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At what diseases there is a cough with phlegm

Cough with phlegm is the most frequent respiratory symptom accompanying diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. With a cough, mucus is removed from the bronchi and possible foreign bodies. The mechanism of its occurrence is the following: when the factor stimulating the cough acts, a deep breath takes place, the vocal cords close and the diaphragm relaxes, and the tone of the respiratory muscles rises. As a result, the intrathoracic pressure rises. The flow of air through the vocal cords and the trachea rushes into the lungs. The difference in intrathoracic and atmospheric pressures contributes to the appearance of a cough.

It can occur with inflammatory processes in the airways, with mechanical and thermal effects. Cough with phlegm often occurs with infectious or viral diseases. Sputum can be purulent, mucous or mucopurulent, hemorrhagic. The bronchial secretion may be liquid or viscous and dense.

Diseases leading to coughing with phlegm

1) Acute and chronic bronchitis. The cause of their occurrence or worsening are respiratory viruses, influenza virus, measles, pertussis, bacteria. The onset of the disease is characterized by general intoxication, high fever and the appearance of a dry cough. In the days that follow, a productive strong cough with sputum appears. Auscultatory listening to hard breathing, small bubbling rales are possible.

2) Pneumonia. The causes of its occurrence are the same as for bronchitis. The development of pneumonia can be a complication of bronchitis. At the beginning of the disease, the cough is nasal, dry. Later, the separation of rusty sputum is noted. Expressed the phenomenon of intoxication, characterized by a lag in the breathing of the half of the chest, in which inflammation is noted, the involvement of the auxiliary musculature. Auscultatory sharply reduced breathing, possible crepitation and finely bubbling rales.

3) Abscess of the lung. At the stage of resolution of the disease, at the dissection of the abscess, a large amount of viscous, fetid sputum can be separated.

4) Bronchoectatic disease. The disease is characterized by a long, chronic course, with alternating exacerbation and relative calm (remission). With this ailment, a cough with sputum is prolonged, with separation of mucopurulent sputum in large portions and periodic intoxication.

5) Swelling of the lungs. Occurs with pulmonary diseases, heart failure. Characterized by a cough with the discharge of serous-hemorrhagic sputum.

6) Tumors of the lungs and bronchi. Cough for these diseases is mucopurulent, may be with an admixture of blood.

Diagnosis of diseases in which a cough with phlegm arises is reduced to a patient's examination, examination, percussion of the chest and auscultation of the lungs, as well as additional methods of examination (chest x-ray, spirography, tomography, sputum culture).

How to treat cough with phlegm

For the appointment of antibiotic therapy it is necessary to identify the pathogen. For this, sputum is planted on the flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Prior to the appearance of the result or, if it is not possible to perform the sowing, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed. At the same time, expectorants are prescribed. At the phenomena of bronchospasm bronchodilators are used. If the phenomena of intoxication are expressed, especially with viral bronchitis and pneumonia, infusion, anti-inflammatory therapy is administered in the hospital, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. In addition to all of the above, you can use expectorant preparations of plant origin. Physiotherapeutic treatment, local distractions (mustard, warming ointment) are shown.

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