genetic nature differ not by a hereditary character, but are a single mutation that occurred in the sex cells of one of the parents under the influence of negative environmental factors. Spontaneous miscarriage in this case is perceived as a natural selection, that is, the destruction of weaker offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent the development of this problem.
  • Hormonal disorders are another factor that causes a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. The reasons for the development of this problem lie in the lack of a hormone called progesterone. With the timely detection of such a situation, there is a possibility of maintaining a pregnancy.
  • Causes of the immunological nature. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed in the presence of Rh-conflict. The embryo "takes" a positive rhesus from his father, and the mother's body (Rh-negative) begins to actively fight the fetus, perceiving it as an alien body. To prevent the development of Rh-conflict, pregnant women are recommended to take progesterone medications.
  • Sexually transmitted infections (toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpetic infection). Pathogenic microorganisms gradually infect the fetus and its membranes, resulting in miscarriage.
  • Presence of abortions in the anamnesis. Abortion, according to experts, is not just an ordinary medical manipulation, but a serious stress for the body. This procedure very often provokes the development of ovarian dysfunction, contributes to the formation of inflammatory processes.
  • The use of herbs and certain groups of drugs. In the first trimester, doctors generally do not recommend taking medications. The thing is that many of them are capable of provoking the formation of various types of developmental defects in the fetus itself. Also it is necessary to treat with special care such medicinal herbs as parsley, cornflower, St. John's wort, nettle.
  • The causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy can hide in frequent stress.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  • Falls, sexual intercourse, lifting weights. Contrary to popular belief, physical activity alone rarely leads to miscarriage. However, they often become a triggering mechanism for spontaneous abortion in the presence of one or more of the above reasons.


How does miscarriage occur in the early stages of pregnancy? What does a woman look like? If the miscarriage occurred in the very first weeks of bearing the fetus, the lady can not avoid feeling ill and very unpleasant symptoms. The interruption of pregnancy is almost always accompanied by a brown discharge, as well as painful discomfort in the lower abdomen. If these symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Do not postpone the visit at a more convenient time or wait for the morning.

If a woman does not suspect that there is a new life in her womb, she can take a bleeding for her usual menstruation. In some cases, there are no obvious signs of a problem, but there are indirect signs. How does miscarriage occur in the early stages of pregnancy? Symptoms of an indirect nature can be as follows:

  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdominal area.
  • The appearance of mucus uncharacteristic shade.
  • Disruption of the usual work of the digestive tract.


If a pregnant woman does not feel well or has uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, it is recommended to immediately visit the doctor. There are various manifestations of this pathology, however, specialists take into account only clinical symptoms.

The main method of confirming a miscarriage is ultrasound. It also allows you to choose a method by which you will later be treated to save your pregnancy.

Recommended therapy

Miscarriage, as practice shows, can be prevented at some stages. If this is only a threatening stage, it is enough to comply with bed rest and spasmolytic therapy. With the spontaneous abortion already begun, it is possible to save the fetus, if in a timely manner to take all available measures for this. According to experts, a specific treatment plan depends on the cause of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

  • With ischemic-cervical insufficiency, for example, sutures are superimposed on the cervix, which are then removed before the birth.
  • If the cause lies in infectious diseases, the doctor selects the appropriate antibacterial and / or antiviral therapy.
  • When there are hormonal disorders, the endocrinologist appoints a substitution treatment.
  • The situation is much more complicated in the case of an abnormal structure of the uterus. The thing is that sometimes a woman simply can not stand the child on her own. As for this kind of pathology, today doctors are increasingly practicing operative correction.

What should I do if there is a threat of miscarriage?

If a woman has any of the above symptoms, then urgently need to seek medical advice. Initially, the specialist conducts ultrasound to assess the condition of the fetus, determine the tone of the uterus. Then a number of tests are prescribed (blood for hormones, intrauterine infection, a smear for mycoplasma, etc.).

Most often, with a threat of miscarriage, a woman is recommended hospitalization with subsequent treatment. To normalize her condition is appointed "No-shpa" (drug-spasmolytic), droppers, candles.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy. What to do after?

If spontaneous abortion did occur, then the doctor should tell the doctor about further actions.

It is recommended to take a vacation for a while to restore the psycho-emotional and physical state. Taking into account the fact that no woman is insured from the termination of pregnancy, it is considered advisable to pass the necessary tests to determine possible causes of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy and to prevent their occurrence in the future.


If at the beginning of pregnancy a woman has a miscarriage, then the appropriate treatment was prescribed, then the probability of complications is almost zero.

On the other hand, miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy without cleaning (scraping) can lead to the formation of inflammatory processes. As a result, infertility may occur due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes and the absence of normal functioning of the appendages.


Unfortunately, it is impossible for a modern person to change genetics, but absolutely everyone can make adjustments to their way of life. The recommendations proposed below make it possible to minimize the likelihood that miscarriage will occur in the early stages of pregnancy, the consequences of which are often deplorable for the whole family.

First and foremost, doctors advise starting to plan the child in advance (approximately one year). At this stage, both the man and the woman should abandon all bad habits, try to eat as balanced as possible, undergo a diagnostic examination and pass the necessary tests.

When the desired pregnancy does come, the expectant mother is encouraged to direct all her efforts to preserve the fetus. For this, it is necessary to avoid passive smoking, heavy physical exertion and stressful situations. This is a great time to start yoga or swimming. Of course, do not neglect the visit of the gynecologist at all stages of pregnancy.


In this article, we told what the causes of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. Photos and stories of happy women who managed to survive this problem and subsequently gave birth to healthy children, prove that even after the termination of pregnancy, it is possible to try on again the role of the mother. Be healthy!

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