Health, Preparations
"Betamethasone" (ointment): instruction manual, reviews, analogues
What are the uses of the external agent Betamethasone (ointment)? Instructions on the use of medication, indications for its use will be considered in this article. In addition, we will tell you about whether this drug has analogs, adverse reactions and contraindications. Also, your attention will be presented to patients' reviews of this drug, information on its composition and properties.
Composition, description and packaging of the preparation
What substances contain the agent "Betamethasone" (ointment)? Instruction for use states that the active ingredient of this drug is betamethasone dipropionate. It also includes such auxiliary elements as water, imidourea, phosphoric acid diluted, methylparaben, sodium dihydrogenphosphate monohydrate, mineral oil, macrogol cetostearyl ester, glycerol, dimethicone 350, paraffin white, cetostearyl alcohol and propylene glycol.
The medicament in question has a uniform consistency of white color. Ointment is sold in tubes of 15 grams, which are placed in cardboard packages.
Pharmacodynamics of the external preparation
What is an external remedy like Betamethasone (ointment)? The instruction, applied to this drug, says that it refers to synthetic corticosteroids (hormones of the adrenal cortex).
The medication is capable of exerting an anti-inflammatory effect. It blocks the output of anti-inflammatory mediators to the area of inflammation and lysosomal enzymes in the intercellular space, as well as the migration of leukocytes.
What else can be said about the preparation "Betamethasone"? Ointment suppresses phagocytosis, stops the development of edema in the focus of inflammation and weakens the permeability of blood vessels.
Properties of the medicinal product
What are the properties of the drug "Betamethasone" (ointment)? In its effect on the skin, its effect is greater than that of Hydrocortisone. In addition, this drug has a lot of similarities with Prednisolone.
According to the instructions, the ointment under consideration can reduce the level of inflammatory fluid in the tissues, and also improve their microcirculation.
This drug has anti-allergic properties. Its active element accelerates the healing process and slows down the side reactions. It should also be noted that the excipients that make up the drug, well soften the skin and contribute to the removal of their coarsened particles.
With regard to therapeutic treatment, the drug "Betamethasone" (ointment) is ideal for people with dry skin. This is due to the fact that after applying the medicine forms a water repellent and protective layer on the covers.
Pharmacokinetics of the external drug
Is the drug "Betamethasone" (ointment) absorbed? Experts say that when using the drug locally in therapeutic dosages, its absorption is insignificant and amounts to approximately 13-14%. The response with proteins is 64%.
The drug is transformed in the liver. It is excreted as metabolites, mainly through the kidneys. Also, the medicine is taken out with bile.
In the presence of inflammation and damage to the skin, as well as in the case of using occlusive dressings, the absorption of betamethasone is improved.
Indications for use
When an external preparation such as "Betamethasone" (ointment) is prescribed? The instruction for use for children and adults says that this remedy is actively used to reduce the inflammatory processes in dermatitis and eczema, including flat red lichen, photodermatitis, neurodermatitis, nodal prurigo, discoid lupus erythematosus , lipoid necrobiosis, pretybic myxedema and erythroderma.
It should also be noted that this medication is often used for the treatment of psoriasis, which develops in the scalp, and other types of this disease (except plaque broad).
Contraindications for use
Do you know about when it is not possible to apply the preparation "Betamethasone" (ointment) to the skin? The instructions for use (analogues of this remedy have a similar annotation) inform patients that the medicine is forbidden to use in the presence of viral, fungal and bacterial skin lesions, as well as skin signs of syphilis, perioral dermatitis, skin tuberculosis, varicose veins, acne, plaque Psoriasis, genital or perianal itching, rosacea and skin reactions after vaccination.
Among other things, this ointment is not recommended for hypersensitivity to the active and additional substances that make up the drug.
External remedy "Betamethasone": instructions for use
Ointment (reviews about it will be presented below) are used only locally. Moreover, the dosage regimen of this drug should be developed by a narrow specialist on an individual basis.
According to the instructions, this drug should be applied (a thin layer) to the affected area of the skin, gently rubbing with pads of fingers. Do this twice a day.
After there are signs of improvement in the patient's condition, the frequency of use of the medication can be reduced to 1 times a day.
The duration of therapy with such a drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the rate of disappearance of the inflammatory process, the termination of itching and skin cleansing. In addition, the duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease.
As a rule, the course of therapy with ointment "Betamethasone" lasts no more than 2 weeks. If necessary, after 21 days of rest, treatment can be repeated.
As for the treatment of patients who suffer from facial skin lesions and children, we note that in this case the course should not exceed 5 days.
Have there been cases of overdose with the drug in question? If the local drug is used for a long time on extensive skin surfaces, systemic side reactions characteristic of glucocorticosteroids (for example, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system with hypercorticism and adrenal insufficiency) may occur .
To eliminate such symptoms, symptomatic treatment is used, and if necessary, the electrolyte balance is also adjusted.
Adverse Reactions
In case of long-term or improper use (at frequent or increased dosages) of the external preparation "Betamethasone", the patient may have undesirable reactions from the skin. These side effects include sensations of itching, dryness, burning and irritation.
Also, acne, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, perioral dermatitis, hypopigmentation, contact dermatitis, hyperpigmentation, skin maceration, secondary infection, sweating, skin atrophy, telangiectasia and striae appear on the background of the use of this remedy.
One can not help saying that this drug can cause unwanted reactions of a systemic nature. These include lowering tolerance for carbohydrates, Itenko-Cushing's syndrome, and suppression of the adrenal glands. By the way, in children the last pathology is manifested by growth retardation, increased intracranial pressure, weight reduction, fontanelle bulging, a decrease in the amount of cortisol in the blood, edema of the optic nerve and headache.
special instructions
What features of the drug need to know before starting therapy?
According to the instructions, in no case can such a tool be used in ophthalmology. Also, do not allow medication to reach the skin of the eyelids and eyes. Otherwise, there is a high risk of glaucoma, cataract, herpetic and fungal infection.
In patients with psoriasis, the use of Betamethasone ointment can worsen the course of this disease.
As is known, the groin area and axillary basins are more prone to the formation of striae. The use of an external agent in these areas should not be prolonged.
If the patient has superinfections, then along with the ointment, he must be prescribed other antifungal or antibacterial drugs (depending on the origin of the disease).
If possible, ointment should be avoided on the scalp.
The drug is not recommended for use in the treatment of children under 2 years of age (except in cases of strict indications).
In lactation and pregnancy, the use of the medicament in question is permissible, but only on strict indications and taking into account possible risks.
The drug "Betamethasone" (ointment): analogues
Analogs of this drug are the following drugs: Acriderm, Celestoderm-B, Betazon, Soderm, Beloderm Express, Betamethasone dipropionate, Betliben, and Betamethasone valerate.
Reviews about the outdoor facility
Most patients who have ever had to use the remedy in question leave mostly positive reviews about it. According to them, this drug is quite good for neurodermatitis and allergic reactions on the skin. If you strictly follow the prescription of the doctor and adhere to the dosage, the side effects are very rare.
However, it should be said that to some patients such a drug seemed ineffective. In this regard, they prefer to replace it with more effective means.
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