
'Butadion' ointment

Certainly there are no people who would never have received burns or other mechanical damage to the skin of the body. The situation is extremely unpleasant, but quite common. As a medicine, you can use a variety of sprays, oils, and ointments. One of them is "Butadion" ointment. This drug is very well known in the world of pharmaceuticals, in particular, under the name "Phenylbutazone". "Butadion" ointment is used just for burns, abrasions, bruises caused by serious bruises, and even to reduce irritation with insect bites.

Description and properties

Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter

Country of manufacture: Hungary

"Butadion" ointment is available in the form of a small tube of 25 grams. "Butadion," the instruction for its use is also in the case with the tube, does not have a pronounced smell. The ointment has an analgesic and antipyretic effect on the damaged area of the skin, and also gives an impetus to the formation of interferon. A very important property of this drug is that the ointment is very quickly absorbed, literally within 1-2 hours, and is relatively quickly excreted from the body with urine. Under certain circumstances, for example, in the elderly or because of the individual characteristics of a person, the timing may vary considerably. Therefore, before using, it is advisable to consult a doctor, although ointment is dispensed without a prescription in most cases.

Mode of application

"Butadion" ointment is no different from other ointments, and the way it is applied is very simple. Gently open the tube, squeeze a little ointment and apply a thin layer around the place of injury. The process should be repeated 2-3 times a day. Important: try not to get on an open wound, ulcer or abscess. In addition, from contraindications can be distinguished except that individual intolerance to pyrazolone and its derivatives. Ointment perfectly interacts with other drugs. Side effects from the use of this medication can be headache, redness of the skin, as well as a rash. At occurrence though any signs of a side effect, it is necessary to stop urgently use of ointment and to address to the doctor. To date, there have not been any cases of drug overdose. The use of "Butadione" during pregnancy is permitted, but only with the strict recommendation of the doctor and low doses, since side effects are possible. During breastfeeding, this ointment is not recommended. During the application of "Butadione" it should be remembered that the ointment can not replace all medicines. For example, in the treatment of external thrombophlebitis, one ointment is not enough, and anticoagulants should also be used. With a long course of treatment with ointment, it is necessary to conduct a blood sampling every 2 to 3 weeks. If "Butadion" does not help for a long period of application, it is desirable to stop using and try some other remedy. Moreover, during the application of the ointment, one should refrain from certain activities, in particular those that require an increased level of concentration and rapid reaction.

From my own experience I can say that Butadion ointment, or as it is sometimes called in pharmacies "Butadion Ointment", is quite effective against burns, but it does not help much when the hemotoma is very deep or extensive. In addition to the already mentioned pluses, I can add one more - despite the seemingly small volume, only 25 grams, it lasts for a long time. Trifle, but nice. It is necessary to take into account the fact that all people are different, if someone did not benefit from this or that remedy, this does not mean that it is useless. And vice versa.
And finally, we can say that the shelf life of the ointment is 5 years, with a temperature regime of 8-15 ° C.

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