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Body wrap for abdomen and sides at home: recipes, methods and efficacy

A wrap for the abdomen is a good additional way to remove excess centimeters. Which formulations are most effective for this procedure? Consider the general rules for carrying out wraps for the abdomen at home.

Reasons for the popularity of wraps

First, this method is easily accessible. The procedure can be arranged at home. Secondly, you can remove the extra centimeters from a certain area - where this is really necessary. So, the wrap for the abdomen is capable of tightening the skin and highlighting the waist. These procedures are very important for young mothers after childbirth. But do not consider the plastering of the body with various compounds as a panacea and the only way to burn fat from the sides.

It is better to pay attention to proper nutrition and exercise moderate physical activity. Because the stomach first of all accumulates fats and is not always in a hurry to part with energy reserves.

How to do the procedure at home

Wraps for the abdomen at home have their own rules and features of carrying out. The general course of procedures should be from a week to 15 days. In this case, it is necessary to wrap the stomach every other day (this does not apply to compounds with mustard). It is good to arrange for yourself unloading - for example, there are apples and yogurt.

The best time for wrapping is two hours after eating. There is another curious fact. From 10 o'clock in the evening in the body begins to develop a special substance - samotropin. This hormone is responsible for losing weight. You can associate this process with wrapping, thereby speeding up the process. Although specialists in cosmetology also do not allocate special time for carrying out the wrapping of the abdomen and sides in the home.

Basic principles of wrapping

Like all wraps, the procedure should begin with the skin treatment with scrubs. You can use home recipes to make this cleansing cosmetic. For example, from ground coffee and a shower gel or sea salt with honey. Scrubs prepare the skin for applying the wrapping composition - open the pores and clean them from sebum. So the active components of the cosmetic agent are better absorbed into the lower layers of the epidermis.

Next, you need to rinse the skin and distribute the mass along the stomach and sides as evenly as possible. For wrapping the abdomen and sides in the home, a special film or usual food can be used. The main thing is that there is no uncovered part of the body. To begin to be wound better from the bottom part of a stomach, gradually moving upwards to area under a breast. There it is necessary to cut off the film and wrap the edge.

It is not superfluous to buy a special thermal underwear - body. You can wrap yourself in woolen blankets and get comfortable in a relaxing pose. At the end of the exposure time, you need to wash your skin and make a light massage using creams from cellulite.

Honey wrap

Honey has a tightening and smoothing effect on the skin. Improves metabolic processes and accelerates blood circulation, thereby reducing centimeters in the problem area. The wrap for the abdomen with honey is prepared in the following way.

Take liquid honey or solid, but melted in a water bath, in the amount of two tablespoons. The amount can be greater, depending on the area of the surface being treated. Then apply honey evenly on the stomach. The body is wrapped in several layers of food film. Then you need to wrap yourself in a blanket for the greenhouse effect. Wash the honey at least 40 minutes. After that, wrap the stomach with a warm wet towel.

Such a wrap for the abdomen can not be called cheap. One small jar may not be enough for a full course. And the product of beekeeping is quite expensive. But the honey wrap for slimming belly reviews collects only positive. Moreover, the procedure itself is pleasant and painless. The exception is people who have discovered an allergy to beekeeping products. The recipe can be supplemented with vegetable oils - olive or linseed. Essential oils will not only enhance the effect, but also produce aromatherapy.

Fruit mix composition for wrapping

Fruit acids accelerate the process of cell regeneration. The skin after the course of procedures is tightened, it becomes smooth and supple. Wrap for slimming belly and sides using apples, oranges, strawberries, mangoes, bananas, saturates the skin with vitamins, and it acquires stable protective functions.

To prepare any fruit suitable. Carefully use a lemon. It can be added to the finished mixtures in small portions. You can prepare mashed potatoes from fruits in any way: meat grinder or blender. Add to the mixture can be olive oil, cream or sour cream. Something one to choose from. The composition is applied to the necessary area of the body and wrapped in film. The minimum time for the procedure is 45 minutes.

Clay wrapping

A wrap for slimming the belly at home can be done using just blue clay. Since only this grade of rock is able to fight excess deposits of fat. In addition, the clay perfectly cleanses the skin, literally pulling dirt from the pores.

For preparation, use the recipe on the back of the package. As a rule, this is the dilution of clay powder in water to the state of porridge. Use the mixture for application immediately. In the process of breeding the composition, metal products should not be used. The exposure time under the film and a warm blanket is 30 minutes.

Features of wraps with vinegar

At once it is necessary to warn, that vinegar is an aggressive environment for the skin. Therefore, the wrap for the abdomen and sides should be carried out according to all the rules and with all caution. You can not use this method if there are scratches, furuncles, cracks and small wounds on the skin. It should be noted that our ancestors used this wrap for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. They took a linen shirt, moistened it in a solution of vinegar and wrapped around the waist. Therefore, such a procedure will appeal to those who believe that the best is a well-forgotten old. Modern methods of wrapping have changed, but the goal they have remained the same - to remove excess centimeters from the sides.

How does vinegar work? When applied to the skin, it has the property of rapidly evaporating and cooling the surface - which is why many use it to relieve fever. When the temperature in the body decreases, the heating mechanism from inside is triggered. And this consumes a certain amount of energy. Passive fat burning takes place. In addition, vinegar acts on the skin as an excellent tonic, it enriches it with vitamins.

Vinegar wrap for slimming belly reviews about the effectiveness of getting decent. Girls for a course of 10-14 days lose in the waist from 5 centimeters. The main thing is to carry out the procedure on a regular basis, but you should not abuse it. Optimal to do the wrap once every two days.

Recipes with vinegar

Recipes are simple and do not require large expenditures. It is only necessary to prepare long flaps of tissue.

Apple cider vinegar is diluted with water in a proportion of 1 to 3. (For example, 50 grams of vinegar per 150 grams of water). Wet the pieces of material and wrap the body around them. You need to do this as tightly as possible. After the fabric has completely dried, it can be removed and the skin rinsed with water.

There is another way how to hold the vinegar wrap for slimming belly and sides. This requires very cold water. It bred apple cider vinegar in a one to one ratio. Next you need a linen sheet. It is soaked in solution and wrapped around the entire body, leaving only the head. Some are also wrapped around the food film, as well as warm blankets to strengthen the action. During the procedure, the legs should be placed above the level of the head. After 40 minutes, you need to wash off the residues with water, but do not use any detergents or lotions.


This is the most delicious and fragrant wrap for the abdomen. The main thing is not to start using the mass inside. For the procedure, you need to buy a bitter chocolate bar and melt it in any way: on a couple, in a microwave or on a water bath.

Use for the application you need to cool to a tolerable temperature mass. Such a home wrap for the abdomen must be made according to all the traditional rules. Ease of cooking and an incredibly enjoyable pastime made this procedure the most popular. Yes, and the effectiveness is confirmed by the reviews of many girls. How does chocolate affect fat and skin? The cocoa product contains antioxidants that remove toxins, and oil very well nourishes the epidermis. In addition, aromatherapy helps to relax and cheers up. And optimism is an important condition in the fight against extra centimeters.

Recipe with algae

Algae, especially kelp, can remove excess skin from the skin and saturate it with vitamins and minerals. Dry algae can be bought at the pharmacy. There are two ways of making a prescription. You can fill the plants with cold water, or you can hot. Swollen algae plates should be decomposed on problem areas and wrapped in a traditional way. Flush the composition from the belly in 35 minutes. After that, the skin should be smeared with a layer of cream.

Wraps with mustard

The most effective of all the above procedures for weight loss - mustard wraps for the stomach. The testimonies of the beautiful half of humanity to that confirmation. And if you talk from a scientific point of view, this is true. Mustard warms the skin well, thereby activating all fat metabolism processes. The epidermis is saturated with vitamins and minerals. Of course, to achieve weight loss of 10-15 kg will not work, but remove the extra centimeters in the waist is possible for almost all women who have been taking a course of wraps with this Russian seasoning. Even those who stayed at their sides, noted the incredible smoothness and softness of the skin, as after visiting the beauty salon.

It is important to know! The course of wraps with mustard must pass according to its scheme. It consists in the fact that the procedure is carried out once every three to four days. In total, you can make a maximum of 7 procedures per course. Then you need to take a break in one or two months. Before wrapping, a sensitivity test should be carried out. To do this, a small amount of the mixture should be applied to the stomach and observe the sensations. If there is itching and severe burning, then it is better not to conduct the procedure (although mild and moderate burning is possible).

The process can be divided into three stages:

  • preparation;
  • Wrapping;
  • Removal.

Prepare the skin with water procedures using a gentle scrub.

To prepare the mixture, the following ingredients are required:

  • Powder of dry mustard (can be bought in a store or pharmacy);
  • Water at room temperature.

It is necessary to take such quantity of components that the homogeneous pulp, similar on a consistence on sour cream has turned out. Apply it should be a thin even layer on the stomach, buttocks, hips and sides. Next, you need to wrap around the cellophane film, put on warm clothes. It is not forbidden during the wraps with mustard to do active housework - cleaning. You can do exercises or use exercise equipment. After 20-30 minutes you need to wash off the mustard composition under the shower without using gels and soap. It was the simplest composition of a mustard wrap, but it can be supplemented with honey, clay or cream.

If after the body was under the film, there is a strong burning and itching, it is necessary to act very quickly. Immediately go to the shower, get rid of the film and wash off the mustard paste. Otherwise, you can get serious burns, which will bring a lot of trouble.

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