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Blaginina Elena: Biography and Creativity

Blaginina Elena, whose biography is closely connected with the world of childhood, is a well-known Russian poetess and translator. On the good and spiritual poems of the author, not one young generation has grown up , the subject of her works is understandable to an adult person. At the heart of the work of Elena Blaginina is Russian folklore. Her poems, songs, tales, jokes, teasers, counters, tongue twisters sparkle with kind humor, and themes: the surrounding world, mother's care for the child, communication with peers, rural nature are close to both children and adults.

Blaginina Elena: brief biography

The native of Orel province (Yakovleva village), Elena was born on May 14, 1903 in the family of a railwayman. Education began to receive at the Mariinsky Gymnasium (the city of Kursk), under Soviet rule, studies were already finished in high school.

From her childhood Elena dreamed of working as a teacher. With this purpose I entered the Pedagogical Institute. Despite the great distance to the educational institution (7 kilometers), the girl tried not to miss a single occupation and in any weather in homemade shoes overcame the unobtrusive path.

She continued her education at the Literary and Art Institute in the capital, which gave her a powerful impetus to realize herself in the literary field.

The literary path of Elena Blaginina

The love of rhymed lines manifested itself in young years and became the determining factor in the choice of life calling. Blaginina Elena, a brief biography, photo of which is printed in many collections for preschool and school children, first wrote poems on a lyrical theme. Her first samples of the pen are permeated with real deep feelings and are read in one breath. Gradually, the desire to write intensified, because Helen did it well, and in addition to the almanac of the Kursk poets, her works were published.

In the future, the work of the talented poetess was turned to the children's generation - naive and sincere in their attempts to study the world around them. 1936 was a good start for the poetess: a poem "Sadko" was written and the first book "Autumn" was published. Then the light was seen by such collections: "Soroka-Beloboka", "Let's sit in silence", "That's what Mama", "Ogonek", "Rainbow".

Blaginina Elena, whose biography is interesting to fans of her literary talent, was not only writing poetic lines. The author was a talented translator: she could easily acquaint the domestic reader with the works of Taras Shevchenko, Lev Kvitko, Maria Konopnitskaya, Julian Tuwim.

Did not forget Blaginin Elena, whose biography is a vivid example of purposefulness and love for poetry, and an adult audience for which two collections of poems were published: in 1960, Window to the Garden, and in 1973, Skladen.

Creative contribution to children's literature

In her personal life, Elena Blaginina was married to the Russian poet Georgiy Obolduyev, whose original work for many years hid from the reader Soviet censorship. About his original and bright wife, the poetess subsequently wrote a book of memories.

Many works by Elena Blaginina have been translated into other languages, and the best have entered the national fund of the children's book, becoming in one line with the poems of Samuel Marshak and Korney Chukovsky.

A talented poetess, the favorite author of many children, lived a long life, which put an end to April 24, 1989. Elena Blaginina, whose biography entered the history of Russian literature, is buried in Moscow at the Kobyakovo Cemetery next to her husband.

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