Computers, Software
How do I enable JavaScript?
JavaScript is a special programming language or scripting language that is embedded in the html code of the pages to give them more functionality.
If you disable JavaScript in the browser, then browsing some websites will not be possible or the pages will become static, and, therefore, "lifeless". How to enable JavaScript?
The scripting language is supported by most modern browsers and is allowed to use in their default settings. But if for some reason it turned out to be disabled, you can easily restore it by performing simple actions. How do I enable JavaScript in different browsers?
In order to enable JavaScript in Safari, you need to start the browser and click on the "gear" icon on the upper right. The menu will disappear where you need to select the "Settings" item. A window will open, where you should go to the "Security" section. In the offered list, check the box next to the "Enable JavaScript" line and close the tab.
How to enable JavaScript in FireFox? You must open the browser window or restart, if it is open. At the top left, click once on the orange FireFox icon and go to "Settings", then in "Content." Select "Use JavaScript". If you click on the "Advanced" button, you can set more JavaScript parameters and click "OK".
How do I enable JavaScript in Chrome? Start the browser, then call the menu by clicking the special icon in the upper right. A list will drop out where you need to go to the "Settings" line and make a click. In the opened tab at the bottom, find the section "Advanced settings". Then go to "Personal Data" and click on the "Configure Content" button. A window opens, at the very bottom of which there is an item "Allow JavaScript to be used". Place a check mark next to it and click "Done".
How to enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer? You need to open the browser window and click on the "gear" icon, which is on the upper right. In the drop-down menu, find the "Internet Options" section and open it in one click. Then go to the "Security" tab and click the "Other" button. Scroll the offered list to "Run Java scripts", check the box next to it and click "OK". Close the previous window.
How to enable JavaScript in Opera? You need to start the browser and click on the "Menu" icon in the upper left. A list will appear in which you need to find the "Settings" section and go to the "Advanced" section. Select the "Content" item in the list and tick the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox. Click OK to complete the setting.
If JavaScript is enabled in the browser, and on the visited site a message that it is required to allow its support, it means that it is blocked by a firewall or an antivirus. You need to unblock JavaScript in the settings of these applications. Blocking can also cost in the settings of the proxy server through which the connection to the Internet is made.
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