
'Atropine sulfate': a brief description of the preparation

"Atropine sulfate": general information and pharmacological properties of the drug . The substance is a fairly effective and non-specific blocker of cholinergic receptors.

The effect on the body "Atropine sulfate" is quite diverse. Active components affect the smooth muscles of the internal organs, reducing their tone. As a result of taking this medication, palpitation may be rapid, as well as a decrease in the activity of salivary, gastric, bronchial and sweat glands.

The drug also causes a strong dilatation of the pupils as a result of exposure to the eye muscles.

"Atropine sulphate": indications and recommendations for use . Since the drug has a fairly wide range of effects, it is also used in the treatment of various diseases.

For example, prescribe for duodenal ulcer and stomach, as well as spasm of pyloric sphincter, reduction of intestinal walls. Used for the treatment of cholelithiasis, bronchial asthma and bradycardia, which developed as a result of the increased tone of the vagus nerve.

"Atropine sulfate" is used together with other pain relievers to eliminate the pain syndrome associated with spasms of smooth muscle fibers. And since the drug reduces the level of sweating, sometimes it is used for this purpose. In addition, atropine is considered a very effective antidote for severe poisoning with organophosphorous substances.

The drug is prescribed for patients undergoing X-ray examination of the digestive tract in order to reduce the motor activity of the intestine and stomach.

"Atropine sulfate" has found application in anesthesiology - it is administered to the patient before anesthesia, to prevent spasms of the bronchi, to reduce the secretion of the salivary and bronchial glands.

It is well known and its wide use in ophthalmology - mainly with a diagnostic purpose, since when the drug is exposed to a significant dilatation of the pupil, which allows you to examine the fundus. He is also prescribed to patients with inflammation of the iris and cornea to accelerate the regenerative processes.

"Atropine sulfate": release forms and methods of application . The substance is issued in different forms. It can be tablets, as well as eye drops and powders for injections. Each individual form of the drug has its own spectrum of use.

The drug in tablets and solutions is indicated before eating. The daily dose and mode of reception is determined separately in each case and only by the attending physician.

As for eye drops, the maximum dilatation of the pupil occurs approximately after half an hour or forty minutes. The effect of such an effect on the eye persists for ten days.

Injections "Atropine" is used only in very severe conditions - for example, with severe poisoning, attacks, spasms, etc.

Side effects of taking the drug . Reception "Atropine" can cause some reactions from the body. These include the increase in pupils and partial impairment of visual perception. In addition, it is possible to lose the tone of the intestinal walls, as well as difficulty in urinating. In some cases, the appearance of rapid heart rate, as well as severe dizziness.

"Atropine sulfate": contraindications . The drug can not be used in men with a benign prostate tumor, since the drug will make urination even more difficult. It is also contraindicated in people with glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure, as it only enhances effects.

It is worth noting that "Atropine" can not be assigned to yourself, as this is a rather heavy drug. Take it only after the doctor's recommendations, observing the regimen and dosage of the drug. Otherwise, there may be undesirable consequences.

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