
Basic principles of treatment of influenza and children in children

In the treatment of viral diseases in the child, parents sometimes make such mistakes that can lead to complication of the disease. That's why you should know the basic principles of treatment of influenza and ARVI in children, which are recommended by most pediatricians.

It should be noted right away that the flu is an ARVI, however, it is often spoken of separately as one of the most dangerous viral diseases with serious complications. The main symptoms characteristic of these infections: lethargy, runny nose, fever, decreased appetite, cough. It is necessary to say that without blood tests to determine which strain the child was infected with is impossible. And treatment is better to appoint, proceeding from this. And if for the majority of SARS are prescribed similar medicines, the flu treatment, most often, occurs according to a separate scheme.

However, there are general principles for treating influenza and ARVI in children. The first of these is compliance with bed rest. Excluding physical loads on the children's body, parents reduce the risk of possible complications after the illness.

No less important principle, which is not always given sufficient attention, is the access of fresh air to the room to the sick child. One of the most frequent complications of ARVI is pneumonia, which often occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the body. Dry and superheated air, especially during the heating season, can contribute to the development of this disease.

If we talk about the treatment of influenza and ARVI in children, then do not forget about dietary nutrition. Do not force the child's body, pushing as much food as possible into it. It is better to take food more often, but smaller portions. It is important to observe the drinking regime, especially at high temperatures, since the risk of dehydration of the body is possible.

Also, when calling the principles of treatment of influenza and ARVI in children, it is important to emphasize the so-called "symptomatic approach". That is, fighting against certain symptoms of the disease, even before going to the doctor, among which, most often, snot and fever, parents forget to mention them in consultation with the pediatrician, and, accordingly, the treatment itself may not be prescribed correctly. It is important to remember that by removing certain symptoms, the disease itself is not cured, and it is necessary to fight it. You can only lightly ease the child's condition, giving him a febrifuge, but not forgetting to mention this to the doctor.

The most severe increase in body temperature is experienced by children under three years old. They, among other things, can develop such side effects as seizures and other CNS lesions. Before applying antipyretics before consulting a doctor, you should carefully read the instructions, especially side effects and recommended doses for a certain age. The most effective form for early childhood of preparations that have antipyretic effect is rectal suppositories. In cases where such funds do not help, and medical assistance has not yet arrived, it is recommended to use physical means to influence the temperature, for example, rubbing with cool water or vinegar compresses.

Do not get carried away in the fight against the common cold with vasoconstrictor drops or gel, as their frequent use can lead to concomitant chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Speaking about how to treat influenza in children, it is important to pay attention to taking antiviral drugs. The difference is that the treatment of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections differs in the appointment of drugs. Some pills are recommended for all viral diseases, while others are only for the treatment of influenza. At what the difference in price can be significant. Therefore, do not forget that all the principles of treatment of influenza and ARVI in children are based on the initial treatment of parents to qualified medical care to determine the nature and course of the disease.

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