
Camphor is ... Definition, application in medicine

Camphor is an organic compound of natural origin containing oxygen.

It looks like a white or transparent powder, whose granules have the shape of a crystal. It is also characterized by a strong specific odor.

Camphor origin

In nature, camphor is found in essential oils of various plants. The largest amount is found in the wood and resin of the camphor laurel. It is from this that the camphor, called natural, is extracted. There are also semi-synthetic camphor, obtained from fir oil, and synthetic camphor, for the manufacture of which the turpentine is processed.

Many people think that the most useful and safe camphor is natural. However, medical preparations are made from it for internal use only. Synthetic and semi-synthetic camphor are included in the composition of the products only for external use, but they are not inferior to natural ones in terms of force of influence.

Camphor: Properties

Camphor is an analeptic, that is, a substance that excites the central nervous system, namely its respiratory and vasomotor centers. This is manifested in increased respiration, increased heartbeats, increased blood pressure and narrowing of peripheral vessels.

In addition, with topical application, camphor acts on body tissues and has an irritating, distracting, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This helps improve the nutrition of tissues, accelerate the excretion of degradation products and heal the affected areas.

With inhalation treatment, the aroma of camphor is marked by an improvement in cerebral circulation, relieving fatigue and depression, eliminating general weakness and improving sleep.

It is for these properties of camphor that it is so appreciated in medicine.

Camphor: application in medicine

Camphor is used as a solution for injection and injected subcutaneously with a decrease in vascular tone and respiratory depression.

These symptoms are typical for deadly health conditions: collapse, hypotension, shock, fainting, chronic heart failure, myocarditis, endocarditis, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypnotic and narcotic drugs.

Thanks to the introduction of camphor, one can bring to life a person who has been exposed to harmful effects and who has begun to suffocate or lose consciousness from weakness.

In addition, when exposed to camphor, the body improves the condition of the heart muscle and accelerates the metabolism in the cells, increases blood flow in the vessels leading to the brain and lungs, which can significantly improve the patient's condition.

There are camphor preparations for outdoor use, for example camphor alcohol or camphor oil. What are they used for?

Local application of these drugs is indicated for damage to tissues, muscles, nerves and joints. A healing effect is observed in the treatment of burns, purulent wounds, frostbites, bruises, bruises, trophic ulcers. Treatment is by applying to the affected areas of compresses, ointments or lotions with camphor. The same method is indicated for the prevention of bedsores in immobile patients.

In complex treatment, camphor preparations help to get rid of the pain in the muscles and joints that occur with arthralgia, myalgia, sciatica, radiculitis, neuralgia.

Camphor: methods of application

To relieve pain in the muscles or joints, as well as with neuralgia, you need to mix 5 drops of 10% camphor oil and 1 tbsp of any massage oil. With this mixture rub the diseased patch and cover it with a clean cloth. A camphor ointment, which can be used in its pure form, is also suitable for this purpose.

Aromatherapy helps with overfatigue, prolonged insomnia, stress: 2 drops of camphor essential oil placed in a bowl of aroma lamp and inhaling the aroma.

When otitis (ear inflammation), tampons impregnated with camphor oil and attached to a diseased ear can help. They are covered with polyethylene on top and warmed with a woolen bandage. Hold this compress for about 30 minutes, then take it off.

To heal ulcers, wounds and bruises it is necessary to dilute camphor alcohol in half with water, moisten this solution with a sterile tissue and apply compresses to the affected areas of the body. On top of the compress it is desirable to cover with a warm bandage. Instead of alcohol, you can use camphor oil for external use, it is desirable to mix with sunflower oil in equal proportions, so as not to cause an allergic reaction of the body.

With catarrhal diseases with a strong cough, you should rub your chest, back and feet of the patient with camphor oil for the night and wrap it warmly.

Camphor ointment or diluted camphor alcohol is prescribed for the prevention of pressure sores in immobile patients. The procedure is carried out after hygienic measures. The patient needs to process those parts of the body that are under pressure (blood flow is disturbed in them). These places are rubbed with butter or camphor paste, and camphor alcohol in half with water, two or three times a day to prevent the formation of pressure sores. Do this every day until the patient is in this condition.

Be careful - camphor!

There are many recipes with the use of camphor inside, but this is fraught with the occurrence of side effects. For example, when otitis is recommended to drip into the diseased ear camphor oil, for which apply undiluted 10% oil for external use. However, otitis can be complicated by perforation of the tympanic membrane, and getting into the oil can aggravate the patient's condition.

Attention! If you do not know for sure whether camphor is natural in your medicine chest, you should not bury it in your ears, nose or drink, as this can cause serious consequences. It is better to limit the external application and aromatherapy.

Camphor has an easy sedative effect, so it is not recommended to use it for patients whose activities require attention and quick response.

Remember that after contact with camphor you need to wash your hands, since it absorbs quickly enough into the skin, and if you negligently get into the eyes or mouth.

Before practicing self-treatment, test your sensitivity to camphor, placing it in a small amount on the skin and watching the reaction of the body.

Do not inject camphor for injections under your skin, as this can only be done by a competent medical officer. Camphor for injection is diluted with a fatty oil, which can harden when ingested and clog it.

It is better not to use camphor preparations without consulting a doctor.


Since camphor is a powder, for convenience of use it is bred in various substances.

Solution for injection 20% - a solution of camphor in oil, olive or peach for subcutaneous injection.

Before use, the solution should be heated to body temperature to avoid its congelation. Do not allow solution to enter the vessel, this can lead to blockage.

Camphor essential oil is a concentrated product that must only be used in a highly diluted form.

Camphor oil 10% for external use - camphor solution in sunflower oil.

Camphor ointment is a mixture of camphor, vaseline, paraffin and lanolin for external use.

Camphor alcohol - camphor solution in 90% alcohol for external use.

Camphor alcohol 2% - a solution of camphor in a weak alcohol.

Alcohol solution of camphor and salicylic acid.

"Camphocin" - a mixture of camphor, salicylic acid, turpentine oil, methyl salicylate, castor oil, tincture of peppers.

"Denta" (drops of dental) - a mixture of camphor with chloral hydrate and alcohol. Assign with toothache.

Tooth drops with camphor, mint oil and tincture of valerian are soothing, anesthetizing, distracting.

"Cameton", "Kamphomene" - aerosols for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which contain camphor.

"Camphorofen" is a liquid used in dentistry and containing camphor.

There are many more drugs, where the active substance is camphor. The composition of other components in them can be very diverse. For example: ointment "Capsicum", "Revma-gel" "Finalgon" "Sanitas" and others. All of them are prescribed mainly for external use to relieve inflammation and pain.

All the preparations of camphor lose their properties when exposed to ultraviolet, so they require storage in a dry, dark and cool place.

Available without a prescription.

Camphor: Contraindications

There are contraindications to the use of drugs, which include camphor. The instruction for use contains the following cautions.

Contraindications for subcutaneous injection of camphor: sensitivity to the drug, propensity to convulsions (epilepsy), insufficient lactation in lactating women, chronic heart failure, aneurysm (bulging of the wall) of large vessels.

Contraindications for topical application of camphor: open wounds on the skin, increased sensitivity to the drug, a tendency to allergic reactions.

Camphor: apply with caution

During pregnancy, camphor is undesirable, as it easily penetrates the placental and hemato-encephalic barrier.

When breastfeeding, camphor can enter the baby through the milk, in addition, its use reduces the amount of breast milk.

Children of camphor are contraindicated at the age of 2 years, but children in general should use caution in preparations containing camphor.

Camphor: side effects

For drugs that contain camphor, the instructions for use must be observed scrupulously, in order to avoid the following negative reactions from the body.

With subcutaneous injection, there may be a blockage of the vessels with an oil solution - oily embolism. In addition, incorrect dosage or individual sensitivity to the drug can cause respiratory arrest and convulsions, headache, dizziness, increased excitability.

With topical application on the skin, allergic reactions may occur: rashes, irritation, itching.

In case of any side effects, stop using camphor drugs and consult a doctor.

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