Homeliness, Gardening
Strawberry "jolie": photo and description
Selection does not stand still. All the time, new varieties of root crops, trees and other plants appear. Now lovers of desserts can grow on their own site, and then enjoy a new unique berry - strawberry "jolie". This variety was bred recently by Italian breeders. The plant was very hardy, it has many virtues.
"Jolie" (strawberry): description of the berry
The plant has a number of advantages over its relatives. Strawberry "jolie" - the result of crossing several hybrid varieties of strawberries. Berries have an average maturity period. The collection period is approximately three weeks. The yield is 700-850 grams per bush. The leaves on the bushes are large and smooth, bright green in color.
Peduncles numerous, the plant reproduces very well. Saplings take root quickly, have an excellent root system and persistent vitality. Fruits are one-dimensional, on average weigh from 20 g to 35 g. By the end of the collection can be tiny.
When the berries fully ripen, they become evenly colored. The strawberry skin is shiny, bright red. Inside the berries there are no empty cavities, regardless of the weather. The pulp is juicy, fully colored and strong. The berries taste very sweet, with a pleasant little sourness and a multifaceted aroma. Strawberry "jolie" is resistant to leafy diseases and root rot.
Other advantages
Strawberry "jolie" thanks to its fortress is perfectly transported and does not crumple.
In addition, it is unpretentious, bushes are well established. They can be planted in any region, since the plant is resistant to drought, winter hardy. Strawberry "jolie" can grow even in poor soils, but it will be necessary to make more frequent fertilizing. Otherwise, she does not need a special approach.
Planting and care
Strawberry "jolie" is planted at a distance of 30 centimeters between the bushes. On one square meter there can be 4-5 plants. For full return after the first landing for the next year, it is necessary to make cassette seedlings (until the end of July - beginning of August).
For strawberry "jolie" recommended early planting, to have time to form flowers. Otherwise, the next year on the bush there will be only a couple of peduncles. In regions where the summer is very hot, it is best to plant the plant in the spring.
Strawberries like full mineral fertilizers. After harvesting, mowing is not required. The usual sanitary cleaning is done, nitrogen-mineral top dressing is introduced. Strawberries, grown in tunnels, quickly catch up with early varieties. Whiskers from fruiting beds need to be cleaned and make queen cells.
For the winter strawberry is covered with plant mulch and agrofibre. If its thickness is 30 centimeters, a double layer, 60 cm is single. Despite the good winter hardiness, in the northern regions one must still be more cautious, since this variety was created for the European climate.
Reviews about the strawberry "jolie"
"Jolie" (strawberry) reviews are positive. After all, it is a very unpretentious plant, perfectly fruiting, the berries are very large and sweet. Leaves and root system are tolerant of the main pests. Gardeners note high productivity.
In Europe, this strawberry variety is used for industrial planting. The plant is grown according to an intensive scheme, multiplies according to the free-flow technology. Strawberries are ideal for commercial cultivation in small and large volumes. The plant is suitable for suburban areas.
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