
Dicinon: the reviews are very encouraging

I want to dwell in more detail on such a hemostatic drug as Dicinon, whose reviews are often found in various women's forums. First of all, it is necessary to inform that this drug prevents hemorrhages and hemorrhages of various etiologies. So, under the influence of the active ingredient etamzilate, the natural processes of blood coagulability are significantly accelerated. In addition, the chemical composition of the drug helps strengthen the capillary walls, making them more elastic and elastic, and also regulates fluid exchange between the circulatory system and surrounding tissues.

It is important to clarify and the fact that Dicycin does not change the composition of blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and does not violate the state of the circulatory periphery. Therefore, this medical product can be considered not only treating, but also preventive, as it effectively stops various bleedings.

Speaking about the field of application, we can safely say that Dicinon in ampoules has found its wide application in surgery, traumatology, urology, and pills are used in otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, ophthalmology and even dentistry.

Take this medication is necessary only on the recommendation of a specialist, since self-medication can not only not give tangible results, but also harm the body. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it has its limitations on the use and obvious side effects of the medicine "Dicinon". Feedback on medical forums is a clear confirmation of that. So, the drug is banned for individual intolerance to the body, as well as in diagnosing thrombosis and blockage of blood vessels.

Also, we should not exclude those clinical pictures where pronounced side effects are observed. Some patients complain of a rapid increase in pressure, indigestion, migraine attacks, dizziness, as well as obvious allergic reactions, manifested on the skin. In general, Dicycinum is a nontoxic medical product, however its scope is so specific that it can be recommended by a knowledgeable specialist only.

Often during pregnancy, Dicinon is prescribed. Comments on the treatment they often appear on the forums of future mothers. It is important to note that this haemostatic drug is prescribed even in the first trimester for bleeding, bloody discharge or chorionic or placental abruption.

Especially often recommended Ditsinon with the threat of miscarriage, but in such cases, the complex treatment is topical, which is supplemented by the use of certain antispasmodic and soothing medications. In medical practice, no harmful effects on the fetus have been recorded. However, the use and daily dosage of Dicinone should be clearly specified with the attending physician. After all, the correct treatment scheme gives a tangible result after two or three hours after taking the first pill.

But future mothers also should not exclude the detection of side effects in the form of pressure drops, skin allergies, nausea, migraine and paresthesia of the lower limbs. Characteristic anomalies can also indicate overdose.

If you systematize comments about the drug "Dicinon", the responses of patients in most cases are very positive. Many were satisfied with the selected treatment, since all the symptoms of the disease were eliminated in a few days.

However, comments are not always positive. There are also such clinical cases, when due to obvious side effects it was necessary to cancel Dicinon's reception.

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