Homeliness, Tools and equipment
Boilers for solid fuel heating: choose correctly
Solid fuel heating boilers are an effective and affordable means to maintain an enabling environment in the home. For a long time, gas or electric boilers were popular with the population. However, due to the constant rise in price of these energy carriers, the views of potential buyers are increasingly turning towards heating appliances using cheaper and more affordable fuel. One of the best options for low-cost and high-quality heating in the house are solid fuel boilers.
Advantages of solid fuel boilers
1. Such equipment allows for the joint use of traditional energy carriers (such as electricity and gas) and solid fuels - coal, peat, firewood, etc. Such symbiosis will be especially relevant during interruptions in gas or electricity supplies.
2. It is possible to start solid fuel heating boilers together with other heating devices (for example, at very low air temperatures, when the main system is not able to raise the room temperature to a comfortable level).
3. In areas where there is no centralized gas supply or insufficient power at power lines, the best solution would be to install solid fuel boilers.
Types of fuel
Among the suitable fuels for this type of boiler are coal, wood, sawdust and chips, briquettes and pressed granules, coke, etc. Usually, manufacturers themselves specify which material is preferred for this device, which fuel is the main one, and which one can be used as a fuel Reserve.
Manufacture of solid fuel heating boilers with cast iron or steel heat exchangers. Cast iron products are more resistant to boiling and overheating, corrosion and burnout of such heat exchangers are small, which significantly extends the life of the boiler.
Steel heat exchangers are more convenient in cleaning, however, it is much more sensitive to temperature shock. Such devices are cheaper than cast iron, transporting them is cheaper. Steel boilers have a high capacity - up to 80%.
Periodicity of boiler loading, combustion control
Boilers for solid fuel heating can be loaded with wood or coal manually or automatically. Models with automatic feeding are much more expensive than their "manual" counterparts, however they are extremely comfortable to use.
The combustion control is carried out by adjusting the supply to the combustion chambers of the air. In simplified boilers, the adjustment is effected by a mechanical element that reacts to the appropriate temperature and opens the door of the air inlet opening to a smaller or larger value. This method does not require the supply of electricity, but there is no complete control over the smoothness of the combustion process.
High energy efficiency can be achieved if the boiler design is well thought out. The combustion process can be controlled both manually and automatically. An excellent design solution is solid fuel boilers of long burning.
The right to choose the right model remains with the buyer. It is necessary to think in advance what is required of the future heating device, and what additional possibilities can be neglected.
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