Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

BCCA: how and with what to accept correctly?

People who seriously engage in sports often pay attention to sports nutrition, so they know how and with what to take BCCA. After all, among the whole variety of sports nutritional supplements, this is the most popular. It is covered with a huge number of rumors and conjectures, but not everyone knows what it is. The article will give clear answers to questions about how and with what to accept BCCA, what is the benefit for athletes and what side effects can manifest themselves.


BCCA are amino acids characterized by the presence of a branched side chain. Before you learn how and with what to take BCCA, you should understand the properties of this product. The bottom line is that in one vial three whole acids are connected: valine, leucine and isoleucine. All of them are irreplaceable. These amino acids are present in the diet in a minimal amount, but it is on them that the intensity and rate of protein synthesis depends.

The most important amino acid is leucine. Its main advantage is that:

  • He as the most powerful power engineer supports the work of muscles in limiting the intake of glucose;
  • From it, the body can synthesize glutamine, which supports immunity against the background of training with high intensity;
  • Without leucine, protein synthesis will not occur, and consequently, muscles will not grow.

People are often interested in how and with what to take BCCA, in which leucine is present, since in pure form this amino acid is poorly digested due to the rather low bioavailability. But if you combine leucine with valine and isoleucine, the percentage of digestibility increases noticeably.

Why not only professionals, but also beginners in sports want to know how and with what to take BCCA (photo below)? In fact, amino acids with a branched side chain have another important property - a beneficial effect on the liver. Exhausting workouts, a large amount of food and a high-protein diet have an adverse effect on the main body of human detoxification. If you take amino acids in higher doses relative to the daily diet, you can restore liver cells as a result, and in this case it will be much more effective than the current expensive hepatoprotectors.

Forms of release

To understand how and with what to take the BCCA girl or boy, you should find out about the existing forms of product release. All of them are taken and combined with other drugs in different ways. Due to the diversity, each athlete will be able to find the most acceptable option for himself. It should be remembered that the period of digestibility and the desired effect will depend on the pharmacological form.


The most unprofitable form are tablets. In fact, this is a common compressed product. The amount of active substance in them is not known to anyone, and the quality of impurities is under big question. The only advantage of tablets is low cost, which is quite acceptable for beginners.

The second relative "plus" can be considered a long time of release of the active ingredient from the tablet. Taking a product in this pharmacological form before going to bed, a person can protect himself from pronounced night catabolism.

To understand how and with what to take BCCA girl, it is necessary to study the instructions to the product, as well as the composition of each tablet, and only then determine the dosage. It is best to trust a specialist if the drug is used for the first time.


A fairly good pharmacological form is BCCA capsules. How and with what to accept correctly, will be described below, but first you need to understand their advantages. In the first place, the capsules are distinguished by their bioavailability and the presence of an excellent enteric coating. They are not able to increase the acidity of the gastric juice, are quickly absorbed into the blood and begin their action within half an hour after ingestion. Following this, the optimal intake time is 30 minutes before the workout.

As for how and with what to take BCCA, the instruction is quite simple. The amount of product taken depends on the amount of active substance contained in each capsule. Together with this, you need to know your own weight, since it depends on how many capsules you need to take at a time. For example, if 500 mg of leucine is contained in one capsule, then an athlete weighing 90 kg will need exactly 6 capsules at a time, as the optimal amount is considered to be 36 mg of product per 1 kg of human weight. All these details are prescribed by the manufacturers in the instructions.


The real champion in the rate of assimilation and the beginning of action is the liquid form. As you know, any liquid begins to be absorbed already when it only enters the oral cavity. That is why the time for the introduction of amino acids into the bloodstream is several minutes.

A liquid pharmacological form is very popular with people doing high-intensity training with a calorie restriction of the diet, which happens when preparing for competitions or is associated with the desire to go to a smaller category. In such cases, the amino acids with a branched side chain in the liquid form are taken during and immediately after training. Due to this, it is possible to avoid considerable losses of muscle mass, which occurs as a result of catabolism. The only drawback of the product is its high cost.


Powdered form of amino acids is used to prepare an amino acid cocktail. It is absorbed as quickly as the liquid. Powdered BCAA are divided into two types: with flavors and all sorts of flavor additives and without them. Adherents of a healthy lifestyle immediately want to purchase the second option, but experts strongly do not recommend doing this. Natural powders without any additives are very bitter, and their smell and taste are so specific that, regardless of the liquid in which they dissolve, the drink will simply be spoiled.

When you take the powder, you need to take into account another nuance. Many people believe that when preparing a cocktail on the surface must necessarily form a foam. This is a great misconception, as modern products dissolve fairly quickly in liquid, and the appearance of foam, on the contrary, indicates a low quality of raw materials or the presence of creatine.

If you use amino acids without a smell, except water, they can be diluted with juice. Calculate the reception should be the same as in the capsules: 1 kg of weight will take 36 mg of the product.

Chewable Tablets

Along with the basic pharmacological forms, one should also mention the specific form of the additive. Amino acids in the form of chewable tablets have a number of advantages, the main ones of which are a quick start of action and bioavailability. This option is considered a dietary product, which is characterized by a high content of essential acids.

Chewing amino acids help to maintain a diet longer and cleaner, providing psychological relief. That is, thanks to them you can eat something sweet, while not harming the progress in fat burning.

It is often possible to meet chewable tablets with the addition of glutamine. They are preferred because, when taken, leucine will be used to synthesize muscle protein without wasting on the synthesis of glucose and glutamine.

How and with what to take BCCA: dosage and frequency of use

The main advice on the use of amino acids is that before taking it is necessary to study and take into account all recommendations on the package from the manufacturer. They are designed to motivate a person to quickly use the drug and buy the next package. The task of the consumer in this case is to look at the contents of one portion and calculate the desired number of amino acids relative to it, subsequently using this particular dosage.

Do not bind to the first purchased product. It is best to get acquainted with several manufacturers and choose the product that is better perceived by the body.

Reception scheme

The intake of the drug depends on the training schedule. On non-training days, experts advise taking 10 g once a day, and on the days of training you need to take the remedy before and after the training. In this case, the dose is determined individually for each person. It depends on the goal pursued, as well as the weight of the athlete. In some cases, a third reception is allowed on the training day - during the session itself, but not earlier than half an hour after the start of the training.

With what to combine

With the use of protein or a heiner, it is possible and even necessary to take amino acids. This idea is quite good, because combining these products, it is possible to provide the process of muscle growth with an additional number of amino acids that are very likely to be used by muscle tissues and for protein synthesis.

The most important point in the combination of products - there are different amino acid preparations and protein mixtures. In the case of proteins, remember that there are soy proteins, as well as proteins that are synthesized from wheat ("vegetarian sports food"). Any vegetable proteins are not high-grade, and consequently, they do not have a full spectrum of essential amino acids. They can not provide the body with a complete protein synthesis. Replenish the deficit are just the amino acids BCAA, the dose of which should be doubled to get a good result, compensating for the lack of the necessary valine, leucine and isoleucine.

Features of reception of liquid amino acids

At first glance it seems that there should not be unnecessary questions about how and with what to take BCCA. The features of the reception, however, confirm the opposite. Liquid bottled amino acids are considered a unique sports supplement, which is often used as an alternative to protein. In this case, we are not talking about sports cocktails, but concentrated gelatin solutions. This, of course, is an excellent product, but it has one important flaw: since the matrix replaces gelatin, the amino acid profile is formed in such a way that arginine and histidine in one portion are abundant, and there is an obvious shortage of essential acids. Following this, the combination of BCAA with liquid amino acids can be beneficial in terms of accelerating the recovery process after training and a set of dry muscle mass.

Side effects

Beginners often wonder whether BCCA has side effects. As with what to take this drug to avoid this, is described below.

The main reason for the occurrence of negative effects is the reception of the drug on an empty stomach. The acids make digestion work, then the intestinal motility and the secretion of the juice increase. Organic compounds are absorbed very quickly, the concentration of digestive juice increases. The consequence of this can be:

  • Eructation;
  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn.

To avoid this will help to carefully study the instructions, as well as contacting a specialist for advice before admission.

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