Homeliness, Gardening
Malina Patricia: a description of the variety, tips for growing
If you have a household plot, and a choice has arisen which berry bushes are best planted, then raspberries should be among the first applicants. We will tell about the raspberry variety Patricia. Planting and caring for her will not be difficult, if you follow certain rules. They are not at all complicated. Raspberry is considered to be the most unpretentious garden shrub.
Advantages of the variety
From the variety of modern types of raspberries, we chose the most popular among amateur gardeners - this is the raspberry patrician. We begin the description of the variety with a list of its advantages.
The most important of these are excellent consumer qualities of berries. They are large - with good care grow to 4 cm, very sweet, and the bones are almost invisible. From one bush it is possible to collect up to 11 kg of berries. How to feed raspberries to get such fruits, we will tell below. Another indisputable advantage is winter hardiness. Even if the thermometer drops to -34 degrees Celsius, the bushes will not freeze. Nevertheless, in areas with severe winters, young shoots should be protected.
Raspberry is valuable not only for berries. With a cold, you can brew leaves and stems and drink like a sudorific tea. In addition, the leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C, A, PP, as well as vitamins of group B. In berries - a large percentage of biometals in easily digestible form are potassium, magnesium, copper and iron. They are indispensable for the normalization of hematopoiesis, strengthening the myocardium and improving the performance of the immune system.
Jam and compote of raspberries perfectly preserve the properties of berries. For the winter, you can dry and freeze the fruit. At such preparation they also remain very useful and tasty.
Raspberry is not contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. Sweet taste it gives xylitol, which has no energy value.
Choose a place
Acquiring seedlings of raspberry Patricia, take care of a good place for her. Choosing the right place, you are 50% secure a great harvest. The remaining 50% is caring for bushes. Raspberry loves well-lit, elevated places, protected from strong winds. It is best to plant bushes along the fence at a distance of 70-100 cm from it. Between bushes should be not less than a meter of free space. Shrubs should be able to branch well and not interfere with each other - berries are formed at the ends of branches. As for the supports, they are installed near each bush and pull the rope, on which the branches are laid, in order to prevent the breaking off - the branches of the raspberry are fragile enough.
The soil
What kind of soil does raspberry patricia prefer? The variety description indicates that the most suitable is light, sandy loam, with neutral acidity. If on your site it is too heavy - deoxidize it with lime, dolomite flour or chalk. It is better to do it in the autumn or spring, until the snow has come down. With a later application, there is a risk of burning young green shoots. For one square. A meter of space is enough for one glass of lime. As a rule, this is done once every 10-15 years. It is good for wood ash. It, like chalk, can be made even in the summer.
By providing your bush with good soil, you will never know what can raspberry patricia. Comments gardeners agree that under the bushes should regularly pour pound shell from raw or cooked eggs. From this berries will be larger.
For each bush it is necessary to prepare a pit. Since the roots of the raspberries are located in the surface layer of the soil, the depth of the landing pit may not exceed the height of the bayonet bayonet, but the diameter should be at least 50 cm. At the bottom of the pit, put the manure mixed with compost, sand and wood ash. The roots are neatly laid out, watered and sprinkled with earth. To avoid drying out the top layer, mulch the straw.
If in your garden there was a raspberry patrician, the description of the variety says that in matters of nursing, it practically does not differ from any other. This is a perennial plant with a two-year development cycle. Fruits appear on shoots of the second year. One bush of our variety must have one or two fruiting shoots and as many shoots of substitution. Old branches should be broken before the winter and burned. During the growing season it is necessary to keep the soil under the bushes in a wet condition. Watering is best in the evening, watering the ground at the base of the bushes. Overnight the earth will become saturated, and the roots will be wet all day. If watering after mulching, the number of watering can be reduced to once a month. During flowering and fruiting, it is enough to water abundantly once a week. At one place the plant feels well for 10-15 years. Then you need to update the bushes and transplant them to another place.
In September, the plot should be prepared for winter. Malina Patricia (the description of the variety contains this information) is winter hardy, but in areas with severe winters it is necessary to protect the root system and young shoots from freezing. Raspberries are not afraid of frosts, but she does not tolerate a thaw with subsequent frosts. Fertilized shoots must be removed, and the young should be bent to the ground, secured and covered with lapnik or special covering material. In March, bushes are opened, and shoots are shortened to one meter.
Beginning gardeners always have a lot of questions, in particular about how to feed raspberries to get a good harvest. As a rule, it is enough that the fertilizer that was put into the planting pit. The garden foliage that has overgrown for the winter is also an excellent organic fertilizer. In the spring, before budding, the ground under the bushes should be loosened with foliage and covered with a crushed egg shell. It is not recommended to overfeed the raspberries, otherwise it will fatten, that is, give an extensive shoot that will pull the juices from the mother's bush.
Pests of raspberries affect only neglected bushes. With good soil, sufficient watering, illumination and sparseness, raspberries will not cause any problems. If there were larvae of gray flies, kidney moth, running gallicum, weevil or raspberry beetle, then sprinkle the bushes with a solution of carbophos.
It is more difficult to destroy such pests of raspberries as spores of pathogenic fungi.
Infection is seen from the spots on the leaves. Bordeaux liquid, nitrafen solution or urea solution will help here. All bushes, not only diseased, but also those that grow next to them, are sprayed twice a summer - before flowering and after harvest. The affected branches are cut and burned.
The last tip: buy seedlings of Patricia raspberry only from trusted sellers. Choose the strongest, with a well-developed root system and healthy kidneys. Be sure to consult with the seller about how to look after. Despite the fact that we gave the most complete information, there is always an amendment to the region in which you live - the conditions for growing raspberries in Siberia and the Crimea are very different.
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