Homeliness, Gardening
Can not decide which flowers to plant in the country? This article will help you make the right choice.
This article is written for those gardeners and gardeners who prefer vegetable beds fragrant flower beds and flower beds. Lately, the plots, with the beds broken on them, are a thing of the past. In general, the owners of country houses and cottages give preference to flat lawns, flower beds, alpine hills and places for recreation.
In order to turn your site into a resting place, rather than hard labor, it is worthwhile to plant on it more different colors and all summer to enjoy their wonderful appearance and aroma. For beginners, it will be interesting to know what flowers to put on the dacha.
First of all, it is important to mention that flowers can be annual and perennial. Naturally, there are fewer problems with perennials. It is enough to choose a place once, to plant, and it will only be necessary to look after them. Annual flowers, they live only one season, however they perfectly dilute the stable interior of the garden and bring variety to your flower garden every new season. So, what flowers to plant in the country?
Before choosing specific varieties, you need to find out what kind of soil you have on the site: sandy, neutral or vice versa alkaline. Different plants prefer different soil. Suppose, in the alkaline soil normally feel nasturtium, poppy, tobacco, petunias. But, sandy prefer clarke and dimorphoteka. In the presence of moist soil, you can safely choose marigolds, marigolds, morning glory or cosme.
Before deciding which flowers to put on the dacha so that they do not take up much time and effort, it is necessary to plan on paper what your garden should look like. It would be very good if there were different representatives of flower crops on your site, which belong to different groups with different flowering periods, so that the flowers will please you throughout the season.
So, what flowers to plant in the spring? If there are no flowers on your site, then in the spring you can start with daffodils, phlox, cornflowers and crocuses. Of course, you can plant roses, but keep in mind that beginners will have to sweat with them, because they require some care. In general, some flowers, flowering in early spring, it is better to plant from the autumn. For example, tulips and crocuses.
If you look at the flowers by the period of flowering, you can plan the garden in such a way that throughout the summer you have different flowers blooming on the site. Suppose, the very first spring bloom crocuses, daffodils and tulips, as well as imperial hazel grouse and irises. All of them are quite unpretentious and will not require much effort in growing. As soon as the snow comes down, a periwinkle blossoms, a ground cover plant growing, which blooms with lovely blue flowers. This plant is very well planted under the garden trees, it does not allow the weed to break through its stems, as a result, under the apple tree, the green carpet will be spread all summer long.
At the beginning of summer, in June, tiger lilies, lupines, bianco and evening are blooming. An enotera, for example, a two-year-old plant. Having planted it this season, you will see flowers only next year, but the expectation is worth it. In addition, the enotera is also of many years, with several species.
If you want to know what flowers to plant in the country, so that they bloom in the middle of summer, then I can offer the following. Very good looking lilies, peonies, asters, digitalis, nasturtium and balsam. And nasturtium and balsam, like petunia, verbena, blossom all summer and beautifully decorate the household plot.
By autumn, closer, in August, blossom gladiolus, phlox, chrysanthemum and dahlias. All these flowers have many kinds and colorings, which attracts many gardeners. Even from one of these flowers, you can create a charming garden, picking different varieties and colors. But there are some inconveniences. Here dahlias have to dig for the winter, otherwise they will freeze. The tubers are excavated after the flowers have blossomed and are removed to a dry basement, and in spring they are again planted. But, despite such inconveniences, dahlias are still popular because of the huge number of gorgeous varieties.
Of all this variety, half the flowers are perennial. So, what perennial flowers to plant? Perhaps roses, lilies and chrysanthemums.
So, now probably the question: "what flowers to plant in the country?", Will not stand so sharply.
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