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Wedding Photographer Or Very Harmful Tips

Wedding photography - at the moment very affordable type of earnings. This is due to the fact that people married, get married and will marry, and many couples need a wedding photographer for a wedding , capable of capturing those or other moments of the first family holiday - a wedding.

As you know, demand creates supply, but the current trend is that the cost of entering the business of wedding photography is very low. A good enough camera can afford almost every second, and the Internet abounds with a large number of lessons and master classes both in photography and in image processing.

Some people who picked up a camera get a weekend income (referring to photographing weddings as part-time work), some take photos of wedding celebrations with their basic earnings. But only a few achieve serious heights in this type of activity.

This is due not only to the fact that this path is very difficult, but also because every third wedding photographer becomes infected with great pride and believes that since he picked up the camera and got the first skill, now he will be given an Oscar for the most brilliant wedding Photo. Speech about the training is not worth it. There is only shaking of photos and regalia.

Only that wedding photographer who spends a lot of time on his own training and analyzes his own mistakes will eventually achieve success. But it's scary when the wedding photographer does not engage either the first or the second, sincerely believing that the experience will come himself, and talent is enough. At the same time, for all, quite a lot of such photographers can really shoot very well and if they change their development policy they will be able to achieve fairly high results.

In order to change their policy of behavior, I tried to write an article in a somewhat non-standard form. We all remember the harmful advice of Gregory Oster, which were written for children who did everything on the contrary and did not obey their parents. This effect, I would like to believe, will work in this case. So let's get started.

Bad advice number 1. Vivat, wedding photographer, vivat.
A wedding photographer, similar to you, causes admiration and every wedding photographer who ordered you will be sure in advance that you will photograph the wedding perfectly. And consequently, it makes no sense to meet with the customer in advance, to find out his wishes and details of the future wedding. Yes, and show your work as an example - a great stupidity.

Bad advice number 2. Wedding photographer - the king of the holiday.
You wear the most magnificent in the whole world: a wedding photographer. A wedding photographer - the king and god of any wedding. And this means that you are allowed to be late for the celebration. And the delay can be absolutely anything - without you for anything will not begin and will wait for your appearance until it stops.

Despite the fact that the wedding photographer is the king and god of any celebration, the clothing does not have to be royal. The king (and even more so God) has the right to come to the celebration in any clothing. Including in a t-shirt and slippers. You are allowed and everyone will understand. Especially you are a wedding photographer, which means - a subtle and creative nature. And clothes are a reflection of your fine nature, and you can not disturb her, because you can injure her.

Bad advice number 3. Photographic equipment on the brink of fantasy.
You, as a wedding photographer, are so clever that you have picked up photographic equipment equipped with artificial intelligence. And, more plausibly, it was done, just as the Jedi Knights used to make their swords. And this means that before taking a photo, the camera itself will take care of cleaning the matrix and lens, for setting the correct settings and power of the flash, and also for charging the batteries.

Bad advice number 4. Learning is a waste of time.
You, as a wedding photographer with an intelligence level no lower than 220, and let's go ourselves - what and how to shoot you at any time. Then you are a professional photographer . And this means that training for you is a waste of time and effort.

I hope that a professional photographer reading this information will take note of them and take them into account for the future. With sincere respect, the wedding photographer Leonid Starikov.

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